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Everything posted by cwoy2j

  1. It was weird to hear Tully talking about his failed drug tests while Arn is talking in kayfabe about how they kicked Luger out of the Horsemen b/c he got too big for his britches and that Sting got kicked out b/c he wanted a title shot.
  2. In his book, Foley talks about how Buzz Sawyer took $1000 from Undertaker to train him, basically showed him how to lock-up and start a match and then just skipped town without showing him anything else. I believe that story has been repeated in a few shoot interviews too. Bret also mentioned how Buzz was a prick to him back when he (Bret) was a jobbing in the South.
  3. JBL drops references to the pay windah every now and then doesn't he?
  4. Someone needs to add the Western States Heritiage title to that photo.
  5. It has been reported that diva AJ Lee is in hot water with WWE Management. Last Wednesday during there show Tribute to the Troops AJ "caused a scene". The event happened in Pierce County, Washington. Dave Meltzer reported in one of his podcasts which was posted on Sunday morning that AJ saw NBC personality Michelle Beadle who was also there to host the event speak with wrestler CM Punk at the event backstage and "freaked out" specifically. AJ threw " obscenity laced tired of the popular TV personality. AJ had come off as being very close in her character just has she appears on WWE TV but this was not in a good way. Dave Meltzer reports that AJ has a lot of heat and may be facing punishment for her actions. - Luis A source: Dave Meltzer
  6. She has that divas injury where she turned 35.
  7. In what world can Summer Rae not dance?
  8. Somebody said that Predator wasn't really an Arnold movie. I think that's grounds for locking this thread.
  9. Can we have a surprise appearance by Hulk Machine and Piper Machine?
  10. I refuse to accept any scenario that doesn't end with Venus ending up with Tig.
  11. There could also be some Dingo Warrior matches on that disc as well.
  12. Did Warrior actually wrestle any matches in Japan? I always figured he did at some point seeing as how Inoki supposedly created the Vader gimmick for him (don't know if that's an urban legend or not). I'd also have to assume the second Warrior/Savage match is on there. I don't recall it being on any other dvd. There are probably a few Warrior/DiBiase, Warrior/Rude rarities that can be thrown on there as well as a bodybag match or something of the like vs. Taker that gets put on for curiosity's sake.
  13. Just finished The Walking Dead Telltale game season 1. Great ending. Has anyone played Demon's Souls for PS3? Any good?
  14. So Glaciar is a distant 3? As a kid I always thought it was weird that they played Ricky up as a martial arts master but all he did was chop people on top of the head.
  15. Unser has the type of cancer where you outlive everyone as long as you smoke pot.
  16. Who was better at fake karate? Stan Lane or Ricky Steamboat?
  17. That's what I was thinking too. What could Hunico have done to protect ADR in that situation?
  18. My dad can beat up your dad! Somehow D-Bry's log splitter dad gets involved.
  19. The fact that it sounded like he was saying, "blibba blabba goo, blibba blabba goo, blibba blabba goo" didn't help matters.
  20. Watching the World Class dvd and I never realized just how sad it was for them to trot Mike out there after his accident. I didn't watch much WCCW growing up and I was pretty young so I didn't know just how bad off that guy was.
  21. I always loved, "See you at the paahty Richter"
  22. Trips and Kane start wearing jorts and t-shirts. Stephanie wears jean skorts.
  23. Kane's "not cool bro" expression is even better. "Dude, I know I've set some people on fire and fried their testicles with jumper cables but there's a line Smokey. This isn't Nam."
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