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Stay Gold

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Everything posted by Stay Gold

  1. Have not been able to get an ascendant shard in DAYS. I've tried so many things. I've gotten gold in many Public Events recently and have either gotten zilch, or A.Energy waiting in the mail. I'm desperate to fully upgrade my exotic helm to finally be level 28. So frustrating.
  2. I liked Tales of Xillia but didn't love it. I sold it as soon as I finished it. It takes a while for the story to pick up, but it can be fun. The combat was my favorite part of it. I have no intention of trying the second one though.
  3. I realized I hadn't finished the story, and finished the three remaining missions this morning. The only thing I have not beaten in this game is The Vault of Glass, which I would love to try at some point even at level 25. That was me. Good run last night. It's good to play with people who are patient and relaxed.
  4. I think the headshot problem was fixed for Uncharted 2. Not 100% sure though. It's been a long time. I liked the first one, but two is so much better. I really liked this game and kinda regret selling it. There was a website where I'd download a lot of characters and then transfer them over via usb on my PS3. I had Link, Mario, Mega Man, Kratos, etc. And of course, it's pretty fun to create your own character.
  5. Only a slight nitpick, but Benjamin is already a part timer in NJPW.
  6. I don't watch every event, but they've put on some good shows this year. I attended 2 of their Brooklyn shows in 2014 (+ their 2nd ever show way back when). It's too bad their production quality is terrible/no one watches. As far as what I've seen live - Chris Hero vs AR Fox was a very solid match. As was Gargano vs Strong. And that tripleshot they did in Florida some months back was really good.
  7. I just need one strange coin to get that Warlock helmet from Xur. Been trying for hours.
  8. Anybody down for doing daily and weekly heroics on PS4? Right as I'm just getting into Destiny, my friends are getting out of it. I'm still not totally used to this game, but I enjoy it.
  9. Cool. Judging by Neville's mocap in the beginning, looks like his inverted 450 will be in the game.
  10. I'm almost 26. Farming for spinmetal. When you need it the most is when it's hardest to find. Also gonna need 6 ascendant shards for my next upgrade. Not the most exciting Destiny run today.
  11. I was thinking about going for the $80 digital deal on PSN, but if I have to pay ADDITIONAL fees to have all of the moves + Finlay and Regal than I'll wait for a price drop.
  12. I picked up The Evil Within today. I've loved every single Shinji Mikami game I've played (Resident Evil, Vanquish, etc) so I look forward to this. And I'm jonesing for a new survival horror experience. Fortunately, Best Buy is giving a $10 gift card when you buy it. So I'll use the card for WWE or Final Fantasy.
  13. I really hope they added his rebound Lariat in the game somehow.
  14. Gotcha. I totally forgot about the upgrades after a certain point. Thanks.
  15. The time limit didn't affect me. I was getting from point A to point B (and etc) quite quickly. Thanks Rippa, now I know what I did wrong. Can you explain why In Mass Effect 3 Fuck. Now I wanna play all of them again. If I didn't JUST get a PS4, I'd so do another run. This time next year, I'll go for it. Or sooner, actually.
  16. Spent just over a month playing the whole trilogy for the first time. Probably spent about 100 hours all together. Loved every one of them. Female Shepard is incredible. I started ME with a male, hated his voice and immediately restarted as FemShep. Best decision I made in the whole trilogy. My BIGGEST regrets In Mass Effect 2 In Mass Effect 3 Gonna get the extended cut DLC for sure.
  17. Thanks for pointing this out. According to the fine print, minimum payments are required. Any idea what the minimum is? I'm assuming it's like $20 a month or so. I don't want to splurge 450+tax right off the bat on that Destiny Bundle right now, but I can easily pay it off in a few months at the very least.
  18. I've only seen a handful of matches on Youtube + most of 2013's Americanrana. I definitely like the vibe of their big shows. Chris Dickinson lives around me, I think. He's pretty good from the little I've seen of him. And I dig Busick and Gulak (does Gulak still do Beyond shows?) That poster for Makin' Moves is pretty cool.
  19. I don't know, Kelly is really bad. But Corino can be unbearable at times. I particularly remember him being awful at Global Wars. Just would not shut up with constant unfunny jokes and took away from some of the matches. He would sprinkle in some New Japan trivia here and there but it was still terrible.
  20. The Leakee reference went over their heads, you could tell. Konnan was pretty much silent throughout the whole NXT topic. At times it felt like Wale was giving answers that had nothing to do with the questions Court was asking him. Not my favorite episode but it's good to hear Konnan and Court together. I feel like they can be unbearable at times on their own (Court's rambling, Konnan's constant interrupting), but when they're on together, they try to put each other on check. I have little interest in the other MLW hosts.
  21. I posted the full match several posts above your post but it's a Dailymotion link, unfortunately. Also, I'm not sure I ever saw Credible/Douglas from Cyberslam 99. I'm actually really interested in seeing that now.
  22. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x24546s_chris-jericho-vs-shane-douglas-vs-2-cold-scorpio-vs-pitbull-2-ecw-heatwave-1996-6-13-96-full-match_sport Douglas vs Jericho vs Scorpio vs Pitbull #2 I used to love this match as a teenager. Haven't seen it in many years so I'll have to give it another look today. Like others have already said, a lot of his stuff doesn't hold up too well today but I was a fan back then.
  23. This is the second time I'm seeing "ROH sold out Hammerstein out in 5 minutes" and I don't know where that started. Perhaps I'm taking it too literally. I bought tickets for that show on the day the NJPW announcement was made (February). It sold out in a few months if I recall. They released several extra tickets in April that sold out rather quickly. Anyway, the last two episodes of ROH soubd pretty good. I normally just watch the big shows, but I'm gonna give these tv tapings a shot.
  24. The "what" chants and other shouting from the audience was really starting to bum me out during his Japanese promo. I'm sure I'll get used to the new name. I'm just happy he got a pretty hyped debut, and immediately made Ascension look like chumps. Pretty sure Enzo only did a dropkick, and a roll-up during the match. I like him, but I guess there's a reason he hasn't wrestled much on tapings even before the injury. It was a fun match though.
  25. I've seen Homicide wrestle a couple of family friendly shows here recently. He usually slips and curses during a match, so it'll be fun paying attention to that during these shows. He said something like "FUCK YOU!" to his opponent a few months ago, and then immediately realized his mistake, turned around and said "I'm sorry" to the promoter who was at ringside recording the match. It was hilarious.
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