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Everything posted by AxB

  1. So if the XBox crew is the A-Team, J.T. is Face? Who's everyone else? If the PS3 crew is the A-Team, Havoc is BA because he's the black guy. Cristobal is Murdoch because he flies planes and kills people. I'm Face because I'm the nice one (I don't start fighting until it counts as retaliation, or defending my crew. If Cris kills someone five times unprovoked, and they then shoot one bullet at him, then I feel morally entitled to start retaliating) . And either Reggie or Neil is Hannibal, except usually neither of them is about. We are undisciplined due to our lack of leadership. Two guys came after us in Tanks. I jacked one and used it to destroy the other. They really didn't like it.
  2. I've had Armoured Cars that had no money in them before (they dropped off the Radar as I approached, but I could still see them). I also delivered a High Priority Vehicle once and got no money for it. Those two new races (Stars in Their Eyes 2 and the one me and Cristobal did last night that I've forgotten the name of) are both horrible. Who is voting for these things? I mean, that's the first time in GTA5 online I've been in a race and gotten so pissed off with the game I started driving the course backwards and crashing into people for no good reason (I did cross the river on Down the Drain once to nudge the guy in first back, but that's different).
  3. It did seem that they were trying to push really hard on the idea that the company sucks, and that Country Singers and Nascar drivers are just as tough as the Wrestlers are. Completely the opposite of telling people that this company is great and these Wrestlers are the toughest people in the World.
  4. The jealousy in your voice gave you away. Havoc created a second character so he could have a DVDR guy as well as his HAVC guy. They are identical twins, except one has jobber stats and bugger all unlocks. I thought the whole point of a second character was to see what the other set of clothes and haircuts are like.
  5. I bring this up now because over the New Year, Challenge did this thing called Frst Ever Eps, where they showed the first ever episodes of things like Bullseye and Pat Sharp's Funhouse and that, and as part of that, they showed the first TNA weekly PPV ever (which I'd not seen before). And it was... interesting. They had the opening segment with Ed Ferrera with Dreadlocks being an old perv and Don West being all enthusiastic, and then they honoured some old Wrestlers by having them come to the ring, before Jeff Jarrett interrupted to complain that deciding a World Title in a Battle Rawl sucked but he was going to win. Ken Shmarock interrupted to agree that it sucked, but said he was going to win. Scott Hall interrupted to agree that it sucked, but... so, welcome to TNA, the company that everyone thinks sucks. Then AJ Styles, Low Ki and Jerry Lynn came out to have the first ever TNA match. They lost clean to the Flying Elvises. AJ got pinned. But the losers'd be back next week in a round robin for the X title, for some reason. The Johnsons wrestled against Psicosis and James Storm (because there's a natural Tag Team). The heels won that won too. The Dupps beat York & Matthews too. There was loads of promos and backstage shit going on, but it was all about Double J so never mind. Some jingoistic County music thing happened, but it was all Yay America nad thusly right over me head. K-Kwik said NASCAR drivers aren't his type of athletes, because his type of athletes pass for touchdowns and run for touchdowns, and do legdrops and armdrops. Then they had the Battle Royal, which was a bit of a "Who's this guy?" mixed with the "Oh, what happened to that guy?". Buff Bagwell was in it, and Del Rios appeared as Nise Scott Steiner, Apollo from Puerto Rico was there, and Justice from NWA Wildside (an unscarred, un-inked unmasked Abyss) did a Black Hole Slam that had no name. Lodi was injured so Lenny came out with Bruce, and I wondered if they were suggesting that Lenny Bruce was gay, and if so, why thwy thought that mattered. Steve Corino was there but didn't do much. Jim Mitchell had a couple of guys who I don't know where they went, but one was pretty good. Brian Lawler was extremely annoying. And then Shamrock won. And then Jeff Jarrett came out to complain about it and set up a match with Scott Hall next week. Which I'll never ever see. All in all, if I'd paid for that, I wouldn't want to watch it ever again. And I quite like TNA.
  6. We've got more than two people with World Record times in races. In fact, I've had at least two, both of which were witnessed by crewmates (Evil Neil and Cristobal were impressed with my second. Gonzalez was pissed off and unbelieving about my first*). I'm fairly sure Havoc and Cristobal have World Records as well. It's actually very easy to get them now there's a Race Creator Tattoo wise, I've got the Ride or Die for the GTA Race win + 3 Kills, the Grim Reaper Shotgun for Gang Attacks, the 25 Bounties, the 1000 kills (I think) - I've unlocked it anyway. I haven't got the Burning Heart for 50 Deathmatch wins, but I should because I've won 80+ of them. I think Team Deathmatches don't count though. I joined an LTS by mistake, and it was me and a level 13 vs one guy who was level 7. Two shots fired (from my Assault Shotgun - I'm going for the Tints on that as well the Heavy Sniper now) in the whole match and it was over. Felt so guilty that I carried them through Boneyard to make up for it. Doing Survivals with low level people is my new Good Karma move. I'm hoping that people will reciprocate with my second character (who's up to like 21 or 22 now anyway). On Processed, I liked to go up the stairs and onto the roof, and take cover behind the chimney for the first three waves. You can literally get all the kills from up there if you've got a decent gun. I go into the big Hangar across the way in time for Wave 4 though. You can solo the whole thing from in there, if you get into the trailer ramp in the middle. Memo to people who create Deathmatches: Prison Thugz Fight exists. You don't need to invent an Unarmed Death Match, we've got one. Stop making new ones**. Some German fella for some reason recreated Seal Team Six almost exactly, and ended up doing it against me, one on one. 16-0 to me. Tanks are better than Jets I mean, it's never fun doing a Deathmatch with Tanks in, and even less fun doing a Tank Deathmatch (unless you're going for the Stolen Kills award), but it's tolerable if you win the footrace to the artillery. * I actually got a World Record on the Tutorial Race as well, but I think that was when the records were getting wiped every few hours. ** I did Prison Thugz Fight with a bnuch of glitching bastards - you'd hit them once and miss (ie you'd see your fist pass through their face, but they'd no-sell it and take no damage), they'd punch you once, you'd flinch five times and die. I was shit talking all of them saying they were cheating bastards and let's have real Deathmatch, see how tough you are then. But they all voted for Freemode. We spawned in the same session, six of us standing in a circle. Two seconds later, it's me with Five corpses. One of then wanted a One on One, which I won 5-2 (would have been less but someone else was fighting me as well, and they were off my radar because of the one on one). He then wanted a rematch, after the other guys ran. 5-0. If you can't Snipe, don't fight at Sniper Range.
  7. Once upon a time, a long time ago, if you were watching a Wrestling match and Mike Tenay was on commentary, you knew it was going to be a really good match. Not now though.
  8. So I'm the only one who'd look forward to seeing Rey working big man style vs Spud, then?
  9. I saw this one guy doing a trailer breakdown on youtube and he was all "I'm not going to give out any spoilers, don't worry", and then he did the whole "This shot is from the (event censored), play close attention to the (item censored) because that will be important later... here we see (character censored) reacting to the events of the (event censored)..." basically giving anyone with a brain enough 2+2s to let them figure out the 4 that is the season's plot. So, if you're an Unsullied, don't look at Trailer breakdowns. That one bit is probably from a Dream Sequence or Flashback though. Even GOT doesn't do Dream Sequences or Flashbacks.
  10. Last night, me and Cristobal met someone who's avatar looked like R-Truth. Every time he died, we whatted him. It was glorious. FSW, I hope your crew is called Derek and the Dominoes, because that's what they'll be falling down like.
  11. Cristobal can nudge it out (private joke).
  12. For the guy who was asking for British Crime drama - Accused. Especially Tracy's Story, if you want to see Sean Bean playing way against type.
  13. Less talk, more action. PSN name: AxBloodTheory. I'm not hard to find.
  14. Tell us your PSN name or shut up, Coward.
  15. Harry Potter and the Healthy Gallows Part One: For a movie that's the better part of three hours, this sure would have made a good montage. I probably should have re-watched Half Price Blood before, because it was making little and less sense. What happened to Moody? Harry Potter and the Healthy Gallows Part Two: See, right, when Game of Thrones has Tyrion knocked out before the epic battle and wake up after it, I can forgive that because TV budget, and they did do the Battle of Blackwater properly. But for a multi-million pound movie that always going to make a huge profit, if you're going to have a huge fight with loads (a few) of name characters dying horrible deaths, why are we hiding behind a window the whole time that's happening? What happened to Luna's Dad? Where did Lupin and Osha's son that he was talking about come from? Was that the news she didn't get to say in the first Part? If Belltrix Lestrange is powerful enough to kill Sirius Black but not Mum Weasley, is that because Sirius was actually a jobber the whole time, or is Ron's Mum the secret Badass they should have been relying on from the start? Nice to see an 'It was a Set-up all along' where the Babyfaces were the ones pulling the wool over the heels' eyes though. All in all, I thought the whole Barry Trotter thing was both original and good. But the parts that were, weren't et cetera.
  16. Actually, the reason why I never get many Sniper kills is because by the time I've got my Heavy Sniper out, Cristobal and Havoc have already put a couple of big holes in everyone's heads.
  17. Bully Ray disappeared, even though there were a good 12 or 13 invisible cameramen in the room, getting all those multi-angle (lack of) reaction shots from Anders Anderson.
  18. Sunday night, me and Cristobal (and Havoc) were in session when the most annoying drunk 50 year old spawned in and WOULD NOT SHUT UP. And for some reason Havoc didn't kick him after the first race... and he said that me and Chris were intimidated by him, and that's why we wanted to kick him. So we did a Deathmatch. He had one kill and six deaths when he quit. So probably not that intimidated then. Some poor girl was trying to do the tutorial missions in a Freemode session with us. She inivted us to Cypress Flats LTS, and we actually went. Team balancing gave us two level 3s and a level 80ish, against Cristobal (150 at the time) Havoc (130) and me (135). We just used our Pistols to make it fair. It still wasn't. Got my LSPD Tint on the Advanced Rifle as well as the Combat MG. Now I've got to just do Sniping or Shotgunning for a bit. Only just got 100 Heavy Sniper kills, thought I'd have more.
  19. Last night, I got three different invites to join crews with names like 'Detroit Ghetto Playaz'. So, if you have a female avatar, and you're running around the city with blonde hair wearing just a white bikini*, suddenly some people get very friendly. I was in ZombieWooHoo's** apartment with some guys who were probably teenagers. Zombie phones up Nikki the stripper to come over. I figured I might as well get a lap dance seeing as she was there. Change view, and there's three guys behind me taking pictures on their phones. And then they start texting me saying "OMFG That so SO HOTTT!". And here's me thinking young kids today are all about the super hard internet porno all the time. Finally got my Orange tint on the Advanced Rifle. Next stop Blue (LSPD). Got the Scoped Out Award as well (Broken Skull Tattoo unlock)... I've somehow got a bronze on Pistol Whipped but I don't know how. * There's an apparently New Deathmatch at the Richman Mansion (the guy top of the Leaderboard has done it 5 times, as of last night). I thought I'd get in costume for it. ** She's in the DVDVR Crew sometimes. She's one of those people who joins the crew of the highest level person in the room. She's a girl with a boy avatar, I don't know why.
  20. Of all the Jason Statham films in the world, BLITZ may very well be the most Stathamic. It also has the most random people from TV shows from before they were in TV shows (Walking Dead's Governor, Littlefinger and Gendry from GOT, Vod from Fresh Meat)... the film makes little sense, and the ending makes none at all. And when you've got jacked up muscle-dude Statham and skinny fat, pasty non-athletic Aiden Gillen in the same movie, which one do you get to be constantly shirtless? Gillen, obvs. You should watch it, it's really good.
  21. Indeed. I thought the schedule was TV in Ireland, TV in Scotland, ONO x 2 in Birmingham and London, and then TV in Manchester? Because guys with Southern accents (or Mid-Atlantic accents in Magnus' case) don't have a problem getting over as heels up North, like.
  22. So, my personal best Kill/Death ratio is now 5.0. Although that's wrong because of division by zero. Did one of those locked & pickups, Team 2 vs 2, 10 minutes 10 kills. My partner got 5 kills and 2 deaths. I got 5 kills and no deaths, and picked up nothing but regular pistols. I had thought that going 11-4 yesterday was impressive (in a team first to 20), but then I outdid it In other news, I keep joining random Deathmatches to try and get extra Advanced Rifle kills*, because one blue gun isn't enough blue guns. And my Heavy Sniper is still black somehow. * I created a Deathmatch called Peekaboo with Rifles to try and grind out extra ones easily. Nobody ever joins it.
  23. How would you know what people do? You're never on. Even Gonzalez has been on more than you, and I've not seen him since like October. (reads more of the thread) You're not crew. That's it, someone change his name to Fat English Traitor. He definately deserves it now.
  24. The problem with playing just to unlock Gun Tints, is that when you get the LSPD Tint on your Combat MG (like I do), it feels less worthwhile to keep going for other weapons. Which is why I was playing Skyrim mostly last week. Was back on last night, Reggie 20x6 was in the game for a bit. Did the Maze Deathmatch as a team deal, with four guys in the forum. Me (level 130) vs Three guys (level 26, 68, & 84). I lost, 17-16. But it's a moral victory anyway - at the end, when the player blips become visible it was 17-14, and they were all running for their lives to stop me getting the tie. Saving Ryan's Privates is awful. Deathmatches with Tanks in are just pathetic... if Rockstar wants to improve the game, they need to either remove Tanks altogether, or make it so they're a lot slower, weaker, or have poor visibility.
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