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Everything posted by tbarrie

  1. So how many people are likely to be submitting lists, anyway? I'm curious how much my comically underinformed opinions would skew things, should I find time to put a list together.
  2. Agreed. It's like the cliche about how you can't con an honest man. Yeah, Rusev and Lana going to that length to set the guy up is kind of weird, but if Enzo does the decent thing he walks away scot free.
  3. Wow, I only actually remembered the Smackdown one. That's a lot of rumbles.
  4. They did a second one at least one year, didn't they?
  5. I just discovered this existed last year, and it's pretty awesome. It's really short though, and abbreviated to the point that I wonder whether kids who don't already know the story could follow it.
  6. The comparison is unfair to Hollywood Cibernetico anyway.
  7. That makes more sense, as nobody would need to bulk up to handle Slick.
  8. When did Ambrose ever have a competitive match with Brock, though?
  9. Yeah. When doing a piledriver, you keep the guy's head tucked between your thighs. It's kind of crucial to the illusion that you're driving their head into the canvas. Steen would just hold guys awkwardly in front of him while flopping on his ass.
  10. Or, alternatively, maybe a move that doesn't look like hot garbage?
  11. That's shockingly encouraging if true.
  12. Where are people finding restaurants where you still don't enter the tip into the machine yourself when paying by credit card? Is it an American thing?
  13. What bothers me more is that it didn't even seem strange to me until you pointed it out.
  14. I assume you immediately created a Frankenstein's monster out of them.
  15. Yeah, Bailey ending Charlotte's streak at Wrestlemania sounds good in theory, but how do they fill the time between now and then? It's not like they've got a deep roster of women for Charlotte and Bailey to go through in the meantime. Bailey doing what Sasha couldn't in the near future followed by a Sasha heel turn works better,
  16. That's interesting. I keep meaning to post somewhere how I think that match might be better than their overrated Iron Man match. I certainly wouldn't call it "pretty crappy".
  17. It's because they want your career to die.
  18. Well, "very lucky" implies I actually care what happens to my settlements. If I did, I'd probably show up when they're attacked. But I take your meaning.:)
  19. Huh, I didn't realize Redemption was backwards compatible. My Fallout 4 box may actually become multifunctional.
  20. So would I, mostly because I've already played Skyrim.
  21. Yeah, those ones. I never considered the fact that you couldn't repair them (never did any work at Covenant at all, actually; it seems pretty built up to start), but I had noticed that they didn't count towards the settlement's official Defence score, which led to the settlement being unhappy about its defence, despite being a veritable fortress. (They're also unhappy about the fact that they don't produce enough food or water. Not sure why none of this seemed to be a problem before I took over.) Since my last post, I've also had Starlight Drive-In successfully defend itself twice - which is odd, because the drive-in actually has no defences at all. So the system is definitely borked. Strange that I'm getting all these successful defences now, though. Do you suppose they tweaked the formula in the latest patch? The release notes don't say anything about it.
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