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Everything posted by RonL21

  1. I had no idea 12 Years a Slave was coming out Friday. Apparently, it tested so well and critics loved it, that it was moved from December 27 to October 18. Never seen a movie moved up that many weeks, let alone two months.
  2. Also on effects, Transformers should have won over the Golden Compass. The "Autobots Come to Earth" sequence is one of my favorite scenes ever.
  3. Forgot about Ben Affleck getting snubbed for Best Director last year. Though, I'm sure they figured they make up for it later in the night with the Best Picture win
  4. As much as I hated his Oscar bait phase after The Truman Show, Jim Carrey should have gotten nominated for Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. Will Smith had a long Oscar bait phase. Probably should have won for Ali. Pursuit of Happyness and Seven Pounds did nothing for me. Good movies, though. Enemy of the State is still my favorite Will Smith movie
  5. Denzel Washington should have won Best Actor for Malcolm X but the Academy had to give their "we screwed up before, so here's your Oscar" award to Al Pacino. I fear the same fate for DiCaprio.
  6. I don't know. AMERICAN BEAUTY is right there.I haven't seen American Beauty. I guess it would be worth a look-see. Right?
  7. Actors or films that didn't get nominated and films that were overrated. Always felt that WALL E should have gotten a picture nod. Leonardo DiCaprio should have gotten nominated for his role in Django Crash might be the most overrated Best Picture winner I've seen
  8. So sad I didn't remember the reference. I was like 6 when that first aired. :-(
  9. Because it's not fair to Flair.How so?
  10. Why a WWE video game hasn't allowed you to recreate the 92 Royal Rumble is beyond me. That picture of Flair brought up the thought.
  11. His contract wasn't Executive when the Policy was first implemented, was it?
  12. The Rock, too, I'm guessing. If Hardcore Holly's book is to be trusted (and he flat out admits he was on roids so he's not hiding anything), when they first enacted the Wellness Policy, Undertaker and Ric Flair flat out refused to take any testing and nothing happened to them... so the "top guys are immune" policy might have some truth. Holly had a couple good Taker stories in his book. One where they were in the locker room watching the Bart Gunn/Dr. Death Brawl for All match. Holly had been talking up Gunn all day and Taker turned to Holly and said "That's your Boy, right?" They bet $50 or $100 I can't remember which and of course Taker gave Holly the money and was pissed the rest of the night. Another was when they first implemented the dress code and Cena and Taker were the only ones that didn't have to follow, but Taker did anyway, "Cause the Boys had to do it"
  13. Question: If John Cena violated the Wellness Policy, do you guys think the WWE would cover it up?
  14. See wasn't selling at all. The one time she did sell she was more worried about taking the bump and the sell was super delayed. Just looked bad.
  15. I would imagine the Falcons will accommodate Gonzalez and trade him to a contender if he asked. Maybe one last ride with the Chiefs? I'm not sure how the Chiefs salary cap situation is, but I'm sure they'd entertain the offer
  16. Random, but does anyone remember who won the Karate Fighters tournament? I think it back in 95-96.
  17. Roseanne really started to go downhill once they won the lottery and killed the entire feel of the show. Dan cheating with his nurse was another reason as well. Just didn't feel the same. EDIT: Nevermind. I didn't realize all of this happened in the last season. Guess this is point proven
  18. The Wire is a great example of a critically acclaimed show that didn't really have great ratings. It seems to have gained a great word-of-mouth popularity due to people like me who sing its praises and DVD Sales. I also think three things that hurt the Wire when it was on air was the majority Black cast, the local Baltimore slang/diction, and the pace of the seasons. As essential as they were, the first couple episodes of the seasons can be a chore to get through but once you hit episode five, it was balls to the wall great TV and you end up appreciating the early episodes. The Wire perfected the "slow burn"
  19. Your Week 5 NFL Maps http://506sports.com/nfl.php?yr=2013&wk=5
  20. Including the Kane return to save the day. Hasn't Kane's returns always gotten a great reaction? I mean, they have to make his return to save Bryan, right? It really almost writes itself and that pop will be glorious.
  21. Gravity has actually gone up to 97%. Don't think I've seen a movie with 50 or more reviews go up before.
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