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Brandon Bones

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Everything posted by Brandon Bones

  1. The 1st Round of the SuperManch Tournament.
  2. Brandon Bones died in the ring, months ago at ManchMania. Dan Crane (an old rival of Bones) was revealed to be Kid Christians father on the same show. But now... Bones, using the magical powers of the Shadow King to sacrifice Kid Christian and place his soul in the body of Brandon Clones. A younger larger and injury free version of Bones. Now Crane has assembled his old crew the MVWO for the first time in over ten years. Bones (who stole the moniker of the VWA from the 6 original wrestlers from the old NES Pro Wrestling game) has also reunited with his former stable mates Johnny Uppercutt and Franklin Delano Fisticuffs. They battle in 6 Man Tag action.
  3. The real draw for me has been how surprisingly competitive and competent the matches turn out to be. I’ve had Iron Man matches where the score switched leaders a couple times. In one instance in a 60 Min Iron Man a guy got destroyed for the first half hour only to rally in the second and came within 1 point of winning. The key of course, is getting those settings right in both the options menus and attributes. I tend to push more defense and less in offense to give matches a chance to breath. I even experimented with some guy who had maximum and minimum attribute points. Neither turned out to be a guarantee of a win or loss. Check out the main event in this video. Lots of great heat building, one really great near fall, and a crushing finish. Plus, you can make fun of my announcer voice.
  4. Are you playing the game or using it to sim?
  5. I’m a little late to the 2k19 shout out in this thread. But just wanted to add one more check in the win column for my purposes is one of the best wrestling games ever. I just recently completed 3 seasons of my sim league with a bunch of my buddies. Two of the seasons were in 2k19. Once I finally wrapped my mind around the best settings in the options menus... this game performed. Historically (The MVWF has been around for 20 years) I really thought nothing was going to top No Mercy as a simulator. Plus the GameCube games really put out as well. So even though I don’t really play this game. I can say it delivered.
  6. Got it! Only gifs of his entrance from this point forward. ?
  7. I’m thinking that my love for everything in the final 4 has eclipsed whatever criticism could be rightfully applied to the prior 8. But I really can’t even care that much about them when I got so much payoff at the end. Watching all in a session is a good choice.
  8. I’m really caught off guard in how much Clone Wars has exceeded my expectations. I generally avoid movies and shows with this type of animation. Whatever it is it about it, gets in the way of my being able to enjoy this brand. But Clones and Rebels takes such time and care in building story and characters. I’m really impressed.
  9. Wow. After all this time. King Slender has a first name (and a demotion).
  10. I saw the David Starr match from an OTT recently and he won me over. But I skipped the Blackpool show. So I’m definitely going to run back to check it out.
  11. Pretty fun show. Loved the 7 man tag. That Jordan Devlin fellow has a lot of upside. He’s like night and day from his blip on the radar in the UK tournament a couple years ago.
  12. Another really good episode. I love this Woman’s Division. But in wondering out loud. Does Ripley win it right away or does this have the legs for a long term chase? I’d hate for a first shot loss at the title take the wind out of her sails. I might answer my own question thinking that Ripley is a baby face but not an underdog baby face.
  13. I love The Dark Order. Hopefully my grandparents wont disown me.
  14. Good grief... this game. I have a very different criteria for what compel me to buy a wrestling game since I don’t really play them. I use the ones I’ve bought to run my simfed with my buddies. So every year when I read reviews and feedback. I’ve often taken it with a grain of salt as it concerns listing the negatives because for me they often don’t apply. But wow do some of the videos I’ve seen talk me out of buying this bullshit attempt at a game. Which is too bad. In the simfed, I’ve got a character that is categorized as sort of a magical Undertaker type. So some of those gothic hellscape arenas might have served my purposes just fine. Booooooo! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6H98nXl3YOcRlxL7iVk_Pg
  15. I like Mauro because of his passion. Something the other WWE announcers have lacked since JRs heyday.
  16. It’s probably a confidence thing. Rationalized by some guys that have wrestled in huge venues and small venues. So they figure they can squeeze a dive into any space without an issue. That ringside area should be a bit bigger for those attempts.
  17. I very much liked this show. My shins are terrified of guardrails. But I very much liked this show. Loved The Judas Effect tonight. Which is better. Angelico and Evans are my favorite tag team. I didn’t miss Moxley.
  18. There was a time when it seemed you couldn’t have a match without one.
  19. The update has killed my LG TVs WWE app. It signed me out AND the new interface doesn’t allow me to sign back in. I pivoted to getting the app on my PS4. Saul Goodman. But still weird lame.
  20. I had similar thoughts and feelings on this show that some here did. I just didn’t think any of them ruined the show. Several of the reactions to entrances seemed to expose a lack of overness in the undercard. As well as the early parts of the first 3 matches. No matter because ultimately, the work eventually hooked the live crowd and they got into it. Dawkins and Yim however, I think, did not have much to offer. For a main event that went 51 minutes I was surprised that the crowd reaction was as solid as it was since burn out is the common mistake these days. I’m with some of you in hoping this feud is over now. But that match was awesome.
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