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Brandon Bones

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Everything posted by Brandon Bones

  1. I think it was an ROH show called Honor Reclaims Boston(?). Davey Richards and Rocky Romero had a really bad match in the opener that thankfully had better matches on the show afterwards. He wasn’t quite “a steel cage Davey Richards” yet. But he would get there eventually.
  2. So a buddy of mine just texted me. He just now found out Sami Zayn was El Generico. I laughed at him. Good times!
  3. I really underestimated this episode prior to seeing it. I didn’t feel very motivated to watch it. Sammy’s run as champ had petered out. Even The Inner Circle wasn’t backing him up. Ironically, I really appreciated this being the match that he go out in. A last match of the night main event against one of the big guys in the company. Sammy will be fine overall, but there will need to be gear shift. I’m back on the train with Cody and his narrative. It stands out compared to the going’s on of the rest of the roster. Cody is going to learn that when he goes against his nature with baby face moonsaults that have a habit of missing. Instead, overwhelm and over compensate with killer moves that keep your feet on the ground. He is listening to Arn. Can definitely see Leyla Hirsh getting some character elevation out of some beef with how Statlander treated her during the match. The nose boops could very much be interpreted as condescending making the handshake come across as phony. Good match. Hook is a killer. Do not question his No sells. ? Big Bear guy got up there for him. Kudos.
  4. Finally caught up this morning. I think I was bitching a few weeks back about how unconnected The Pinnacle is presented. But getting matching gear for a Trios main event sure does make up some ground. Plus the match fucking ruled. For as much Battle of the Belts is being hyped as a Clash of Champions template. This show sure felt like a Clash to me. Big opener, featuring a plot twist at the end, opening more questions remaining to be answered. Bricks laid for upcoming championship matches. A worthy main event that spent on some time but not all it’s credit. Not one promo overstayed it’s welcome. Ass Pounding Chefs kiss! I’m concerned about the Christian/JE status as I fear that an act I DO really like (the entrance music is grating on me, bring back the original) is being swallowed up by the enormity of everything surrounding it. It makes me think a Christian heel turn might fall flat and JB doesn’t get elevated out of it. A couple of excellent matches might change my mind on how borderline that fear is. But when Bryan Danielson is in town eating the roster buffet… it’s going to be harder to stand out.
  5. You spoke the evil ones name. Now I must wash in olive oil and Fire and Ice cds.
  6. The proposal of doing a 60 minute draw on the live weekly broadcast sounds really risky in the boardroom if you can’t present it in a way that doesn’t kill the room. That’s why there probably weren’t that many people considering a draw as the outcome prior to the match happening. (They certainly unintentionally signaled a bunch of times in the broadcast at the draw possibility). But I really don’t think how it worked out resulted in any way that gives it a negative grade. Adam Page (I thought) needed a big win to get his reign going and change his identity from perennial challenger to worthy champion. But AEW doubled down on AmDrag pulling the best singles match of Hangman’s career. Instead, THIS is the rung he steps up on to elevate and he still has something to chase in a rematch. And yes, the finish does suggest Page as having found the way to beat the guy who spent that hour kicking his ass. That’s good shit, pal. Good work. One last thing. After two high profile draws. The next time they project another one, AEW could probably do the last second finish.
  7. Who likes wrestling? I like wrestling! Last night… I got wrestling! Count me in on being gobsmacked by how deep the tank is for Bryan and Page. It looks like we are supposed to walk away thinking that Hangman had it won but for a few seconds. Which is fine. But I’m going to nitpick the booking a little bit here. But I’m not a huge fan of Hangman’s FIRST title defense being a draw. But considering the quality it’s hard to be too upset about it. Especially since I’m really wondering what’s next. The rest of the show was a blur. But that’s more on me because I’m an emotionally crippled introvert working retail during the Christmas season. Exhausted!
  8. What a great scene of Yelena in the bathroom. Showing the blip as an experience on both sides was kinda nutty. Finally! Getting the Kingpin back is great. First and foremost, I just didn’t want to collapse of the Netflix Marvel stuff to go to waste. D’onofrio’s performance in season 1 of Daredevil is one of my favorites ever. So to say I marked out at the reveal is an understatement.
  9. So Taz has an above ground pool with flames on it?
  10. Surprise Bitch! It’s another good episode of Dynamite. Outside of a couple of production snafus. There isn’t much to complain about. Good times! Hayter is really great at wrestling. Once we get past the current big storylines. It would be a crime to not push her to the moon. I’m not a big RIHO fan. But she was excellent as well last night. The show seemed overly busy with two multi-man tag team matches. But they were both great and featured the return of one of my favorite characters. Sue. That minivan entrance better be available in the AEW game. Hook! Feel free to keep that catch phrase I posted here last week, brother. I missed Thunder Bae on this weeks show. I love you, AEW.
  11. If Thunder Bae doesn’t win… I riot. Like… beware and stuff.
  12. Another enjoyable weekly wrestling program that will most likely be damned with faint praise. But with such high standards week to week… it’s bound to happen. That being said there was a lot to like and possibly love about this show. I’d be handing out bonuses for whoever has been an agent(s) on some of these matches. Statlander taking the close loss didn’t hurt her at all and STING is chugging along at high level efficiency. Andrade was fucking awesome putting over Cody. Really liked the Punk match and promos afterward. I’m going to guess Punk finds a way into the upcoming battle royal? After two weeks of promos (and Bryan/Page not being able to touch) a bit of contact for Punk and MJF is due. Especially, if Punk takes that ring from him. More Hayter! Lets get some safety rails for the ramp. Because Bryan almost ate shit too. Good times, great short term memories!
  13. All that and a bag of chips. Even a bag of chips pays off in AEW. That’s good gravy. Those burns in the promo got me running to the ER. Well fucking done delivering an all time classic promo battle. When STING made his way out and was just standing there. I’m like “What’s he smiling about?” Then BLAMMO! ”Oh… that.” I’ll gladly sit through a shitty Gunn Club match if that’s the payoff. Thunder Bae and Hayter was so great. Probably one of the best segues to commercial I’ve seen in a long time with Hayter really showing off her power and strength. Rosa hit that slap so hard. Hayter now pronounces it “Cleve-a-land”. ? Take notes Vince. Hot crowd. I’m no Bucks hater, but it was nice to have a night off. Dante actually signing with Team Taz. I did not see coming at all. Successful plot twist. Bryan is just the best. But I’m going with patience with the eventual Page match. It’s seems to be a little ways off before it finally happens. I got a real kick out of the main event. Good action. Great teases. The fans sacrificing a token for a great tv moment. Andrade seemingly panicking over the fans potentially taking over the match. I can see how the belts presence could have got out of hand and ruined the match. But they handled expertly. Overall, this show did really great work in advancing the plots without giving away a goddamn thing. The poster who compared it a well executed RAW formula was on point. I won’t call it flawless. But I’ve no reason to nitpick this week. I love you AEW… but I think you love me more.
  14. Well… Brandon is my unfortunate real life first name. I chose Bones as a last name for a bunch of reasons. I used to be a skinny little fuck with boney ribby ribs and buggy whip arms. I guess the alliteration made me think it would work as a wrestling/screen name pseudonym. Plus my real last name is 12 letters of unpronounceable nonsense. I’m half to actually changing my name for reals.
  15. I’m not going to swear on it. But I’ve heard it mentioned (through some sort of media I consume) that AEWs merch side of things is really disorganized to the point they might not be doing what they could be doing. The suggestion being that while they manage to sell out on T-shirt’s and popular items. They could be doing more but don’t seem to have the inventory to meet it. I don’t know. I’m not even particularly sure of where I’m sourcing this from. So take it with a grain.
  16. Well now. This is relevant to my interests. From what I can take from this at least. I might be willing to throw down some dollars if the game will translate well for my sim league. Game intelligence is of course paramount. So the more capable the game is of selling something of a television presentation, while keeping it compelling for the guys who have a character in the game? The better and more likely it is I’ll continue to run the league. I still use 2k19 at this point. While it’s stretched pretty thin with what it hasn’t done, it continues to surprise. Keeping in mind I book, but don’t decide winners, losers, or finishes. But goddamn, pal. I’d love to have a game good enough to freshen it up. The AEW game seems forever away.
  17. I think the thing to remember when it comes to issues with JR is that ultimately, it’s not really hurting (at least) the overall enjoyment of AEW. I’ll admit though that I have a golden editor installed into my brain to only hear what I want to. I manage to almost never see Peter Avalon matches because his moustache hurts my eyes. I gather I do much of the same with JR because to me he is largely muted. I barely notice him there. I prefer to focus on Tony and Ex because one, I haven’t heard much of in recent years. The other, I’ve hardly ever heard before so what he offers is fresh and new. I’m really glad I posted this instead of an anecdote about “Hey! I did commentary too.” Then tell you all about how I called Boys Varsity Basketball in high school as if it were Monday Night RAW. So what I lacked in product knowledge. I made up for in unbridled enthusiasm and a word set of Vinceisms. To this day I’ve no clue what a Full Court Press is. But I’m pretty sure Billy Kidman does one.
  18. Hello, Season Premier! Now let’s shuffle the deck. Things continue to chug along in AEW. I enjoyed this episode. As I often do. I haven’t seen much of Uno prior to AEW. But he did really well with his role here. Boosted by the celebration segment before it. Unos obvious loss here helped cement this heel construction for Bryan. Cabana next week should really put it over the top. Just stay out of the Pacific Northwest for awhile. Good starter match to get the wheels rolling on the new deal. Bryan continues to be the best dude that ever dude-ed. Ishii’s debut seemed kind of muted without some sort of highlight reel to get the uninitiated up to speed on who he is and what he is like. At least he didn’t seem weird standing next to OC. Decent match. Probably could’ve been better. But I’m nitpicking. Lethal is not my favorite but he was very good in ring here. He did alot better than Ishii did in not having a pre-match video. That Sammy dive was big nuts crazy. MOTN. I understand some of the confusion over Lio Rush wrestling incredible flashy baby face, while the story suggests there is something exploitive in his recruitment of Dante. This one remains a “let it play out”. It’ll most likely be there in weeks to come. Some of the signs in the crowd suggest there may be a level of frustration beginning to bubble up from under the surface. Hopefully, it gets addressed before AEW gets swept up in this insane contrarian culture war. Great show. Some random thoughts. I continue to love AEW. I hope you’re all having as much fun as I am.
  19. What an exhausting show! So much good stuff. On a macro level this show is nearly spotless. Great matches, good conclusions, and the continuation towards future shows. At the micro level there is a fair amount of nitpicking to do. I’m with many of you in the opinion that much of this show could have been either shuffled off to the buy in or somewhere later this coming week. Take your pick. The UFC guys were horrible and seemingly unprepared. I was of the understanding they did work with Arlovski and Junior. But as far as the celebrity match goes… there have been many better presented than this. The finish to Miro/Bryan came across a tad awkward until they called it as a KO making the attempted choke unnecessary. The selling of “conchairtos” has had my attention as Cole seems entirely unaffected by the hit he took. Matt Jackson did come out selling during the ME. It would seem the hit he took basically precluded them from doing the Bucks normal attempts to interfere. But it remains questionable that Matt (at least) would be well enough to be there at all. Though storyline wise they had every motivation to want to be present at this moment. Otherwise, I was pretty drained by the time of Women’s title match. But the show was relentless in its energy and drive. It swept me up in it. AEW remains the best bang for your dollar in wrestling and then some… and then some… and then a bit more. I love you AEW.
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