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The Z

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Everything posted by The Z

  1. I just watched the new Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze footage on GTTV. That settles it, I'm getting this damn thing. Damn you, Nintendo!
  2. I watched this yesterday and I don't think I can share in the universal praise this has been getting. It certainly wasn't bad, but I thought it was far from great. For one I thought they did a really poor job in making us care about anyone else besides the two main protagonists. It takes an extremely long time before the games even start and then the movie just rushes through that entire affair far too quickly. And then the movie ends out of nowhere, just when it starts to get interesting. I haven't even read the books, but this just seems like one of the cases, where you're far better off just reading the books.
  3. Man, I hope so. If only to see the reactions of the over-the-top Davey Richards haters on this board--especially the guy with the "Davey Richards inside a steel Davey Richards" gimmick. I've seen Richards wrestle in person a few times. He was athletic and entertaining. He'll do fine. Come 2018 we will all complain about his botched push to main event.
  4. This is the only thing I ever showed to non-wrestling-watching friends of mine and everyone loved it. It's simply amazing!
  5. Obiously that ship has sailed. You can thank Triple H for that.
  6. Found that on my computer, while searching for the Angle/Big Show picture and thought I put that in there without any comment. It's Mecha Mummy vs. American Balloon and I guess Mecha Mummy is spraying milk out of his robotic boobs.
  7. They've had an entire C-Section on Raw? Awesome!
  8. I remember how Kurt posed for pics with the unconscious Show, looking for all the world like a hunter who bagged a prized bear. Had to be done for for lols. I know.
  9. Wasn't Damien Sandow supposed to be the next guy to get a major main event push? He just lost to the guy, who never wins anything.
  10. You take both Monsta Mack and Dan Maff over Low Ki? You mean you don't want that visual of DHS and Homicide dancing with Handsome Jimmy after a big win? OK, you have a point there!
  11. London, England: Johnny Kidd, Nigel McGuinness, Norman Smiley, Jody Fleisch & ... Layla? You take both Monsta Mack and Dan Maff over Low Ki?
  12. Maybe they should put it up on Craigslist. There has to be some deviant who has an interest in this.
  13. I don't remember, if it was supposed to be funny, but Kurt Angle shooting the Big Show with a tranquilizer gun cracked me up.
  14. I don't know, but now I would like to see a match with Karl von Brock. That guy sounds like a badass!
  15. Geez, Connor O'Brien was first signed in 2005. Granted, he left in 2007 and was re-signed in 2010, but still... Bo Dallas has also been there since 2008 apparently.
  16. PLEASE do!!! Well, there was that one time, when the Great Mutah spit his mist into Yinling the Erotic Terrorist's crotchal region, which got her her pregnant somehow. This eventually led to her laying an egg, which hatched Akebono. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgZZb9i9MY8 Also Hard Gay Tenryu.
  17. Leona Lewis, the British pop singer?
  18. We could easily fill ten pages with DDT and HUSTLE alone.
  19. Except that's over, and done with. Bryan lost the fight, end of story. Is Bryan's fight w/ the Authority really over? Who's behind the Wyatt Family going after him? The devil made me do it? ALL THOSE ANSWERS AND MORE ON MONDAY DAY NIGHT RAW I think Punk Vs. Bryan is more likely than HBK Vs. Bryan, but I obviously can't name my sources. It all makes sense now.
  20. Everyone loves those and I don't think this one has been posted, yet. EDIT: Aw, crap. I should have posted that in the gifs thread, obviously.
  21. Never did I wish for a dislike button more than now.
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