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Everything posted by NikoBaltimore

  1. Next season? I'd say at this point just cancel it. If he's in it do you really want to have episodes with him in it? You could take him out but if he was a main part of the season that's going to look pretty weird.
  2. Ahh, good ol' Dustblue. The others range from good to great, but this one is my default one now. So nice to have this again.
  3. I never tried Evernote, but use Dropbox quite a lot. Never had any issues with it so I'm pretty happy with it. I've tried others like Sugarsync and Box which are generally the same thing. But of the ones aside from Google Drive Dropbox is the way to go.
  4. He's the only podcast I heard that makes the ads worth listening. I get a big kick out of that. Especially when he's really over the top and he does the Onnit ad. Absolutely hilarious. Oh, man, the Cootchietronic 6000. That was amazing!
  5. I think Finn went to do service and Rachel was in NYC. The third season should have been the last one as it went out on such a good finale it could have passed for the series finale. Was baffled by the last one and didn't see one bit of it after the first episode.
  6. Yeah, them plus Taelor Hendrix. The one that baffles me the most if DOC as he was part of a competition for Aces & 8s VP. Not sure what happened there, but thought they'd not use him on his way out like that. Agreed on him in the Wyatt clan. Would love to see Tara in WWE again too, I always was a fan of hers.
  7. I'd recommend any of the interviews he did. I'm sure you're cool with it, but him shooting the shit lately has had some stuff that guys would like more. Sex stuff, farts, that sort of thing. That and the interviews are better anyway to get a feel for what he can do. The Bret one was great, same with Jim Ross too. He had a great one with Trish as well. That'd be a good start.
  8. Fucking computer shut off as I had a good ol' long post on here. Here's the quick version of it: Great show, agreed with what everybody said here. Need to see RVD/Jericho to see if I like it better as it felt like slow motion to me. Wyatt rules, Henry rules, Punk/Brock/Heyman RUUUUUUULEEEED!!!! I would be the happiest fucker around if somebody made a gif of Paul standing there while Brock storms down the ramp. Put a caption saying "Shit just got real" and it's certified gold, man. Though DB's announcement was flat from Cena and knowing this was coming a mile away took some of the fun away from it. Other than a freaking great show. I was there last week in Baltimore and was really pissed at those that chanted "Husky Harris" We did not deserve the show Brooklyn got last night, not even close. That chant confirmed it.
  9. Yes, this does deserve a topic, as holy hell is that show awesome! He's pretty damn good at interviews, and when shooting the shit he's mostly pretty good too. I like the word of the days, the things he can't stand, stuff people need that are sometimes useful, and the wacky nonsense he does when out of his mind. As an avid beer drinker who wanted to cut down some, I can vouch for Steve's advice on Pellegrino water. To my surprise it worked so if I can hopefully get a little less beer gut due to that then I'm gonna be alright. Speaking of him going out of his mind, I just have three words: Beany Body Diet. I double dog anybody to hear that and not laugh. Yes, MLW is great and the stuff on the Observer can be good too, but this show is far and way my favorite wrestling podcast.
  10. Warrior hitting the guy square on the nose was amazing. I got a huge kick out of the hair they're using for him. I know he had the 80s hair, but that looked like it was damn near floating off his head. Almost looked like a female hairstyle with different color. Also found out today that Fuji Vice was filmed in Ocean City, MD. My mind was immediately blown hearing that. I saw the video again and it sure is OC. Crazy.
  11. I didn't know anything about his drug problems, but in the back of my mind at times saw him and thought there was something going on with him. Sadly that was correct. I don't know what they did last season on Glee, but the show's going to change big-time now. He's not in the school, but I imagine he was still a big part of it. Kind of hard to watch it and not think about him dead. Damn shame too. And he was slightly older than me by a few months. Fucking hell.
  12. I am going for Moroni curse words all the way. C'mon, people you know you wanna be called a Miserable Corksoaker! EDIT: Hey, I see this theme in effect already! Cool that as of now we're all Sneaky Bastages.
  13. I'm really digging the Bray Wyatt theme. SHIELD's theme is a good simple tune that I like too. While AJ's new gimmick is Sting-lite, the song is really fricking badass. That is one of my favorites this year.
  14. Any Hogan for that matter. Goodness gracious, Brooke is godawful. She did a better job in 2-Headed Shark Attack than seemingly anything she's done in TNA. But with the good stuff mentioned before I'm willing to overlook that.
  15. Well, here's some good news. I'm finally about to move out to an apartment in Baltimore. It's pretty much done, just have to clean it up and move stuff in. The fact that this is by Fells Point means my poor liver's gonna take a beating (Max's Taphouse nearby? Oh, man...) On top of that, my new job starts Monday and it's gonna be pretty awesome. Then there's the wedding that's coming up next year. Definitely feeling the positive vibes this all brings.
  16. I'm begging for this to be on Hulu. My DVR got a little over an hour of it and crapped out. I need to see the exciting conclusion to this. Can't believe their schedule has the next showing in late August. Who would do such a thing?
  17. I felt pretty good about this episode. The lethal lottery-style theme made for predictable pairings but it was still fun. We had Sabin cash in and do a better than expected promo. We had Taz freaking out over Rampage joining the Main Event Mafia. And best of all, that goddamn awesome ladder match with Gail and Taryn. It wasn't full of "ZOMG lots of moves off the ladder!" spots as it was them wisely using the ladder as a weapon. The way Gail especially would navigate around that was really impressive. I enjoyed this more than than the ones full of insane falls off ladders. Felt more like Shawn/Razor where while it wasn't as good the style was similar in a sense to that. As of right now Taryn Terrell really should be up for consideration in the Most Improved category. She wasn't that good in WWE, but since joining TNA and being a wrestler I'm shocked at how good she got. The angle with Gail has been one of my favorites in TNA, and the two big matches they had have been sooooooo good. What really hit me was the emotion she showed. She was great in showing her knee hurting, and it destroyed her to not win the match. She comes across as somebody that despite her looks has no problem destroying herself to beat Gail. So yeah, big fan of hers right now.
  18. The only thing missing is some Steel Reserve. But still highly entertained.
  19. Talk more about NXT now that I have Hulu Plus. Maybe I'll get back into Superstars for that matter. Hopefully it's still good. This is pretty much the DVDR equivalent of New Years resolutions. Hopefully this fares better for me than the one about losing weight.
  20. Gotta watch the replay. This back to back with 2 Headed Shark Attack is making for a fun night.
  21. YES IT RETURNS! So happy to see this come back in some fashion.
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