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Everything posted by BobbyWhioux

  1. I'm picturing Mongo as the mannequin to Pepe being the ventriloquist. Seems plausible. Anyways, requested contribution. Arn Anderson walking that line, knowing exactly when to stooge and when to be serious. Heenan taking every opportunity to bash Hogan as much as possible. That rumbling of the Spinebuster as both men hit the mat. And Hogan getting pinned on weekly TV, how rare is that? I think the rematch the following week was a double DQ so to my knowledge Hogan never got his 1 on 1 win back on Arn, and it's nice to think Arn's in that oh-so-select club. Yep, I'm on my way to my personal happy place. It's not even really a particularly good match but it's a fun memory and seeing it again made me smile anew [except I always flinch a little now whenever I see Woman, for completely unrelated reasons] I think Arn being a leftie always caused me to like him a little more, too.
  2. It's why no matter what else, I will always miss Al Davis.
  3. I still want that Spinebuster to have been what ended Undertaker's streak. In addition to agreeing with everything Naimark said, Arn Anderson always acted as though it was all completely real. The audience can't suspend its disbelief unless the performers suspend theirs first, and Arn always did. The night he pinned Hogan was probably my favorite Nitro ever even though that's the only thing I remember about it. Someone should post that match.
  4. I really really regret being honor-bound to root against him Not the first time they've done this, either. One of James Harrison's $50K fines and suspensions for executing a QB (one of the Browns jabronies, might have been Wheeden but I can't even remember anymore) was also being sold as a commemorative still for a couple days before the hypocrisy was so obvious even the NFL.com shop noticed, and pulled it.
  5. There's a fun old timey baseball story about how Ted Williams refused to resort to that to beat The Shift. And how the long retired but still living Ty Cobb was incredulous that Williams didn't do that every at-bat until they were forced to stop.
  6. Quick reminder that Bill Nye is a native of Seattle and veteran of its local comedy scene from way back. "Bill Nye The Science Guy" spun off from Almost Live! (re-used several skits/bits and even some of the other Almost Live! talent, too)
  7. Pretty sure injecting more offense into the game has already been done and a lot of people really didn't like it. So, does Mike Trout [for hypothetical example] get preemptively banned from the Hall Of Fame when he starts hitting .400 year after year because nobody's allowed to shift on him anymore? Or does nerfing defense ruin the record book in a good way?
  8. Oh, it's even better than that. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=12221038 He actually literally says he wants to "Inject additional offense into the game." INJECT TROLL ACCOUNT SPOTTED IN THE COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. Is that not the worst possible choice of words to use in this situation or what?
  9. For me the decision is as simple -- and as agonizing -- as "Do I want to hear Belichek and Brady's gloating post game heel promo, or Carrol and Sherman's?" Oh that I had a press pass for Media Day, so as to ask all four gentlemen to read a transcript of the "Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass" speech so I could then in turn make an informed decision.
  10. Does Andrew Luck have a big enough beard to pull of a reprise of the YES! movement, though?
  11. I'm sure some other team will have a player that does something stupid. It's bound to happen sooner rather than later. People discuss it so much they get tired of it (like Craig H) I haven't really talked about it much and am now really fascinated by what happens. Needless to say I'm definitely not sick of it (yet) But between the Pats and the Seahawks (who have had issues as well) I'm starting to look forward to the commercials more. I guess I'd go with Seahawks but I can't say they're the lesser of two evils. They're more like a different kind of evil that many aren't talking about. This week in NFL stupidity: NFL forgets to book a face; runs Heel Vs Heel main event.
  12. So when does Roger Goodell come out and say Tom Brady has to play with a special elbow pad to cover up the steel plate in his forearm to neutralize this unfair competitive advantage he's been exploiting, or whatever. Oh man I hope Ed Hochuli makes a big production of pat searching the Patriots ballboy before the game starts like he's fucking checking for foreign objects that might be used to scuff the ball or whatever. Just take that final step and embrace the carny, NFL.
  13. A plague o' both your houses. I am sped.
  14. McCarthy unaware he still has all three time outs, apparently.
  15. The Greg Roman of today replaced by the Greg Roman of 20 Years Ago. Great.
  16. I said "make the children killable" came almost immediately. I figure it went beyond saying that the pervy Nude mods of course were priority one and were ready by release date Because Internet.
  17. Werewolf, you say? I'm pretty sure Bethesda made the Skyrim children as obnoxious as possible so that the mod community would make a "children aren't invincible anymore" mod almost immediately. And sure enough they did.
  18. Checking down to the fullback on a flea flicker feels like giving up on your ambitions of being an artist/writer/etc. and settling for a safe dull office career you are good at but resent. Of course, it could be worse: I once saw Alex Smith not only check down to the fullback on a flea flicker, but underthrow him. God the Singletary years stunk.
  19. The irony is, as that fumbled ball hit the ground it was the most perfect spiral anyone could ever throw, too.
  20. Vince wanted to run a football league, it's about time he started stealing booking ideas from football.
  21. Then a month later in the rematch have the heels do it the other way. The guy getting pinned wasn't legal because he didn't complete the process of holding the tag rope. He snitches on himself and his own failure to use the tag rope to nullify his taking the losing fall. Which is a submission, of course, because he immediately tapped to the hold because he knew it wouldn't count.
  22. WWE totally needs to do a spot where a tag team championship title change is overturned because the faces did not complete the process of grabbing the tag rope thus the guy who scored the winning fall was never legally tagged in and thus the pin doesn't count.
  23. "Next week, baby, on the Pay Per View! We've fixed the rules to ensure there'll be no controversy! We'll have a clean winner at last! There will be NO TIME LIMITS. NO DISQUALIFICATIONS. NO "COMPLETING THE PROCESS" And no outside interference IF YOU WEEEEEEEEL, cus the steel cage will keep da Horsemen from runnin to the rescue! I promise!" Meanwhile, Tully Blanchard has bolt cutters and Ole is already camping out under the ring.
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