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The Comedian

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Everything posted by The Comedian

  1. Evil Otto. Pookas and Fygars. Bluto and the Seahag. Whatever the hell was chasing Mr. Do...
  2. Any Spanish speakers that can give me the details of Gloria's backstory?
  3. Having gotten through episode 4 of season 2...
  4. Believe it or not there still seems to be an enclave of Kent Jones-types out there who hate WWE enough to pretend TNA is a viable alternative...
  5. "I'm the bad guy? How'd that happen? I did everything they told me to. Did you know I made a Marvel movie? I fought an MMA match. You should be rewarded for that. But instead they give it to the indie darlings, ya know they lied to me."
  6. 6 guys go 2 war and beat the shit out of each other and what do the genius smarks walk away with?"Batista wore blue!Let's leave him off our current roster fantasy Survivor Series team bank!"#dipshits
  7. Well I didn't see it, but a musical based on Fellini's 8 1/2? With Judi Dench, Sophia Loren, Nicole Kidman, and Marion Cotillard? Just cause something flops don't mean it wasn't intended for Oscar bait... An actor CHOOSING to do ten movies in 25 years is not just a case of discerning taste.
  8. I think Batista is doing an awesome job of working his "out-of-touch former star who thinks bitching about internet smarks is still company policy in 2014" gimmick...
  9. Yeah but Daniel Day-Lewis is the ultimate Oscar whore. Hell, even Sean Penn occasionally does a movie that's not Oscar bait, but not DDL...
  10. time to celebrate with a song... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWb0UMJkk6s
  11. As long as Scott Keith lives and breathes his disciples will be out there to tell us that all power wrestlers not named Vader and anyone with backstage influence is a terrible worker...
  12. Honestly I can't believe someone made an "I'd beat you up if you said that to me in real life" post in 2014...
  13. If it makes you feel better I liked your passionate rant against 50/50 booking. As much as I love parity in team sports, in wrestling its better to have clear superheroes, monsters, up-and-comers, JTTS's, and curtain jerkers. That way when a guy does break through and cross the line it actually means something, rather than, "so what, everybody beats everybody else any more anyway..."
  14. Hey man having given my "problem with monster heels in WWE today" spiel, I hope we only get a double-suspension/erasure/carry-on here and not a padlock...
  15. The problem with Henry (and Big Show, and Kane) is that Vince's near-monopoly has killed the monster heel. In the territory days, a monster could show up in a territory, kill jobbers and midcarders, get vanquished b y the top face, then move on to the next territory. Even in the WCW/ECW era, a guy could jump from company to company if he got stale. But now? After his latest monster run is done, all that's left for a Henry or Show or Kane is a face turn full of midcard comedy angles and playing Worf Effect to the next guy getting a monster run. Brock's limited performance contract effectively makes him the last real monster heel in the WWE.
  16. Yeah, and after they hyped this playoffs as the year anyone could win. Hey Silver, now that you've righted the league's wrongs regarding Sterling, you think maybe you could do something about the NBA's ridiculous aversion to parity? Football has "any given Sunday" as a tradition, in hockey a hot goalie can change everything, and baseball is the ultimate streak sport. Make the playoffs, you got a shot at the title. In the NBA? If you're not a 1 or 2 seed, your chances are marginal. If you're not a top 4 seed? Your chances are nil. And they think they're gonna surpass the NFL someday because concussions? Make the average person give two fucks about your playoffs first.
  17. A History Of Violence is a great movie and pile of dogshit of a graphic novel.
  18. Gotch toehold why does no one in wrestling do a Gotch toehold?
  19. Well I looked around youtube and this is kinda fun for a five minute Nitro match...Vampiro even takes the Tanaka bump...
  20. Yes, but afterwards the decision got reversed.
  21. This remains one of the funniest things I have ever seen in the world of professional wrestling.
  22. Yeah I definitely think that Sterling's being a piece of shit of a human being would've been an issue a lot sooner if not for the fact that he was also an incompetent joke of an owner for literal decades...
  23. Now that they've wacked Sterling, I can only hope the next question that's asked is, "Hey, who turned a blind eye to this POS all these years?" Or is the obliteration of David "dynasties good, parity bad" Stern's legacy too much to ask for? Like if players threatened to boycott the HOF if he's ever elected, I think I'd throw a party to celebrate.
  24. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1a6z8i_wwf-monday-night-raw-may-17-1993_sport around 13:30
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