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Everything posted by Coletti

  1. Fuck, make it Mox/Yoots vs Ono/Orihara we can really get nuts!
  2. Holy shit, gimme Mox vs Battlearts Daisuke Ikeda!
  3. Btw how have we not yet gotten Danielson vs Blue Panther or Negro Navarro or something?! Somebody call TK!
  4. Bret Hart vs Orange Cassidy. Vader vs Brody King.
  5. Moriarty needs to be in BCC yesterday. Their whole thing was "teaching younglings violence" but they only recruited Yoots. Get Lee in there and a woman or two.
  6. Well, fuck. DEAN had the most captivating writing style and he's the biggest reason I've been here for close to 25 years. I can't say much more than what everybody else has said, but the world is a little less TURGID~!! now. Rest in power, you goddamn wonderful human being
  7. Did anybody else watch Beef? We finished it yesterday, after bringing episodes 1-7. I honestly needed a break - it's definitely FAR more dark than comical. It's good/great but I never wanna see it again, if that makes sense. That might be more because I've known folks with similarly intense mental health issues, so YVMV.
  8. Roddy Strong being a legit surprise was refreshing. OC is still the best wrestler on Earth. I love how Jarrett is in the PERFECT position for maybe the first time in his long career, yet couldn't be there without all those previous and occasionally baffling years.
  9. We need OC defending against ALLLLLLLLL the luchadors
  10. Put Sharif in BCC. Add Serena whenever she's back, or Leyla.
  11. Hell, I love AEW for the most part and rarely make it to the end of a Dynamite because I'm tired and old and work early. I almost never watch Rampage live. DVRs fucking ruuuuuuuuule.
  12. It's kind of amazing that so many scummy promoters throughout wrestling history haven't gotten the absolute shit kicked out of them by a gigantic, angry grappler or two...
  13. Still haven't finished Sifu but I've got two games going across my PS4 & 5 and I seriously hope the developers can do a spiritual sequel with a similar vibe and more levels and bosses. Game fucking RULES. Once that's done I can get back to Nier, Celeste, and the incoming H:FW expansion. Videogames are amazing.
  14. I've never seen Smokey And The Bandit, until tonight (to justify this month's Netflix billing). Absolute masterpiece. However, it's wild that a generation of folks raised on such anti-authority media became such hardcore bootlickers.
  15. Aging punks talkin wrestling. *Deep breath* yeaaaaaaah that's the good stuff 42 now and well into the phase of watching from the back with a beverage in hand.
  16. ...and both have solid sources of income outside of the business which means possibly retiring early and while still pretty healthy. What a bastard
  17. The real reason everybody hates Adam Cole - dude is living a wrestling dork's dream.
  18. First 35ish minutes were goddamn perfect. Orange Cassidy is the greatest professional wrestler in the galaxy.
  19. On top of that, Hard Drive is a spinoff of The Hard Times, which is an Onion-style humor site based on hardcore/punk music and literally the only thing I miss about having Facebook Stoked for the movie because my wife loves Carol and we both adore Kamala!
  20. I'll gladly take Taya vs Stat best of 99 if it means Jade can finally stop being so fucking stale and stunted.
  21. Holy shit I had no idea they got such wild name changes
  22. I was gonna say something about Chris Masters showing us that ANYBODY can become a better pro wrestler if they put the work in, then it made me wonder what other folks started as real channel changers and eventually became capable to DAMN GOOD performers - and how much of it was environment/learning from wrestlers around them?
  23. Currently going through backlog games only. Started Nier Automata and it's very fucking cool, but got distracted by Sifu. I'm generally not a fan of roguelikes but boy, if you get into that flow state and you're just WRECKING rooms of thugs with your kung fu? Immensely satisfying, but sometimes you're just as likely to mistime something and boom, you're getting your ass handed to you. Still rules. Videogames rule.
  24. We liked the season as a whole and actually looked forward to more after the last episode. OH WELL.
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