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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. Is Kevin Dunn out too!! Maybe my frequent headaches while watching the product will suddenly stop
  2. At least we know Bruce didn't tell all the interns "I LOOOOOOOOOVEEEE YOUUUUU"
  3. Agree 100% I still think they would take Brock back should he want to and that to me speaks volumes. It's just sad we call out women for walking out and ppl will give Brock a pass.
  4. Lesnar does not get a pass either. If indeed he walked out it's just as bad as Sasha and Naomi if not worse. He was making what? $125,000 per appearance?! Walking out a week before main eventing the PPV of the summer. And the funny thing is they would probably welcome him back with open arms too. Brock has that company by the "billion dollar grapefruits"
  5. Absolutely, I'm good friends with Matt, Sam, and their dad Dan. Also know that you my friend were also a product of IWC. The shows they put on from 2002-2007 were some of the best in the US. People who haven't seen them should go out of their way to check them out.
  6. Cole Karter comes from IWC in Pittsburgh, Same company that turned out Elias, Brit Baker, and Wardlow to name a few.
  7. The hangup I have with AEW is that Sammy and Tay have be involved in everything. Tay can't open a lock for Christs sake and ruined the whole ending of the match. Sammy has XPAC heat and came back to soon after being tossed off the cage. Hopefully this feud ends and we can all move on to green pastures.
  8. Not sure if this is forbidden topic but I went through some old boxes and found a ton of old WWF magazines and programs from 1983-1987 and didn't know their worth. Would prefer to not go off of Ebay and didn't know if anyone knew of any good wrestling magazine sites?
  9. Summer Slam in July doesn't feel the same.
  10. I was today old when I found out there is a NOAH game on Game Boy Advance. I can't understand a word of it but it looks pretty neat.
  11. this is close but not always true. I was able to get table selfies with Sting, different places allow different charges. The thing is if a company is willing to pay Sasha her asking price what business is it of ours? Somethings are better left out of the public eye. Somehow she had to have told somebody "I'm charging $30,000 per appearance" and someone else made sure it leaked. So you could argue she wants people to know what she's getting paid. But regardless it's not our business. Same with when Brock was getting $100k per raw appearance. If WWE wants to pay him that it's not his fault, can't hate on someone for making money when a company is willing to throw trucks of cash at them.
  12. It isn't ideal when they have content but go from adding tons of shows and hidden gems to basically 8 shows a month. I would love to see the ECW Supershows finished out, maybe see some SMW supercards added, Old WWF Challenge, finish up Prime Time, and add a slew of older WCW TV. Show your hand WWE!!!
  13. The next drop of classic content will be more WWF Superstars, it will bring the series up to October of 1995. Was hoping for more WCW or something different but if it brings the 90's version of Superstars closer to a close I'l take it.
  14. I actually have Giant Gram 2000. I suck at it though. I found a guy on Craigslist who was selling a modded Dreamcast with both Giant Gram games, the NJPW game, Fire Pro D, Royal Rumble, and an ECW game or 2. Played for a bit and called it a day.
  15. This is a good storyline but it totally eliminates the surprise factor. If Lex and Yoko have even the slightest beef with each other and every other person who tried to slam Yoko failed, it would be obvious that Lex would show up and do it. To have everyone in the WWF and I believe some weight lifters/NFL stars try and fail and then Lex show up in the Helicopter it was a 100% shock to everyone in attendance and anyone who found out about it on TV. In fact one could even say it may be one of the biggest unspoiled WWF/WWE surprises of all time. Anyone who tells me they knew Lex would be the guy to slam Yoko would be full of crap. Nobody knew or expected it. And that was the absolute beauty of it.
  16. Not sure how commonly known this is but back in the days of tape trading there was a tape going around of the Great American Bash 88 backstage tour. It showed the guys drinking, smoking in the locker room. Almost like a shoot before short interviews were even thought of. It's probably on Youtube now.
  17. It's really not devolving. I brought up a valid point. People are saying the worst is over. No, not it's not. Patterson did a ton of crooked shit and you are crazy if you think Vince didn't know about it. Male talent probably never came out in droves for fear of being blackballed. I don't doubt Piper being crazy but more than just Roddy and Lanny Poffo had similar stories regarding Pat Patterson.
  18. I believe Piper was one of the bigger names that spoke out about Pat. In shoots that I can recall with the guys who were big in the 80's early 90's it seemed like Pat would target the younger enhancement talent. I could be way off but I believe Renee Dupree was the most recent name I heard mentioned.
  19. Food for thought to add to this. I know he is dead but look at all the Pat Patterson stories about what he had guys do for pushes or to be put on TV. You think Vince didn't know about that? What if former male talent were to come out with those stories and make them public? Any way you look at it karma is a bitch and Vince is about to see it first hand.
  20. I never heard the Gaylord-Gilbert story but would really like to. Was this GWF??
  21. Yes she would in a heartbeat. She played a concert at a local casino and some friends, my wife, and I decided to go. We stuck around to gamble late into the night and Micky ended up at the steak house in the casino where we all were eating. Before she was seated a guy asked her to sign something I think it was his napkin. She wanted to charge $20.' He didn't pay and she seemed pissed. Two of my friends went over and gave her $20 for pic with their own phone mind you and she was sweet talking them "thank you baby" "feel free to buy me a drink too" It made me wonder if she didn't save up her WWE money, and then to see her go back to work WWE after the trash bag complaining really helped me see that she probably did not.
  22. Theory is like a watered down version of Sammy Guvera to me. Austin Theory in Evolve as a 19 yr old phenom was fun, this version not so much. Liv Morgan winning was a huge feel good moment and was well deserved. Just lets hope she isn't jobbing to Ronda at Summer Slam. Uso's and Street Profits had a great match with a not so great ending. Could this be setting up for a falls count anywhere tag title match? Vince, Pat, Steph, and HHH couldn't have left fast enough to make it to UFC in time right down the street.
  23. A team of Rick Boogs and Davey Boy could actually be fun
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