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Everything posted by Pete

  1. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xe1n8b_cima-curry-man-super-boy-vs-fleisch_sport Sadly missing the awesome Super Curry MAX entrance.
  2. To be a gatekeeper, you have to succeed in getting people over. When was the last time someone became more over after feuding with Kane? The Shield arguably got even more over then they were to begin with, when they squashed Kane and the NAO at WM. Mania had the great intro with the facemasks (why would you not keep that gimmick around?) but was too short to be anything meaningful, I'd say them beating Evolution on two straight PPVs got them way more over.
  3. Mister ZERO's elevator music could work.
  4. That's what kills me. They've done CENA OVERCOMES THE ODDS~! so many times that everyone expects it and he's ice cold as a result. Also, the WWE poobahs still haven't figured out that Cena is at his most compelling by a country mile when he just wrestles dudes in a straight 50/50 match with no shenanigans. Punk, HBK, Rock, Bryan... that list goes on and on and on.
  5. This was the first PPV I've skipped since getting the network. Wasn't feeling well, and between NXT and the awesome Ludus Gym show (Joel Maximo's school) I went to in Brooklyn Friday night with a fantastic 4-way TLC tag, I figured my wrestling enjoyment had peaked for the weekend. Doesn't look like I missed too much last night.
  6. This Jets/Titans game is a thing.
  7. And the benches clear in Nashville!
  8. Those yoga classes are looking better and better for Johnny Football.
  9. Kashima Antlers is right there. RIGHT THERE.
  10. Ah, gotcha. Didn't think that would be such an issue with a company Marvel's size.
  11. http://youtu.be/iVo3OHTs9Vk The correct answer is Uruguay.
  12. Potentially silly question: any reason why Marvel Unlimited doesn't allow you to sign up with AMEX? I was hoping to use that and it's pretty frustrating...
  13. What book are you on? I've read all three but will hold off on thoughts until you finish. Halfway through The Fall. There's even an expy for El Santo in case any of you want/need some lucha in your vampire horror. And done. I dug the hell out of this although certain plot points were a little too deux ex machiney even for that particular genre.
  14. That MSG match was so boss at the time. Really, that whole show (Briscos v Adonis/Murdoch, Piper attacking Cyndi Lauper, JYD's debut) was great and super-important. Everything on that show felt like it meant something.
  15. I'm digging the hell out of Columbia's Ivy chances this year. They came to play big-time against UK. If you're a Nebraska fan, today's incarnate word is FUUUUUUUUCK.
  16. I liked Kennedy a bunch during his WWE run. Good worker with a fun gimmick and a kick-ass AC/DC knockoff entrance theme.
  17. http://youtu.be/JSGFDJrFqjM Thank you and goodnight.
  18. "What do you know, you're a pen-goo-in!"
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