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Everything posted by J.T.

  1. MMA answer: It is the kickboxer in him. He seems to throw a lot of looping punches in the hope of forcing his opponent to switch levels. If the punch catches the guy, fine, if not his opponent goes low to avoid the overhand strikes and Reem can try to work his trademark knees and body kicks or counter takedown attempts with the Guillotine Choke he likes to employ. Probably the real answer: Overeem is a bit of a show-off and wants to get dramatic knock-outs in order to pander to the crowd, so he throws nothing but haymakers.
  2. I thought the whole point of WWE Network was not to muddle the broadcasts with shit like the Slammys. I haven't cared about them since Owen Hart tried to convince me that winning a Slammy was a big deal.
  3. The new Luther joint fucking rules. I am slowly getting into The Expanse at the expense of Into The Badlands. The novelty of awesome fights is wearing thing which is exposing the wafer thin storyline.
  4. Small DARPA contingent keeps me playing otherwise I'd have quit weeks ago after the No New DLC debacle. Main motivation for my continued play is grimoire cards. Starting a Warlock to eventually get the Arc Exotic Sword and get achievement / grimoire for becoming a Stormcaller and will eventually get around to building another Titan to get achievement / grimoire for earning Sunbreaker and getting the Solar Exotic Sword. GF wanted to get me an XB1 for Christmas but I balked after we got the county tax bill for $750 in the mail a week ago that is due by the 4th of January. XBone cash is best spent on that.
  5. Ueda is dead? Not exactly the most well known news.
  6. IB kicks off tomorrow and runs in synch with SRL. Tried my hand at Trials over the weekend. Sucked at my first attempt (3-3), but went 8-3 with my second passage coin and got a Wrecking Ball medal and new boots so this may a regular thing for me. Lost to Light is the Daily Heroic today. Time to make a run at Black Spindles. Mayhem Clash is also back to my great delight.
  7. I binged watched The Expanse over the weekend and when evil UN Secretary General Chrisjen Avasarala shows up in a scene I was like HOLY SHIT IT IS TALI'S AUNT~! LASKSHMI-2 OF THE FUTURE WAR CULT IS ON MY TELEVISION~!
  8. J.T.


    Well, once you kinda figure out that f-society's message is perverted by Eliot's personal vendetta against Evilcorp, it becomes rather pretentious. Whiterose is my favorite character in the series because at least he / she has the decency not to mask his true nature with claptrap. He is the only character that isn't lying to himself about what motives govern his actions. Eliot and Darlene hide behind avenging their father (the redistribution of wealth angle is only there to rope in the other members of f society), Angela hides behind personal morality, and Tyrell hides behind his family's security. Whiterose has the "purest motives" in the sense that he is in it for the money, the power, and the lulz freely admits it to himself and anyone else who bothers asking him..
  9. Saw the movie over the weekend and my friend's personal review was pretty accurate. Doesn't feel fresh and new, but it is warmly familiar. Really enjoyed it and glad I went to check it out, but not really swayed to watch this thing a million times over.
  10. Friggin' lizard shit, that is a metric fuck ton of money.
  11. So I was moved by the indie horror thing to google some listmania and i like this particular list of 30 really good indie horror movies. I also like this list, this one, and I go here to track my indie horror news. I did not see Unfriended on any list, but recommend checking it out. If you are going to watch The ABCs of Death 2, watch The ABCs of Death first so you can appreciate how far the second movie has come from the original premise.
  12. Anguish looks pretty good and I loved It Follows, but has It Follows been out long enough or had the accolades to deserve being called one of the best indie American horror movies? We're ranking it up there with Halloween, Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Nightmare on Elm Street, Martin, and Night of the Living Dead? And then we're forgetting all of the honorable mentions like Nadja, Ganja & Hess, Session 9, Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer,and House of the Devil. So what was the best indie horror movie since It Follows? Cabin In the Woods, maybe?
  13. I went on the Universal Studios tour as a kid during the summer when the Jaws attraction did not work. Their solution? Drive by the Universal custom cars lot and have The Car honk the signature devil horn, flash its lights and rev its engine. 1000000% more frightening than the dumb mechanical shark.
  14. The Punisher is going to factor heavily into the Netflix Marvel content so we'll see what they do with him.
  15. This thread needs some squash matches. Dungeon of Doom / Society To End Hulkamania era Meng vs. Adrian Byrd who deserves to have his ass beat for wearing tassels to the ring. Faces of Fear era Meng vs Hard Body Mike Tolbert Haku in his Huge Tongan Afro phase vs. Rory "Whiy Did I Sign This Contract?" Fox King Haku vs. Bob Emory
  16. The format going back to Control is a horrible decision, but I wonder if it is more "fan driven" or more by the fact that the stats for the IB: Clash did not translate properly (data updated your Clash stats instead of your Iron Banner stats) and the whole 2500 bounty thing? Is it that hard to make the database adjustments needed to migrate the stats properly and adjust the point criteria for one bounty, or is the Bungie staff just that lazy?
  17. Looks like there was a stealth patch. SRL is no longer being compiled with PvP stats in spite of the fact that you get Crucible credit for competing in races. I imagine that the hardcore Crucible set got annoyed by their Combat Ratings being artificially devalued because they are crap racers.
  18. I took myself off as admin after the Xbone migration. We hadn't had any new members in a while and I'm not sure that anyone uses the group forum to any large extent anyway. I also didn't expect Mis's hiatus to become near permanent or for Fresh to bail completely after like two weeks after launch.
  19. I was in Japan for Yama Sakura 69. Just got back a few days ago. Saw it in a theater on post (Chitose AFB) when I was on weekend leave, but the movie has been out since July, IIRC.
  20. Chris Cornell fucking rules. That One + One cover is sweet. I think this is my favorite experimental Chris Cornell cover.
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