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Everything posted by Leonidas

  1. To me it looked like he was in someone's backpack. Maybe we'll have further flashbacks. Looked like he was with the other younglings and with Hayden meant to be reprising his role in Obi Wan, maybe they'll create some additional footage of Grogu escaping him. This was my favourite episode of Boba Fett so far and top 5 even including Mando series as well. So many guest stars and live action Cad Bane looked phenomenal. So mean-looking. I want Grogu to be a badass jedi/mandalorian so badly!
  2. And her eyes are simply stunning. And also she's a good wrestler, great match with Reka. Love it when there's a match between two unsigned talents, really makes you think they're fighting for a contract or such like.
  3. Which is interesting because Roberts seemed to manage Gorleston alright for Kip and that's only 20 mins down the road from Lowie and arguably harder to pronounce. The whole Nor-foke / Nor-fuk debacle though can be blamed on Virginia and Michael Cole respectively.
  4. Yep he's so done. Jesus, from the Premier League to Prison in one Instagram story.
  5. My Jewish Friend? That last promo was quite Colt Cabana reference heavy.
  6. He's been trying double moonsaults and double shooting star presses on his vlog, so yep, he gon die.
  7. Happy to see Q and Guinan back, couldn't tell if that was Alice Krige returning as the Borg Queen? She did voice her in Lower Decks, so maybe it's her. If they're back in our time, looks like Brent Spiner is playing Data's human maker? Looked like Q maybe gave him a schematic or something? I'm hyped, it'll be dumb and fun, which is all I ask for in my Trek.
  8. Any word on if Keith Lee is AEW bound? Vs Miro/Archer/Kingston/Bryan/Hangman/Hobbs/Hook/Pac and a million others? Yes, please and thank you.
  9. If they bring back Cherry, on her roller-skates specifically, then yes.
  10. It's not the size of the goose in the fight...
  11. I'm quoting this for no other reason than my personal prediction is that she will be a heel before the end of 2022. New boyfriend, middle fingers to the camera, extra feistyness in matches. Something in my gut tells me it's organically going to head that way.
  12. My new favourite game for Dark and Elevation is to count how many times: Jade Cargill flexes mid-match Red Velvet winks on her way to the ring Skye Blue sticks her tongue out on her way to the ring Don't turn it into a drinking game or you'll need your stomach pumped.
  13. I was thinking more Kevin Kline in Fierce Creatures when he's dressing up as his own father, but yes I see that too.
  14. Exactly this. Was this season perfect? No. It could have done with an additional 3-4 episodes to really show Dexter's change in full. However, it shows that series' can be rescued like this. I've never watched GoT, but you'd have to imagine crossover fans from that are watching this and just going SEE? SEE?! IT CAN BE DONE. (No idea how GoT ended). Ultimately I'm extremely grateful we got this extra season, goes a long way to make me as a fan feel a whole lot better about the overall arc, and the bad taste in my mouth is finally gone.
  15. Can we have the confused emoji added to posts please? It's either that or I start using the crying emoji with reckless abandon.
  16. Who was Dustin wrestling? Freddy, Jason or Michael Myers? A Canadian destroyer through a table and 2 Crossrhodes in a row and then counters out of the Tiger Driver easy no problem? And not much selling after he won either. Bullshit my friends, bullshit. Give me a Dustin TNT title run please and thank you.
  17. Nah it's from the barstool wrasslin podcast on youtube he does every couple months. Saw him say it with my own eyes and ears.
  18. Really good penultimate episode. Dexter is getting sloppy, too many leads left loose for supercop Angela.
  19. Oh I don't know about that. I've been watching DC Titans lately and have been fantasy booking a Jade run in to tag with Starfire and Blackfire for the past few episodes. I'll be in my bunk.
  20. Great news. (Itv is a free station for everyone, that's why it gets so many views, there is also a catch up free app too.) Hoping we get both live or next day replays soon too. Used to love staying up into the wee hours to watch ppvs. I know some like Natural still do sometimes. I'm too old for that shit now myself though!
  21. A few people are so focused on producing content out of the ring, when they should be focusing more on inside the ring. I know if I were an AEW wrestler I would be obsessed with whatever my next match or angle was to 100% get the most out of it. I know people want to make money doing other things too, but the best way to do that is to heighten your profile doing what you're best known for already. WRESTLING.
  22. Also, nice of Sammy to try and divert some of the heat away with that post.
  23. PSA: I could care less = You do care I couldn't care less = You don't care I could give two shits = I care enough about this situation to squeeze some kids out, hopefully store them in some tupperware rather than just your hand and then give them to the person you are speaking to. I couldn't give two shits = I couldn't even go through the effort of doing the above. Yours sincerely, a British English speaker.
  24. With that blonde hair Sonny should have been the one blading, but helluva fun match. Janela is the garbage match expert so makes sense for him to win in this style, maybe they can have a 3rd match that favours Sonny to blow it off. Sonny really should be on Dynamite and involved in storylines, she's too good just for Dark.
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