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Everything posted by Eivion

  1. I'm curious how you came to this bit of reasoning. Marvel in general has been trying to create tv shows with of their characters, and Agents of Shield was one of the easiest they could do. It would have happened regardless of whether or not Whedon was the developing it. Because Marvel is doing well with films and they hoped to translate this into success in television as well. Agents of Shield was the easiest thing to make since it doesn't need big stars or heavy budget for effects. There really isn't much of a question or problem of why it was made.
  2. He was in charge of the pilot and has obvious influence on the show, especially with his brother and sister-in-law running it. I think it was a mistake to use him and his associates in general.
  3. Yeah before it was smaller, less known guys like Firefly or people who made their name outside of the Batverse despite starting there like Deadshot and Bronze Tiger. Last night we even had a recent creation from New 52 in Dollmaker introduced (want to say the first of the New 52 characters in live action). Then they drop a damn bombshell like Ra's Al Ghul and the League of Assassins at the very end which just feels like them going way too far.
  4. The Winter Soldier trailer looks great. It might be the movie I'm most excited for next year now. To me this is the biggest problem with the Shield tv series. Its not really being run as a proper secret agent/intelligence agency it really should be. I really think the mistake they made was hiring Whedon to work on it as this type of stuff isn't really his strong suit.
  5. So anyone else here watch Arrow? I'm enjoying the the show and thought last night's episode was particularly nice. That said, they really do seem to be taking way too much from Batman. Does Green Arrow not have any worthwhile villains in his rogues gallery outside of Count Vertigo?
  6. Why do you want to ruin the Shield with a face turn? And the Wyatts aren't over enough for this to really work.
  7. You are correct. Desperado is Kono, KAZAMA, Sai, and Sato.
  8. Read Captain Marvel: Down. I dug the first story focusing on Carol relationship with Monica. The dynamic between the characters was fun and plot while kind of throw away wasn't too bad either. Dexter's Soy art was probably the best it had been up to that point within the series as well. The second story focusing on Carol having some kind of lesion on her brain was interesting. First, fuck everyone who hated Soy's art because there is no way in hell the artist who replaced him wasn't a punishment. Filipe Andrade's art was just terrible. It was far too stylistic and belonged nowhere near a superhero book. Shitty art aside the actual story for the second arc wasn't too bad. It wasn't a direction I liked seeing DeConnick go in, but it was generally well written with a good balance between Carol's stubbornness of facing her reality, her various friends trying to help her, and various superhero moments to test Carol's patience. I will say that one the decent sized fault of this whole plot though is the idea that Carol with her strange Kree/Human hybrid physiology would be seeing a normal doctor and not someone like Reed Richards, Donald Blake, or Dr. Strange. I understand wanting to give Carol a somewhat normal life, but it just makes her look like a dumbass. Complaints aside this was a solid read. I continue to love Deconnick's general characterization of Carol and her growing cast though actual plotting continue to be an area Deconnick shows weakness in. Its not even so much her writing of said plots out which is usually well done. It is her writing truly interesting plots that really draw you in that she seems to have trouble with. Hopefully her taking Carol out into the galaxy will lend to some more interesting stories.
  9. Read Invincible Vol. 18: Death of Everyone. The teasers that were coming out for this one led me to believe it would be a much more disastrous story than it actually was. Instead of some grand event which led to tons of big character deaths you get a sizable but not cataclysmic event that leads to the end of one character's story and the next chapter for a few others. It all felt a bit transitional to be honest but not bad. I enjoyed the realizations Mark comes to and where it seemingly is leading him in the next stage of his life. I also dug how things were going for the Viltrumites and the new place they end up at. Nice read. Read Atomic Robo Volumes 2-4. It took a bit, but I'm finally digging AR. Volume three with Robo battling a Lovecraft monster at different points in time was probably favorite. That said, you can't go wrong with insanity that is Doctor Dinosaur. I particularly love how Robo kept pointing out all the faults/bs of his origin. Hopefully I will be reading volume 5 within the next week.
  10. Anything worthwhile from Marvel UK? I was curious with Revolutionary War coming up.
  11. Damn I usually just focus on caws, but that sounds way too frustrating yet awesome to not try out for a while.
  12. What did he think of the AJPW roster when he last wrestled there.
  13. Not really in either case. I especially never got the feeling of it being a different series by its end.
  14. Has any of Waid's Flash run been collected?
  15. Honestly, I didn't think the match was all that amazing outside of the last five minutes when they finally started to incorporate the no DQ aspect. Before then it was just a solid tag with a somewhat shitty crowd. Its good, but I'm not sure its better than the Battleground tag.
  16. I'm not actually too excited for any of the new books announced. I'm a bit interested in Captain Marvel since I like Carol and the cosmic area of Marvel, but having reading the first volume of KSD's run I'm little worried as I think she writes a great Carol, but seems to be weak in actual plotting. Interested a little in New Warriors as well though I'm little worried whether or not Yost actually will remember the growth and maturing Justice and Speedball have gone through. Would have read a Punisher book about Rachel Cole-Alves.
  17. Read 8 issues of the Sam Alexander Nova. Its generally decent though the continuity is a bit messy with Sam's father being Nova over 15 years ago when Rich was supposed to be the first human Nova. It fails to explain the Black Nova's power source with the World Mind having gone dormant. Gamora and Rocket Raccon knowing Sam's father for all these years is also odd. I honestly don't even blame these problems on Loeb as most of this should have been fixed/corrected by by the editor, Steve Wacker, who normally does a better job. Continuity problems aside its not a bad read. Sam is a decent enough character to build on, and Wells does a decent job picking things up after Loeb's departure. Only ting I'm bothered about with Wells' Justice and Speedball. The art makes them look a bit too young, and Wells' writing doesn't really capture the more mature characters they had become over the years.
  18. Good, but not really close to the same level. Felt like the two had something better in them. Still its worth catching.
  19. Knew I missed a few of Sugi's names. Forgot about Red and Skipper completely. Didn't even notice you posted KAGEKI.
  20. Infinity #4 - Dug Black Bolt vs. Thanos, and I love Thor the Negotiator. Battle of the Atom Part 6 & 7 (ANXM #17, X-men #6) - Really like the other future X-men and thought the timeline there looked interesting. The other shoe finally dropping with the first team of future X-men was nice, especially with the moments Jubilee, Rachel, and Psylocke all got in. The why of the first future team's goal is still unclear though.
  21. Caught up with my monthly comic readings for the last two weeks. Action Comics & Superboy #24 - Superboy's issue did a good deal having Conner's relationship with Doctor Psycho come to a head and sort cleaning things up a bit, revealing Dr. Psycho's history, and clearing up his position in the New 52 tying him back to the Crime Society for the Trinity War/Forever Evil issues. I know practically nothing about the original Psycho Pirate, but so far I'm absolutely loving the New 52 version. The way he carries himself and handles both Clark and Conner at the same time is pretty awesome and damn fun in general. I also like how he isn't a flat out villain per say actually trying to do something good though technically at the cost of poor Clark. The end of Action left me pretty damn excited for the final issue of Psi-War as it looks like Lois will really be at the forefront of things. Reading these does confirm something to me which is that they really need to ax Lobdell as a writer and just use him as a creative consultant. He has great ideas, but all of them seem to be so much better when written by other people. Green Lantern & GLC #24 - First 2/5 of the Lights Out crossover. Pretty much the GLC giving their all to defeat Relic only to fail miserably and struggle as much as possible just to survive. Pretty solid stuff so far though honestly after the events Third Army and First Lantern I'm not really sure bringing the Corps down even further is the right direction. Detective Comics #24 - Great action filled end to Layman's story with Wrath. I particularly dug the GCPD getting their moment in. Constantine #7 - Best issue of the series so far with big things happening and Constantine looking very screwed. Earth 2 #16 - Loved the stuff with Wonders finally coming together. The reveal towards the end was expected, but the way it was done was not and left a big impression. Easily one of the best issues of Earth 2 yet. makes me even more disappointed Robinson was gone as it was his last issue. Suicide Squad #24 - Good start to Kindt's run. I like the craziness in Belle Reve, Waller current tough position, and the two teams formed to achieve "Waller's" goals. Forever Evil #2 - The Titans got done in pretty easily, but I liked everything with Crime Syndicate and Luther planning to save the day.
  22. In Batman Eternal, #3 specifically. Sounds like she will have a decent sized part in it.
  23. Your stat on Suzuki vs. Suwama is incorrect. Suwama won his second Triple Crown title off of Suzuki .
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