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Everything posted by Eivion

  1. Feels more like they just don't know what to do with him than anything else.
  2. I think it was no contest because everyone was out of the ring. Whatever the case it was a really stupid way to end an otherwise nice match. There should have been a damn uncontrollable brawl.
  3. To avoid doubles you should switch the Giant out for Giant Baba.
  4. The women's tag was going well until that ending. Why they had Nattie sit and cry and not try to murder Ruby, I have no idea. Glad AOP have the belts. I'm sad it wasn't via a match against both Dean and Seth. I did enjoy Dean taking out Seth again. Ronda's promo was nice. Nia/Ember was nice and nowhere near the simple squash that report made it sound like. Nia and Tamina finally joining forces pleases me. Now give them the damn women's tag titles. I dug Lashley/Balor. I enjoyed Drew/Kurt. They must be big on Drew with how well he has been protected and built this run. Kind of surprised we didn't get to see the post match with Braun saving the day.
  5. Normally I would say skip it, but if you are close you might as well get the triumph.
  6. Lucked out and managed to join in on a 580 Corrupted strike quest. They were actually at the part where my 2-man team failed last night. After we beat that I went on to have my best run of Gambit this week with the same team. Its was nice to actually have a team of competent players. The fireteam leader apparently had been having the same issues I had this week with people who clearly had no idea what the fuck they were doing in Gambit. Unfortunately, the team had to break up before we hit the 5 win streak so of course the game rewarded me by sending me into a match with my team won a round already but was already losing the current one. Lost the final round due to the usual bs I deal. This game really does not want me to hit that 5 round win streak. This is what happened last time I was so close as well. EDIT: Apparently, I lucked out and game didn't count that loss so I won my next match and kept the streak. Hopefully I can win a few more with it to reset again. That last match put me at Heroic III. One thing I have to say is that penalization for losing motes in the Malfeasance quest is complete bullshit. Gambit is fun, but its also buggy as fuck and has people drop out way too damn easily. I went from team of four to two in one game because of this and lost some of motes percentage as a result. How in the fuck is that fair?
  7. You make a decent point. I'm not a pro-gamer so its not something I really think about often. I have to admit despite my earlier comment I probably wouldn't mind carrying someone too weak on if I had at least 2 other decent leveled people with me. The biggest reason I might not would be because I would feel it would be rude to others unless they don't care either. Saying all of this though I would prefer they be Warlocks or Titans. Those shield and healing supers could come in handy at least.
  8. Its a glitch. They even suggested people not take advantage of it because it can screw up potential rewards. Besides if you are too low to damage enemies its kind of meaningless for a crew to bring you along.
  9. So anyone else catch Supergirl from last night yet? I'm kid of curious what people thought of this version of Manchester Black. I don't know too much about the character since I've only seen the Superman vs. the Elite move and read the Rebirth story with Black. Honestly, it didn't really feel like Black at all, and I have no idea what the point of using him the character name was.
  10. I'm surprised they have fixed that glitch yet. Having done a min-raid with 3 people using six for that would feel kind of cheap though I wouldn't blame anyone. Damn thing is pretty much a mini-raid with the level it raises the enemies to. With just how far we got we took on as many bosses as there in the regular version. Honestly, I may just look to see if there is anyone running it I can join. Its how I've been doing my weekly Nightfalls. Yeah, you pretty much know how I feel now. That is the bs I was getting so much of this last week. I'm kind of wondering if the increased Infamy brought in a ton of newbies to Gambit. It would explain so much and piss me off just a little less. I would like to think people aren't that incompetent normally. The last half a dozen or more games I have been the top player in losing efforts killing and depositing in numbers of 50-97. I don't do too bad normally, but I know something is wrong when I manage nearly a 100 kills and motes in one match. When does the next season start? If possible I kind of want to manage the two resets for Crucible and Gambit.
  11. This disappoints me since I prefer face Shane over heel Shane.
  12. Might want to consider spoilering that and adding a NSFW
  13. Make sure you have third. While I'm certain they are possible with 2-man teams or even solo, a third should make it so much damn easier. I just tried to 2-man the Corrupted and we couldn't even get pass the elevator. Could only get to Vorgeth with a 2-man team during Shattered Throne.
  14. After taking a break I finally won another gambit match and reset my rank for the first time in Gambit. Its nice to finally pull that off. It was another match I was thrown in on, but its nice that it wasn't one where one round was already down (though we were totally fucked that first round). I got a masterworked Trust as a reward from Drifter so that was nice. Is funny since it isn't far off from the last Trust I got as random drop only the Drifter''s has range. One thing I have to say is despite the horrible amounts of losses the past two days I do find the Fighting Lion to be a good weapon for Gambit. Its not great for Primeval fights, but its damn useful for crowd control during the mote gathering phase with how the enemies clutter so often.
  15. I seem to be having the worst luck with Gambit. Feels like I might win once or twice every 5-6 losses. My teammates seem to constantly suck. Its ridiculous how many times I've been pushed out of the way for motes, heavy ammo, and sometimes even just moving towards the enemies. They seem to never revive me when it might actually matter. Half the time they seem to ignore blockers. They wait forever to deposit motes and get themselves killed. This last game though was the worst because on top of the usual shit the enemies just seemed to zero in on my ass. It made no sense sometimes with them going after me despite having my teammates right in front of them. That is the most motes I have ever lost, and somehow I still ended up the one killing the most enemies and depositing the most motes on my team. Its ridiculous and could have only happened because my team sucked that bad.
  16. I always wait for heroic strikes or Nightfalls for whatever random reason. I think its because I like to knock out so much at once.
  17. Thought it was 580. Still not so bad since most of my equipment is at 600. It will allow me to finish up a purification ritual.
  18. I did eventually manage to win two Gambit matches in a row. The more important thing tough is that the last match saw my team beat the Malfeasance boss so that quest has finally started for me.
  19. Ah, I hadn't actually picked it up. That is a little disappointing to hear.
  20. Congrats on completing the Festival Triumphs. I've only managed three. Had a terrible Gambit run last night, losing at least one match because they started the match with just me and one other guy. Did a match just now where all of my teammates seemed to have left and of course the game bitches about me choosing to leave when I was the only guy there.
  21. Porky/Lex had a backup. The ones from this week had a 4-part Secret Squirrel backup.
  22. Thought the top five matches were Io/Toni, Meiko/Mercedes, Meiko/Toni, Io/Rhea, & Kaitlyn/Yim. I think everyone who came back from the first tournament had a better showing this time around.
  23. A) I was actually was interested in the original title matches. I might have watched the World cup stuff had any of it been pimped. B) I didn't watch the show. C) I wasn't outraged so much as disappointed. The weak card along with the Saudi stuff just made me not really want to see the show. This is the first big show I haven't watched since I got the network however many years ago it started.
  24. I heard Brock beat Braun after Corbin attacked him with the belt and Brock hit five F5s to put him down. Is that at all accurate? If Cormier beats Brock he should just take the belt and claim himself as champ. I doubt WWE would complain.
  25. My armor set isn't far from yours. I just happen to keep the boots for jumping. Other stuff I keep for when I'm switching around weapons. Its sad, before Forsaken I basically played with hand cannons, auto-rifles, and rocket launchers, and swords. That was it. Now these bastards have me using damn near everything but fusion/pulse/scout rifles and sub-machine guns. Its fuckign annoying. Even shotguns which I have hated since 1, I just enjoyed using to a degree to finish up a vanguard bounty today. That shit was so close to going into my storage that it kind of pisses me off. Gambit is treating me better today so far. I've won two in a row. One thing I have say that annoys me are people's refusal to revive at times. Its understandable when enemies are bearing down on you, but we lost at least one round today because my stupid teammates didn't even try to revive me, the person who had tons of grenade launcher ammo ready to fire. Its not the first time that has happened either. I'm sitting on 27 souls right now. I think I will try to get enough for one more mask. I bought Jade Rabbit and Will of Thousand a day or two ago. The Ghaul mask would be nice to have. All of my weekly bounties are settled outside of Nightfall so I think I will be focusing on gambit this weekend if only to reset my rank at least once. I enjoy bows so this sounds like something I need to have.
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