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Fat Spanish Waiter

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Everything posted by Fat Spanish Waiter

  1. I'd argue he should have been saved until Summerslam the following year. Or lost in a less shitty manner.
  2. He got over for killing dudes and saying feed me more
  3. He could have Celtic playing backwards and they'd still piss the league
  4. Mate who couldn't win the league with Celtic right now?
  5. To elaborate you can't say "Wade has a catchphrase that got him over" and "wins and losses matter the most" in the same post.
  6. Wade Barrett is on the way up after two years of wasting away in the midcard. Ryback spent a year crushing dudes and is wasting away in the midcard. It really seems like fans are fine with pretty much anything. The youngsters like who they like, the older fans know its fake.
  7. Which many people are saying is the problem. Why watch any of it if what happens is irrelevant? It isn't irrelevant though. You're watching for the matches are you not? If they're good that's a good show right?
  8. Also I think Sky Blue Sam (sorry if I'm wrong!) has the best story about pro wres in the real world in a nightclub in London. I won't steal his thunder
  9. I got a bunch of drunken mutant Canadians doing the Cesaro shoulder cannons to Paper Planes a few months ago. Coincidentally Cesaro got popular shortly after.
  10. Hahahaha how the fuck did I not think of that
  11. I dont get the "wins and losses matter" part. Sure they did back when it was presented as a sport, but at this point winning, losing, "looking strong" and all that stuff seem pretty irrelevant overall.
  12. WWE reused a few. Ezekiel Jackson got the Brawl for All theme iirc only a rap version. Angle took the Patriot's theme. Punk took an Orton castoff.
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