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Everything posted by BloodyChamp

  1. Naw not vs Sting and Luger. That’s actually my alltime favorite match for personal reasons but it doesn’t belong on any serious GOAT matches list. I figured it’d get mentioned as the thread went on like it always does though. It really is a heck of a match. It was as WCW as WCW could get. It was the Steiners vs Sting and Luger baby. It was the best tag team vs the best guys, WCW guys, not NWA guys. And they delivered, which was something they could do every time when it was up to them. There was 1 part that didn’t deliver which was the finish, which was the 1 part that wasn’t up to them SMH. That was a part of what made the match as WCW as it could get. It was the good and the bad. I was referring to The Steiners vs Hase and Sasaki. The line Gorilla said I think went like this. When the security hit the ring, Pat Patterson was with them. Gorilla goes “Is that Pat Patterson? O he’s let himself go.” Then as the other announcer kept talking about the chaos Gorilla couldn’t quit talking about Pat and kept adding 1 liners about how Pat was fat, old etc. One of the underrated dead pan routines of all time tbh lol!
  2. The Harts vs The Steiners is so great. There’s another Steiners match just like it that people put at 5 stars so… And it doesn’t have Gorilla Monsoon’s GOAT comedy relief line at the end.
  3. I loved him. The end of Pee Wee’s Playhouse was also the end of Saturday morning kind of, and it was always sad seeing him fly off on that bike. But he was so much fun. Here’s another video. https://youtu.be/_atqPcXvcr0
  4. Ric Flair vs Ted Dibiase TV 1985 I haven’t seen so many of these still ugh. The thought Dman had about Bret vs Owen being the most accessible match is true and it’s something important for us to remember in case we have have a friend who…you know lol! I’ll add the above match to that list that’s probably very short. You watch that 1 hour show and get history and heat, all towards a main event match between 2 wrestlers you feel like you know everything about by bell time, let alone what you know about the match they’re about to have. I also think RVD vs Jerry Lynn belongs on the ballot, the 2 I’ve seen anyway. Those matches were that good. The badass HH 99 knucklebuster and the HH 2000 match that was more of a chain wrestling match are the ones I’ve seen. What is the Raven, Saturn and Benoit match? Are you talking about 1 of the 2 very good tag team matches from 1999? I’ll have to think about an original pick of my own for my own reason.
  5. Idk about Phil Hartman but Pee Wee’s Playhouse was 1 of the best shows of it’s kind. Just such a breath of fresh air at the time, yet still perfect ole Saturday morning TV.
  6. ROFL Kurt was a natural, ironically. I could just see him all “I didn’t do anything to them!”
  7. Speaking of gorgeous women https://youtu.be/5d6sLGFXVv8
  8. Hogan saying Sting was out of shape reminds me of this. NSFW and probably belongs in a sleaze thread lol! https://youtu.be/VEHM_CpZDZY
  9. Not as good as I expected it to be but still really good. The crowd was hot for these entrances and hot enough for the match. Was the crowd noise fake maybe? You could usually very obviously tell when it was fake on Nitro. If it wasn’t fake then there’s a far fetched explanation. The weeks leading up to the ppv they discussed was the start of WCW being good again for those months in 1999 before it crapped out again that summer.
  10. I haven’t seen a ton of CM Punk because I had moved on from it all but what I’ve seen looking stuff back up has been amazing, including his promos. His worked shoot stuff could have been better if it weren’t so obviously scripted word for word IMO. If they’d have handed him the mic and said just do it, and even shaved off 5 whole minutes, it would have been a lot better. And the straight edge heel stuff. That wasn’t all bad but that’s the best thing I can say about that. A heel who calls the audience on any kind of true shit isn’t supposed to be a dork heel. He was standing there talking like Clarence Mason. He should have been going straight ECW Cactus Jack on them.
  11. Don Lebarba was 1 of the secondary guys on 1wrestling but he told it straight every time.
  12. Is Don Lebarba still alive? He was the first “journalist” whose column I read every time, and second column I read every time period. The first column was by Mr Bret Hart. I read the other guys if their link had something I was interested in but I wouldn’t read just to read what they had to say.
  13. I was gassing up today at 1 of those gas pumps that has little TVs in it. The commercial that came on was a Slim Jim commercial WITH RANDY SAVAGE.
  14. We’ve discussed Dusty so many times. He was so great, and he deserved the top spot for a long time, but he wore it out. All of his other work as a booker over the years was pretty good.
  15. There’s a whole lot of...1996 WWF in that list lol
  16. That dude was straight up. I’ll give him that. Not a lie came out of his mouth, and not as much as an undersell either.
  17. I just watched it on YouTube, and I don’t usually watch wrestling on YouTube but I couldn’t look away. Such a good episode. I buy his flawless reputation as a family man back home 100% because of at least 1 thing in that video for sure. When his wife was talking about being in shock, the barely remembering the funeral, then her moment in his closet after everybody had went home, and it was over, etc...that’s how it goes. Believe me I know. Also since the Dan Spivey story is true by all accounts, does that mean him and the Road Warriors story is true?
  18. Right right...Kamala, The Missing Link, Brody, plus some other guys if you base it on just the times they were booked that way. That would include Muta, Kevin Sullivan, Killer Kowolski, and some others IMO.
  19. He’s possibly the GOAT oldschool mysterious/psycho/monster/freak/animal/whatever else you call it heel of alltime. And he’s that without appreciating his in ring ability really. I hate it but it’s true.
  20. Even his best matches aren’t judged fairly IMO. Watching an Abdullah the Butcher match from 1987 isn’t much different than watching Ox Baker or somebody in the 1960s. The sold out crowd can be going insane, responding to their every action, and there we are judging it because those actions don’t involve any flying through the air or something. Then say O he wasn’t that good a worker. I think Abdullah was still a big deal in Japan late in his career, and he was a big part of ECW for what seemed like a long time even though it probably wasn’t. This was all in spite of him just working to get paid by then. He could have gotten away with it had the business not changed IMO and he could have done more than merely gotten away with it if he didn’t qui lt giving a shit.
  21. Abdullah is another example. I think people look through smart colored glasses when talking about him. When Abdullah showed up on a Sunday afternoon, people watched just to see what he would do. He could have continued on through the changes but he lost his fire. He just wanted to get paid. Then finally he just plain got old. And that’s without getting into what kind of a person he is outside of the ring.
  22. Sabu was somehow that last oldschool mysterious wrestler and the first new age hardcore wrestler all at once, new age hardcore the way people in America came to define it anyway. People were scared of him yet couldn’t look away. They wanted to see what he would do next, even if it didn’t involve a table. Then if it involved a table they wanted to see that to. He’s a bridge connecting the years and eras.
  23. Sabu could never touch another drug, blow another penny or lose another drop of blood and be overdue for a professionally done documentary on his life. I’d pay for that faster than I’d pay to watch any wrestling match.
  24. That’s messed up either way but Idk about the details there. If Adonis drowned later then that would mean the guy went swimming after his ring, took it off him under water, and got back out of the water with it. But it hardly matters. Messed up stuff however it went. Is there a Sabu episode? They need to do 1 on him.
  25. Duggan has chilled out and I absolutely love him on FB lately. He was a Hogan asskisser in WCW, and I distinctly remember some WCW Live or some shoot or something where he sounded like he could have been reading notes Hogan wrote. He crapped on all the new wrestlers, copped out to drawing power, etc. Meanwhile all he ever did was wrestle on the C shows working the cheapest pop of all time with his chant. But yeah...he’s chilled out. Oldwrestleritis goes away like sinusitis if you can just get through it.
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