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Death From Above

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Everything posted by Death From Above

  1. I'd say surely Toronto don't have 5 comebacks in a row in them, but this is Hamilton led by Henry Burris we're talking about, so honestly it seems more likely here than a couple other times.
  2. I realize it was a previous month's theme but this pretty much looks like every parent's worst nightmare for their daughter.
  3. So it finally dawned on me all these years later that I have access to the internet and I should just look up what that weird shit was on K-Jah back in the Grand Theft Auto III days. Album title was better than I could have ever hoped: Scientist Rids the World of the Evil Curse of the Vampires This is one strange ass record. But it rules.
  4. Roseanne, prior to the lottery nonsense, might be the most realistic sitcom ever. There was little of the screwball nonsense you see in other sitcoms or super-contrived situations. The characters weren't the typical "bumbling dad" stereotypes. The characters went through real issues, they were handled in a realistic way, and the people involved weren't perfect. And it was RIOTOUSLY funny for several years. Great show. I still can't believe I hated it when it first aired. http://youtu.be/o_HfjqdmMS0
  5. RNH returns very early in the year. Says his shoulder feels better than it has in his whole NHL career, and he's apparently shooting much harder. Please let this end well.
  6. Honestly I would never go near that thing. I have nothing against BP in general as an affordable family restaurant but screw that thing.
  7. Pepsi Throwback is so much better than actual Pepsi it's astonishing they are the same product.
  8. Not kicking the ball right at Travis Benjamin should probably be a thing going forward.
  9. I am playing two fantasy leagues this year, both giant ones, a 16 and a 20 team league. I took Tomas Hertl in the second last round of both those drafts since no one knows who he is and I'm already thinking that was probably a steal. I can see why the Sharks training camp chatter about him was so positive.
  10. No I just hate him when he does awful movies like Dances With Wolves instead of actual good movies like Bull Durham and 3000 Miles to Graceland.
  11. So a guy I know got hit by a minivan just crossing the street to pick up dinner tonight, but walked away with nothing worse than a little bleeding and like a bruised rib. Also, he still went and got dinner. When people are hungry people are hungry. I retorted "well it was only a minivan, not like it was a tank or a dinosaur or something". Nice to be able to crack a joke like that after such a break.
  12. Aaaaaand Hoyer just sort of pretzelized himself.
  13. I tried redesigning the Browns jerseys in Madden and like 10 different design possibilities all came out laughably awful. Brown and orange is just tough to make look really cool. I did change their logo to being a big brown beaver though. That part was cool.
  14. Washington need to be relegated from the NHL entirely.
  15. More like Suckaneers, amirite?
  16. Jackson screwing the Giants is tradition.
  17. I can't believe I didn't vote for that. Listmania: so much regret.
  18. I look at that and this is literally all I can see:
  19. A whack-a-mole game with the heads of famous NHL coaches would probably be a huge hit in a few Canadian rinks at least.
  20. I haven't even seen it yet but 50/50 says the Avalanche staged the whole thing to ramp up ticket sales. Not even saying that's a bad thing either. Baseball managers have been making asses of themselves to increase team's celebrity for years. It's a proven and tested method. :-)
  21. It's a hard subject to draw conclusions on because how many of us watch any of the Euro leagues where these rules take place either way. I do know that in terms of "experts" (defined as members of the media, ex-coaches, ex-players, etc) who have commented on the issue, the vast majority have basically said what I said, and I'm parroting them. Even the ones that want to eliminate fighting for the most part say that the idea it's a straight line to non-violence is a fallacy, and say be cautious about how you do it. Most of them still agree you're going to have to deal with an increase in other unwanted behaviour. From Scott Bowman to Bob McKenzie and almost all other points. Everyone is agreed pretty much that "fighting gone, everything wlll be smooth" won't happen. It's possible they're all wrong but I don't really see any good reason to believe that. I do want to point out I'm not trying to crap on your position or anything though. This is pretty much the only good discussion on this subject I've been involved in so far this week.
  22. I don't consider that as radical a change as "lets change from a contact game to a non contact game" which is essentially where this is going. That's like the split between rugby and soccer going back into the 1800's, almost. It's the only real thing I can think of that is even remotely in the ballpark, although even then, it's not really something that was thought about the way this discussion is I'm sure.
  23. I had this debate with myself like 5 or 6 years ago over football. It's a violent game. That's obvious to everyone. Am I willing to put up with the consequences of what I'm going to see due to that or not? I decided for myself that I was. It's a serious quesiton that a sports fan is entitled to ask. I don't watch MMA very much anymore, but that's not an issue of violence. I simply don't care for the product. But the violence aspect isn't what turns me off. I don't have a problem with contact sports. Both playing them as an adult and watching them is a moral choice. "Don't give people the choice" is some totalitarian nonsense. If you don't want to watch contact sports, that's fine. There are literally dozens of alternatives. I think trying to change sports into something they aren't is a waste of time. See the classic American argument: "Soccer would be great if it wasn't soccer". Or basically me on basketball: "Basketball would be great if it was NBA Jam instead of basketball". No sport has fundamentally changed what it is, to my knowledge, ever. I don't see any reason to believe it can be done now. It just seems like a waste of energy to me.
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