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thee Reverend Axl Future

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Everything posted by thee Reverend Axl Future

  1. I lost touch with Arthur but he was a great guy and funny as heck. He brought his camera to the MSG show to fulfill his HS photography shop assignments. His mom was pals with one of the MSG families, so we had access to their ringside seat privleges. We saw a lot of great matches but saw much Tiger Chung Lee vs, Mr. Fuji openers. misty & water-colored, RAF
  2. This justifies my recent cancellation of the Network, which was mostly a reaction to the crappy policies of the WWECorp. I'm gonna be a-diggin' those boxes of tapes and DVDs out of the basement soon. I will miss seeing certain workers (Cesaro, Asuka, Velveteen Dream, Ciampa, et al) but this really clinches it. My missing $10 a month won't matter to them, and it is a paltry gesture on my part, but it is important to me. subscriber since the beginning but NO MORE, RAF
  3. Hey, Young RAF was there! My pal Arthur and I always stood for the Russian National Anthem and were scolded by various NYC cab drivers and newsboys for it. I dunno if I have the gumption to watch through this mishegas to see if we made hard cam, although we are visible in several other MSG tapings from that era. The work moves-wise is minimal but the work working-wise is deliciously old school. This is a very interesting time as they are clinging to tradition but discovering the new ways, casting off and trying on and adapting as they go with no template. So many crap workers, tho', so if you didn't grow up with it it can be a slog. On the other hand - MEATHEAD (a.k.a. Thee Fink)! - time, the script is you and me, boys, RAF p.s. - youthful RAF and his chum Vinnie C are also visible in the WM1 home release and Arthur appeared in the WWF Victory magazine. Collect and trade with your friends.
  4. The intensity of this segment is heightened muchly from it's length, but redneck bully Austin is as intimidating as Dr. D Davis Shultz and that is great praise from RAF. Heel Cole's run was so so painful, again muchly because of it's length and how much he was protected (and Mr. McMahon). I still have the PTSDs from the Guest GM Era. However, there were Cole highlights, usually when he shows ass, like: "The Cole Mine" - it still makes me chuckle. - RAF
  5. I'm aware that it is from a house show, but the cartoonishness of this is of a very modern self-aware mode that differentiates itself (for me) from the lengthy swaths of time in my life spent watching the Looney Toon stallings of Ivan Putski, Wild Samoan head butt challenges or Bugsy McGraw cosplaying Curly Howard. In it's deconstruction, detournement, subversion and fannish perspective of the concept of a wrestling match; this stuff reminds me of a midget match (which I loved because everybody loves the midgets). Rassling can contain multitudes, and all folks have a line - personally I can't stand the Invisible Hand Grenade shtick but but I love when Tiger Jackon would bite referee Dick Whoerle on the ass. For me, the comedy stuff when done well can make the violent or soap opera parts seems more dramatic, in the same match and/or card. a little of this a little of that, RAF -
  6. This was some primo tape-trading stuff during a hot period for that activity. I would often pad out a request with a random lucha shows from that time, because there were so many amazing workers, hot feuds and crazy angles that it was a sue fire crowd pleaser for those with elevated taste. - RAF
  7. This is a great hypothetical. In my opinion, and trying to summarize my answer as much as possible, running a promotion during the pre-cable era was based on live shows being the cash cow. Later, even as PPV dollars supplemented arena tickets sales, the model was "don't give away the big matches on TV". It seemed to worked, as it always had. Stick with what works was the motto, innovation was not a virtue to the people who were putting up the money (i.e. the promoters) Just as the earlier (pre-TV) business model of wrestling was based on boxing, when a new medium came along the business and business model adapted. Mr. McMahon's genius was in capitalizing on this modern media landscape (inspired, aided and abetted by folks like Jim Barnett, Joseph Cohen, Dick Ebersol, even Pat Patterson and Ted Turner) and radically changing the old rassling promoting style (not necessarily the in-ring stuff) to benefit from these new money streams. The heart of your inquiry: some workers were best displayed in the old (squash-heavy) format, but no one would have lasted long if they couldn't deliver live. Certainly the most talented folks could have thrived in either era - working is working - and there are probably a few "top" guys now that wouldn't have gotten over as well back then. It is about the presentation of the product and the style of the TV shows more than the actual wrestlers. The emphasis these days is about the actual in-ring product and less about the "working"/hype/kay fabe. I hate to maybe misuse an analogy, but if we take movies as a comparison, it is less about the story and cinematography these days and more about the acting and dialogue. I will mention that the wrestling style of today (and the schedule, travel, etc.) is not as conducive to a long term career. The more working, the less strain on the body. But of course, why would management care about that? These are independent contractors, after all... - RAF
  8. This is some Chikara (circa 10 years ago)-style stuff. It is odd seeing it on a big league stage. I dunno, I like my indie stuff indie level and my major label stuff in that level. feelin' old & confused for some time now, RAF
  9. I don't watch wrestling to see wrestlers that look like me - I want larger than life people that I would want to befriend or learn from, or to merely stand in wonderment that we all walk the same planet together. If I am paying, I want to witness some folks that make me speculate things like - "has Abdullah the Butcher ever walked to the bodega to get some milk?" "what happens when Terry Funk gets a jury duty notice?" "what would a seder at Fred Blassie's home be like?" "does L. A. Park like roller coasters?". The lines between work and shoot should blur, whether it is because I want them to or because those lines weren't lines but waves or particles or psychedelic pandemonium. Anyway, the Gangstas were always an successful anomaly. Great gimmick, intensity, interviews - for me, everything but the ring stuff. New Jack certainly found a niche and could work his work, but Mustapha was my fave because of, not despite, his very limited skill set. In thee Rev's book, he was second to none for being the background man in promos: better than the savage Wild Samoans, better than flexing Road Warrior Animal, better than the arcane martial arts of the Great Kabuki, yea even better than Lysol & raw chicken Abby. These are the aspects I notice and note. It is always worthwhile to be great at a small thing if you can't be better than everyone else at most things. Dig it - Mustapha's Greek chorus, intimidating facials and running support are brilliant here, but his onomatopoeia-as-coda makes this a fave rave for me: he's gotta be high, right?, RAF p.s. - NJ's rant is top notch and this era of ECW is transcendent and still holds up today.
  10. I'd feel sad for TCLee for being the most obvious"helloImgoingtobetheonetoeatapin" fellow ever, but I had to suffer thru his face turn and interminable matches with Mr. Fuji at MSG show so forget him. I like to imagine Murdoch, Adonis, and Andre argued over who gets to do the "tied up in the top and second rope" spot and finally deciding no one gets to do it then. - RAF
  11. "Iceman" King Parsons will always be the master of the butt butt for me. - RAF
  12. I saw all these tapes under the blue tarp behind the table of rusty tools at the Mexican flea market. If Uncle Dave wants, I'll gladly pick them up for him on Sunday - $5 each, 3 for $10. - RAF
  13. Bob Sweetan was the lowest of the low, and mostly despised by his fellow workers. He did have a good moniker and a fine finisher, but I feel dirty for even giving a like to that gif above. He looked every inch the heel he was (mostly) in the ring (and apparently out of it as well). His face runs rang really hollow for me (Southwest Championship Wrestling, I recall, over the title "Mr. Piledriver" vs. Blanchard? Jaggers? Help me out...) Anyway: http://slam.canoe.com/Slam/Wrestling/2017/02/23/22706175.html ---sordidness. - RAF
  14. I did not enjoy it nearly as much as I wanted to. Damn. Wrestling must always (appear) to go forward, to remain au courant. You can appeal to nostalgia, even benefit from it, but should never indulge in it. If you present it as "classic", "traditional" , "retro" or "throwback", you lose some of the sports presentation that is necessary to actualize the believabilty of pro wrestling. Creating a niche product to market it to a niche crowd of consumers is a losing proposition and makes you seem small time. No matter how good a cosplayer you are, you will not be seen a true creator - just a consumer, fan, amateur. Things I Liked: - small ring - studio audience and setting - real interviews Thing I Did Not Like: - no good heels - the audience was too happy. Where were the (por ejemplo) jeering Girl Scout troops of the old TBS studios, that the heels had to work to get a real reaction from? - the workers were too much the same, with no flair. They all wanted to appear tough but no one was larger than life. - Aldiss is generic as heck, and his valet appeared to be catatonic - Tim Storm: yuck. So sincere as to be maudlin and business exposing as well. He shows every year of his age in the ring. He refers to himself as a "performer" - by thee great ghost of Blassie, that is some infuriating shiazit. That said, I will watch again to how (if?) this evolves. my free opinion, RAF
  15. "Harvey Davidson" - Please, dearest Shiva, let that be his shoot name. thank you, RAF p.s. - the "etc. etc. etc." at the end is great too, the poster equivalent of a hand wave or this:
  16. Dean R- Chikara and Dusty Rhodes promos were very instrumental in developing my young'un's Weltanschauung. Your offspring are probably ready for advanced Japanese Independent Federation instruction. - RAF
  17. I took my kid to see "My Name Is Dolemite" on Friday (best dad? worst dad? Keep your labels: she loves cursing) Not being facetious, but it is the feel good movie of the year that uses the word motherf*cker every 40 seconds. Very well made and fun, and as usual my man Wesley Snipes steals the show. Highly recommended. - RAF
  18. Good video, but the tune's been covered by a true rock'n'wrestling connection: Big shout out to thee mighty Cocknoose who do a steaming version as well. - RAF
  19. It depends on your definition of cool. It depends if you think there is only one kind of cool. It depends if you accept other's definitions of 'cool' as your own. It depends if you can recognize cool without it being presented to you as such. It depends on if you think 'real world cool' is cool. - RAF
  20. (aahh, quoting oneself, powerful messageboard heeling) Just to update, since I have been thinking on this more, This is not a definition of pro wreslting, just as succinct a list as I can think of of the essential elements needed. I thought about adding a "realtime" qualifier in (C) - I guess it's needed. Is an audience necessary? I don't want to exclude the (admittedly rare but beloved by myself) empty arena/island matches. please ponder amongst yourselves, RAF
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