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Everything posted by (BP)

  1. I think this was a PBA charity show Cena's dad put on.
  2. Does Hogan's team have access to the entire tape? If not, Hogan probably had no recollection of what he said years earlier after a big meal and some sex. Especially if he says shit like that all of the time.
  3. I can only assume one of the leaks will be Hogan pulling his eyes back with his fingers and doing an impression of the guy who prepared all of the sushi he shouldn't have eaten.
  4. Before the thread gets locked...please take one last opportunity to get your shit in. Umm...I bet Hogan wishes it was 1974 again. Even getting his neck broken by a tombstone from the Undertaker is better than this!
  5. I saw Ant-Man last night. It was fun. Solid middle of the pack Marvel flick for me. My two criticisms: There is terrible shot continuity with regard to Hope's bangs. The girl playing Rudd's daughter is awful at acting like she's asleep. So pretty minuscule stuff.
  6. Hogan's a compartmental racist, which I imagine is the most common. There are plenty of Black people he likes because he's decided they're "the good ones."
  7. Has Metallica removed Hogan from their website's alumni page yet? It'll be really surreal if they wipe out any evidence of him ever playing with them.
  8. Only talking about Keanu. Also, there was another Capote movie that year? I don't know how I missed the Keanu part. There was a Capote movie with Toby Jones and Sandra Bullock as Harper Lee that was shelved because of Capote and then quietly released on VOD.
  9. Volcano and Dante's Peak. Armageddon and Deep Impact. The Truman Capote movie with Philip Seymour Hoffman and the Truman Capote movie not with Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
  10. Also, there had just been a movie released called Blown Away with the Coreys.
  11. It's so TNA that they managed to actually get pretty hot from ripping off Summer of Punk with Aries and then jettisoned that so they could rip off the NWO...again.
  12. Every time I'm over my sister-in-law's house she's watching Teen Wolf, and I start talking about car surfing and playing YouTube clips of Big Wolf on Campus. Everyone sort of politely backs out of the room.
  13. That's absurd. Nearly all of them might be related to Naitch. He's a Petri dish in alligator shoes.
  14. Lesnar/Taker will need gimmicks out the ass. Like a Hell in the Cell Chain match with both their old ladies on the line. With Heyman hanging from a cage. And Taker talking about everyone in the front rows' mothers.
  15. Remember when Kane sounded like Ned from South Park?
  16. I'm in. I don't know how long it's going to take to get a US streaming or DVD/Bluray release though.
  17. This week's Girl Meets World is about whether Dark Knight Returns is literature or not. Don't be the stuffy Principal played by Earl Sinclair voice actor Stuart Pankin; be the cool motorcycle riding English teacher who's trying to reach these kids by thinking out of the box and teaching Miller, man!
  18. I remember a short period where they were having JR try to get over "Technical Marvel" as a term for him.
  19. Yeah, I suspect part of the reason was so he could sneak the Quackensmash in there.
  20. Hmm...maybe. I remember Quack wrote a special movez issue of one of the Apter mags in the 90s that I read over and over. Now I have no idea what anything is called.
  21. I was picturing that sit out torture rack thing Abyss does as the backcracker.
  22. My old man went in the hospital today with congestive heart failure. I'm trying to be optimistic, but I just went through this with my grandfather a couple of years ago. He's generally in very poor health, so even if we avoid the worst he's going to have to go into some kind of assisted living. I'm about to change jobs and my wife's more than halfway through her pregnancy, and I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. Everyone warned me growing up sucks.
  23. Depends. Is one of them Jeff Jarrett? Because he's probably my least favorite crowd brawler ever.
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