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Everything posted by (BP)

  1. Maybe I missed something, but a large part of Zemo's plan seemed contingent on knowing or at least having a strong suspicion of something that only Steve, Black Widow (?), and Hyrda would've known about. Was there an explanation for how he learned of the 1991 mission in the first place?
  2. I have to rewatch that KOTR match. I just remember that really strange bit where Shawn saved a special needs kid from getting roughed up by security.
  3. They didn't bill Jim Rash's character with a name, which means it's possible that Dean Pelton somehow got a job at MIT and Community is in a shared universe with Marvel. <3
  4. We've also been in an unparalleled nostalgia funk culturally for a long time. Everyone roughly in WWE's adult demos want the 90s back in general, not just in wrestling.
  5. The Punk tattoo looks like it should have the Coppertone dog pulling at the back of his trunks.
  6. I keep coming back to better concepts for a similar show, and I think if it had to involve kids it should have been a WWE version of Bebe's Kids. Every episode Vince tries to sleep with a single mother and ends up watching her unruly future WWE superstar children (voiced by the actual wrestlers.)
  7. Looking at that list makes me mashup titles and imagine more awesome terrible movies: The Flinstones Die in the West, I Now Pronounce You Jaws and Lorax, 1941 2000, Land of the Waterworld, Stop! Or My Mom Will Hulk...
  8. Vince wanted to capitalize on the OJ trial, so he brought in Mason, who's an actual attorney and buddy of Ernie Ladd. He got released after he asked to be taken out of NOD because he was uncomfortable with the gimmick. He had the cup of coffee in WCW and then went back to practicing law.
  9. (BP)

    RIP, Prince

    The Mould collaboration is apparently not true. I don't know what to believe about some of the vault rumors, but Prince was an insanely prolific songwriter. It wouldn't surprise me if he wrote so much music he didn't have lyrics for that he used stuff he saw on television like wrestling or Transformers as inspiration for filler lyrics until he took another pass at the song. Dylan famously has a lot of songs on the bootleg albums where it's just stream of consciousness words to figure out the melody before he goes back and actually writes. If there are songs about Bock or Optimus Prime I'm guessing it's something like that.
  10. Burlington County represent. I haven't been to the library since I was a little kid, but I just moved back to the area and bought a house, so I'll have to check it out.
  11. Do Cornette and Bret just keep up with WWE by trading a trunk full of dirt sheets from 2007 between each other?
  12. At least when TNA's new owners do their creative reboot they can bring in Hornswoggle as the person secretly booking the company like shit for twelve years.
  13. Yeah, Black can make variations of KKBB for the rest of his career and I'd be happy.
  14. This is a really sweet short doc about a blind wrestling fan/blogger whose best friend calls the matches at live events for him. http://www.rollingstone.com/sports/videos/watch-rudy-and-des-a-doc-about-a-friendship-formed-through-wrestling-20160505
  15. Do wrestlers get a piece of the belt money if it's their name plate on it or they're the current champ?
  16. (BP)

    RIP, Prince

    I can't believe I haven't seen this before. He opened the floor up to questions then immediately started playing over them!
  17. What a time to be alive. SquawkHallelujahWhoa
  18. I kind of wish we could just skip to the inevitable Tatum and Hill Meet Frankenstein movie. Actually...21 Elm Street! I need to contact someone at Sony right now.
  19. I'm kind of amused by them parodying the 80s standby of taking established properties and just making them children, but this really should have just been a cartoon about Vince's character at WWE headquarters. Of course, that would have been too close to home. Maybe they should have made it like that action figure line from the Attitude Era where Vince was Charlie and the wrestlers were his Angels taking on espionage and crime fighting missions.
  20. Kalisto's lucky. Usually you have to pay a lot of money for a role play that complex.
  21. (BP)

    RIP, Prince

  22. Davey will never be the wrestler Terry Funk was, but he can retire as many times as him.
  23. I winced all the way through the old guy recovering from prostate surgery putting the old guy recovering from a bender in a sharpshooter. Also, if they're going to rehash Montreal again, I better at least get Lil Naitch in one of Flair's robes getting his ass handed to him by Natty - Jim Ross be damned.
  24. I feel like this whole thing was a vehicle for Vince to take ownership of the Cranky Vince persona.
  25. Fade in Int. Secret Camera Footage - Night Rip, laying in a post coital, post sushi malaise next to someone else's wife, gives a monologue about the secret Samoan love child he wished he'd stayed in contact with. Then, he says some unkind things about other races...WHEN SUDDENLY...Zeus enters crashing through a wall! ZEUS (GRUNT WHISPER): Zeussssss...
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