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Everything posted by (BP)

  1. I don't know about 2020 because I'm not sure of anything anymore. That said, Trump's going into his first term the most unpopular President in modern history. A lot of voters who rolled the dice with him won't give him much slack. I think it's very plausible he'll set a lot of economic time bombs that'll go off under a Democrat successor in four years and four years after that the GOP will get the White House back again. And no one will have learned anything. Of course by then we'll be partially underwater anyway.
  2. The poignancy of the cold open would've meant more if they hadn't also been part of the media enabling Trump. The Jheri Curls bit was incredible because they so successfully imitated some of their one-note, directionless sketches that I didn't see the turn coming.
  3. The last of half of Four Rooms makes up for slogging through the first. After Hours is wonderful. If that's anyone's Scorsese blind spot I encourage you to check it out.
  4. The creepiest part of that story was his alleged desire to keep holding rallies. Not only troubling from a historical perspective, but it's an obvious sign that his desire for instant affirmation hasn't been quelled and he'll dictate his policies around it.
  5. Joe has the cool grandpa rep going for him these days, but he was responsible for a lot of the draconian War on Drugs laws. I don't know if an age where everyone's questioning what the Democrats actually do for them that he'd play well to minorities he essentially legislated against.
  6. I never prepared myself for this outcome, so I'm surprised at how angry and hurt I am. I've lashed out a lot at acquaintances and blown up relationships with a couple of immediate family members. I never thought I'd do that over politics, but this feels so different. Things have changed and I doubt we recover.
  7. Hi @lurkerbelow - I am smug. We were discussing various demographics involved and I chimed in with one of many thoughts I had on the subject. Boomers could all disappear tomorrow and it wouldn't change that the Democrats abandoned the working class decades ago and it bit them on the ass here. Also, I was a lurker here for years before I participated. No one will bite. This board is refreshingly civil most of the time. Please post more if you're inclined.
  8. Hillary had a lot of problems beside sexism going against her, but would this country really embrace a populist female candidate? I can't imagine the majority reacting well to a woman who carried herself like Trump or Bernie. Of course the counter to that is that people felt Hillary was too cold...ugh I don't know.
  9. Zach for DNC Chair! https://www.google.com/amp/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5824cb95e4b0ddd4fe7954e8/amp?client=safari
  10. The Democrats will run a male surrogate for Clinton's agenda in 2020 because they've learned nothing and they'll lose. I would hope the wheels are already spinning on a Democratic Socialist party based on Sanders's following.
  11. Yeah, there's been an influx of Puerto Rican immigrants to Florida because of their economy recently. They didn't necessarily vote Clinton.
  12. There was a generational divide here as well. This was a last gasp for white boomers.
  13. I look forward to the shoot interview where Sin Cara's asked to replicate the noise he was making.
  14. I think it was a combination of her disinterest in being a conventional leading lady and getting a reputation for being difficult to work with. She was originally cast in Sandra Bullock's role in Demolition Man and was fired by Joel Silver on the second day of shooting. Last month my wife and I got free tickets to go see Point Break Live. They reenact the entire movie with an audience member selected to play Utah reading from cue cards to capture Keanu's performance. It's pretty fun as long as you're prepared to be covered in water and fake blood.
  15. I sort of started with a favorites list and then began filling in some blind spots with TCM and Criterion. I'm still not sure how much weight influence should have on the list. Like 3 Women and Mullholland Drive wouldn't have been made without Persona, but the first two made my list and Persona didn't. It's still a favorites list of sorts anyway. There are a lot of sacred cows from famous directors that won't make my 100 while films that are considered their lesser works will.
  16. These are the pre-1950 movies I have on the current draft of my list.
  17. The 1988 equivalent of YouTube would've eaten it up though.
  18. Thank God for the Internet. I've been able to track down nearly every fragmented memory of weird things I happened to see on television as a kid. In this case it was something I only saw a few minutes of at my grandparents' house while I was prepping to go trick or treating probably 25 years ago. It terrified me, so naturally I've just discovered it was actually a horror comedy made for ABC in 1985 called The Midnight Hour. I don't know if I would have been quite so spooked if I'd tuned in for the bobo-Thriller musical number. Also, I ended up on William Ragsdale's IMDB after watching Fright Night, and I was reminded of another huge movie from the same time in my childhood, Frankenstein: The College Years, which, if you're not familiar, is Encino Man with The Monster. I'll have to give that another watch and program it with Big Man on Campus, which is essentially the exact same movie but with The Hunchback of Notre Dame. All of this stuff is on YouTube for anyone that's interested.
  19. I caught Quick Change on TV today, and I realized it's one of those movies that I'll watch at least once a year for life. It's just below Ghostbusters and Groundhog Day for me in Bill Murray's filmography. Looking at the IMDB trivia, I'd never realized it was based on a novel, or that it'd been previously adapted into a French film called Hold-Up with Kim Catrall in the Geena Davis role. I'm also watching St. Vincent right now. It's fine, but Murray seems to be all over the place with his performance. Some scenes he's doing very nuanced character work and in others he's relying on the Bill Murray persona to make it work.
  20. My grandmother has a 100-year-old cousin paying about that for a rent-controlled in Brooklyn she's lived in since the Korean War. It must drive the property owners crazy.
  21. The Light Heavyweight division was initiated at a time when Vince was trying a lot of things at once and keeping what stuck. A lot of stuff from that time was tossed to focus on the crash TV angles by late 98/99 because that was their bread and butter.
  22. We Are Still Here was pretty fun. I liked it playing with the conventions of the current haunted house trend. The pacing is messy, but I liked the premise of the characters being trapped between two different supernatural forces trying to kill them. And I had no idea Barbara Crampton was in it, so that was a pleasant surprise. After years of aborted attempts I finally sat through Suspiria. I'm not sure how it got such a great rep. Technically it's pretty neat, but I didn't find anything outside of the first five minutes compelling at all. In fairness I'm not a huge Argento fan to begin with, but I would certainly rate Opera over this. The Goblins soundtrack rules though. Berberian Sound Studio isn't quite horror, but I'm not sure where'd you place it outside of maybe psychological thriller. I loved seeing Toby Jones as a lead. The movie within a movie was quite amusing coming off of watching Suspiria. I saw some wild theories about what's going on, as the movie sort of abandons a narrative in the last half hour, but it seems to be a pretty straightforward parable about being desensitized to violence or aggression in general. It's weird, uncompromising, and very well made, but I wouldn't call it a fun watch by any means.
  23. Fucking Skyscraper! It has the single greatest shoe-horned sex scene I've ever seen in a movie. Anna Nicole gets her hands on a gun from one of the terrorists, regards it for a moment. There's a soft fade to a flashback of her husband teaching her how to shoot, followed by an extended softcore scene between them. Soft fade back up to Anna Nicole, still trapped in a building with terrorists, staring at the gun with a look of, "Oh yeah, I do know how to use a gun."
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