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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. The finale was the only episode that really felt like The Walking Dead. Armies of zombies + despair will do that.
  2. I can't post a gifv gif here so I'll do a link instead but rest assured your life will be richer for having seen this. I need a 3 hour Kangaroos vs Humans PPV right fucking now. It's awesome how she guards against the possible half-and-half suplex so he transitions deftly to the rear naked choke.
  3. Even more TNA-like would be if they used old matches with AJ, Joe, Daniels, and so on. Is there any wrestling that is now public domain, maybe the old Wrestling Gold stuff? Dixie passing off Jerry Lawler vs Bob Sweetan as a tournament match would be amazing.
  4. I don't know the guy so I'm just giving him the benefit of a doubt, I suppose. I reserve terms like "piece of shit" for truly vile human beings, though, not for dudes who politicked into a good spot in the world of fake fighting. Well except for AJ Styles, he's a POS.
  5. I'm just glad the venue changed so I don't have to look at Green Lantern Fan at ringside anymore.
  6. Regarding people having issues reconciling the Triple H of old who would talk shit on people, hold people down, politic, etc with today's indy-friendly Triple H: people can mellow as they get older, change their opinions and views, etc. Nobody is static. Also, his actions and views evolved with his place in the company. Dude went from a hyper-competitive environment where it benefited his boss to keep him and his coworkers constantly insecure and job-scared to a place where he's a father and a businessman whose position in the company is safe. What would you expect?
  7. Congratulations on coming through the coma. Thanks! Honestly, I usually just watch Raw on ffwd and just watch the matches I'm interested in. yesterday, I watched the whole thing and the stuff with the Authority just bugged the shit out of me because it's so counter to how wrestling is supposed to be booked to make money. But this isn't a wrestling company, it's a content generation firm with multiple revenue streams and whatever other buzzwords you like, so the actual wrestling product can be shit and they'll still do okay.
  8. Exactly. Saw it once, understood it was well made and a good piece of work, never need to see it again. It did give us "ASS TO ASS" though. I recommended Requiem to a coworker. He texted me halfway through saying, "Why did you tell me to watch this? Did I do something to offend you? Why do you hate me?"
  9. There's only one letter difference between TNA and TNM. Think about it.
  10. So is Stephanie booking the show or are the writers just booking to her her ego to keep their jobs? Seriously what the fuck is the Authority supposed to be? Because all I see is the worst traits of every "booker who is also a wrestler" ever. Steph does the cheap heat thing to babyface her to the crowd and then emasculates every wrestler she interacts with. The Authority is better, smarter and more powerful than every wrestler on the roster. So why watch the show? Is there a payoff in any of this? This show is dog shit. There's no need for any of us to watch 3 hour McMachon masturbatory power fantasies. At least Vince understood that he was a heel and needed to get some comeuppance in the end. Fuck, can you imagine, when the Horsemen were running roughshod over the NWA, if Jim Crockett came on TV and told Flair that he wasn't shit because Crockett's the owner and that's where the real power is? Like Flair is out there cutting a promo about living in the big house on the big side of town and wearing the most expensive suits, and then Jim Crockett comes out and tells Flair to shut up and go away because the owner is here now? And Flair just sulks off? God damn what the fuck has happened to wrestling?
  11. She is creepy as fuck, the kind of person you were blissfully unaware of before the Internet came and gave all the weirdo attention whores an equal platform and validity.
  12. Short-lived, cancelled genre shows tend to get overrated because: They weren't around long enough to experience the usual downturn in quality They typically have small but rabid fanbases who won't shut up about them I liked Firefly but it wasn't a life-changing show that left a hole in my life when it was cancelled.
  13. At first glance I thought Helms was Brodus Clay.
  14. Randy The Ram Robinson...triple score
  15. The Galoob Simmons still has a more varied moveset than the LJN Rude
  16. Man, TNA is really serious about cutting staffing costs.
  17. I did not enjoy We Are Still Here, and that sucks. Neat atmosphere and all, but the plot reveal turned the whole thing into a convoluted mess. The first half of the film was awesome and showed so much promise and then...not so much. The two leads' acting was almost Tommy Wiseau bad and holy shit Lisa Marie what did you do to your face?
  18. I mean, Jesus, she's not a supermodel anyway but the angle of that shot makes her look like the bad guy from Lazytown
  19. Apparently Luck has some mystery injury. I think it's like Flowers for Algernon. The secret serum that evolved unfrozen caveman Luck just enough to make him pass for homo sapien has started to lose its effectiveness and he's devolving.
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