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Everything posted by TerjeRUN

  1. Shit, I need to play serious catch up with this podcast, I've missed a hell of a lot... I'm still on part two of Brother Love.
  2. I was half expecting him to go for a nut crack...
  3. I wonder if DB will get to the heights he was leading up to and post Summerslam again...
  4. What's the deal with Freight Train? Freight Train is a legitimately "challenged" young man. People out there think he's being taken advantage of, but he's not. People who shit on 5DW are seriously on the highest of horses. Because somebody doesn't like shit, cheap looking, camp wrestling they are on a high horse? Oh that's fantastic.
  5. Insult. Somebody you can make a whore out of. Description: Dixie Carter you are a whorable cunt.
  6. To be fair, wasn't that some sort of special Impact taping? New time, channel or something? Where they needed something big on that card for people to tune in? Tuning into the go-home show is important to the success of a PPV.
  7. TNA should outsource to India... wait a second.
  8. Meltzer on Austin's and Austin's on Jericho's should be excellent! Podcasts are the msot exciting thing in the wrestling world in 2013!
  9. hat didn't last long either. Dude is dead now anyway. Irony alert.
  10. Freight Train and anybody involved in that crap should hang their heads in shame. Nothing but desperate, cheap on the nose garbage.
  11. Just watched the Fab 4 last night. That worked shoot programme from 97 with Bulldog, Michaels, Undertaker and Bret. Was such a great watch at the time, it felt like you were watching somethign really special. it doesn't hold up well, especially the Undertaker segment. But there are some great real moments in there, and I guess is the closest we ever got to a British Bulldog shoot unless there are some obscure radio interviews out there somewhere?
  12. Do you hyave a link? Used to lvoe Kevin Smith, and still do if something of note pops up with him, and this could be interesting.
  13. Big Swing on Big Show is an iconic Wrestlemania moment waiting to happen, surely? Building a whole angle on Antonio wanting to swing Show like a toy... the payoff would be brilliant.
  14. What a jobsworth. I say crack open the GTA5 and bang rats, that's the dream.
  15. This has happened a couple of times now. I guess if my kids go into wrestling I'd rather they be playing video games in their down time rather than snorting cocaine like in other time periods.
  16. Will give this a shot on my lazy Sunday...
  17. The WCW botch GIF's on Page 23 are excellent. WCW will never stop bringing me new moments of excellence (hadn't seen any of those before).
  18. Did they talk about Montreal as advertised? Would be interested to hear Austin's take on it considering he acknowledges Bret has being a HUGE factor in launching his career, and obviously Vince gave him the platform. Ahead of time I assume Steve was mute on the subject though.
  19. This had nothing to do with it. Also worth noting Sabu wanted to go to WCW in 2000 but Heyman blocked it. He probably would have debuted if the company survived as the legal affair could only go on for so long before a conclusion. RVD was on his way in as well.
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