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Everything posted by zendragon

  1. As far as the JR thing. I would prefer that announcers call the women's matches the same as the men's. I have no problem with saying something to the effect of a talent looks to have been putting in sometime in the weight room , as a way to put over someone physique
  2. I wonder if at some point talent just doesn't want to deal with all of this and it becomes a situation where people would rather just stay in the indies or what ever
  3. I would LOVE for them to bring in Billy Mitchell as a heel manager, leading some sort of Legion of Doom or Gary Harts Army. If you saw Chasing Ghosts or King of Kong you know he's a natural main event heel
  4. I hope after the Retribution storyline T-bar gets rebranded as Rebar a construction worker like Regals old Man's man gimmick
  5. Stuff like flat earth sounds like a joke but it ends with people wanting to disregard/not believe in science which can lead to things like measles making a comback thanks to anti-vaxers
  6. If you wrestled in the Rock 'n' Wrestling ear or the Attitude ear its like playing for the steelers in the 70's. Your going in
  7. "Bill Gold" lost a dark match to Hugh Morris at Nitro. The next week he comes back and wins on TV as Bill Goldberg to start the streak.
  8. yhea, but I think it was more for travel than backstage in the arena. Jericho was unhappy and asked how they where supposed to be "rockstars" if everyone had to dress alike. Cena had an exception as long as he dressed "in character" (this is when he was still a rapper) and Foley had an exception that got revoked after a disagreement with vince, this was years ago so i don't know how strict they are or arn't on it currently
  9. Well the Boogey man reportedly ate worms backstage off camera so I doubt he'd have a problem
  10. As to the make up thing. I remember hearing that Vince expects everyone back stage to be camera ready and in ring gear backstage before the show. I wouldn't be surprised if this applies to all on air talent if the need someone to do a pre tape or something
  11. IN a number of years that girl is gonna be dating. Imagine being the kid who goes to pick up his girlfriend only to find her dad is the undertaker
  12. What did you think of the WW3 us title match against DDP? I liked that one. Bishoff say on I think 83 weeks that yes he (Bishoff) should have had a better Idea for bringing in Bret and that Owen's death really did cause Bret lose his to passion for wrestling
  13. Ricochet is kinda like Bret Hart where the in-ring work is so good he doesn't need to be a great promo. How ever him and Konnan were a great combo in Lucha Underground so I feel like he's a victim of Vince "no managers" edict
  14. Canada does a better job of Raking the forest than California
  15. I wonder if they would have done a one off on a B PPV for Hogan-Flair considering it didn't draw well. Do they just do it to do it and move on or just cancel the program
  16. Probably the Flair - Bret title change as well
  17. I remember when Christian had his feud with Cena and was getting over with his "peeps". It seemed like the fans really wanted him to be a top guy so he gets cut off at the knees. So TNA for once did the smart thing by bringing him in and treating him like top guy (similar to TNA bringing in Rhino who was always over even when he was wrestling on Heat). Miro feels like this, a chance for a guy who should be a top guy to be on top. Not just some random WWE cast off
  18. I was gonna say the delayed vertical suplex, used to see them all the time now not so much. More big guys should use them to show off their strength
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