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Dolfan in NYC

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Everything posted by Dolfan in NYC

  1. This one? The one who held THAT belt before the ADR feud?
  2. The Vegas threat is always there, despite how fake it is. Remember though, the NFL did sort of leak earlier this year that they were kicking the tires on expanding again. Among the locales they mentioned: Portland, Austin, SLC, OKC/Tulsa, Brooklyn, Long Island, Virginia, San Antonio, and of course, London, & *Insert Mexican City Here*. Just because the great Los Angeles hole is about to be filled doesn't mean idle threats can't be made. Just remember the words "Las Vegas Bills".
  3. Best Opponents for Charlotte at Wrestlemania (A List, by Kelvin "Dolfan in NYC" Cabrera) 1. Sasha Banks 2. Becky Lynch 3. Bayley 4. Brock Lesnar 5. Being Hit By A Bus 6. Nikki I don't know why people are under the delusion Nikki is in any way, shape, or form 'good.' She is average at best, and happens to be taller than the majority of the others which for some reason makes her "stronger". Becky, Charlotte, Sasha, and any other person I've seen that was trained through NXT always has to go at half-speed in order for Nikki to keep up. She is better than she was when she debuted all those years ago, but she still cannot chain wrestle, does not understand psychology, cannot tell a story in a match, and cannot cut a promo. Those are all things I'd expect from someone I'd consider 'good.'
  4. I think I heard the remaining orders put money in a pool to have Oakland build a new stadium. If Mark Davis is truly set on moving, he may be nuclear in the bay and may have to sell.
  5. I'm sure they're saving Charlotte for Mania for a huge match against her biggest rival and the most popular diva the WWE has to offer. Nikki
  6. God damn back to back west coast dates. Oh well, that was a god damned great streak.
  7. Do you know how much of an asshole you need to be to make DEAN AMBROSE look really uncomfortable to be there?
  8. There should've never been another adaptation after the Errol Flynn joint. It is about as perfect as a movie can get. You spelled Kevin Costner incorrectly J...
  9. Let me put it another way. Keep Colin Rand Kaepernick and Robert Lee Griffin, Third of His Name, the FUCK away from my favorite football team. We have roughly 37 other positions that need improvement before "Backup Quarterback" hits the list.
  10. NFLN has reported that Washington FC will release Griffen III.
  11. This is one of the Miami Beckhams stadium renderings:
  12. And Panama destroyed Cuba 4-0, which sucks because now we won't hear about half the team trying to defect.
  13. It's absolutely astounding to me that the same people that made this bad (no pun intended) ass theme are the same ones responsible for this:
  14. Saturday, January 16th 4:35ET Kansas City @ New England 8:15PM Green Bay @ Arizona Sunday, January 17th 1:05ET Seattle @ Carolina 4:40ET Pittsburgh @ Denver Alright KC, let's see if you're for real....
  15. Well good, I'm glad I don't have to worry about the Dolphins being competitive for the next few years. Thanks Stephen Ross!
  16. We all need to read the Fred Smoot AMA from yesterday: https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/3zwain/fred_smoot_again_ukn0thing_told_me_i_should_do/
  17. Piazza also doesn't have the very clear and obvious spike in his stats (especially power stats) that Bonds has between when he was allegedly clean (1999) and when he starts using (2000). I'm under no circumstances saying Bonds should not be in, nor am I saying Piazza didn't use, but in Bonds' case there is a lot more smoke even though the fire has never been discovered.
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