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Everything posted by bobholly138

  1. I love that 6 years ago Bestia was just a random luchadore that Wildkat Sports was booking in really good matches with Bolt Brady and Rey Horus. Now Bestia and Rey Horus are blowing up thanks to MLW.
  2. It feels like I am one of the few that doesn't hate Taven as ROH World champ. Sure he isn't a amazing talent. But for me he isn't horrible either. I rather watch a Taven match than AJ Styles.
  3. In the middle of episode 5. But so far this has been great. Read the comic at least 4 times now. And the changes to the show are working well. Looks like Ennis is doing good so far Preacher and The Boys have been damn good adaptations of his comics.
  4. I never bothed with the modded RSPW. But loved the other one. It is still going. But is 8 posters spamming crap constantly.
  5. My doctor tried to put me on Xanax for my issues. Refused it. So he prescribed Valiums. Then changes in various laws I had to choose between Valiums and my pain meds. Went with the pain meds. Refused the Xanax cause I have seen how addictive it can be. Had way too many friends get hooked on them. And to bring it back to wrestling almost 4 years ago at a local indie show had a former WWE tag team champ ask me for pain meds,when he saw me pulling a prescription bottle out of my pocket."Sorry REDACTED this is lithium." He replied with "All I wanted tonight was some pills and a big titty white woman. Guess I will just settle for big titties" and he wandered off.
  6. How many of yall were at RSPW? Pretty sure that is how I found out about this place. I was at RSPW from 98 until about 2006ish.
  7. Been posting and reading here since it started in what 99 or so. I go thru spells where I leave for a bit. Mostly back when I moved and went from having broadband internet to living in an area where all you could get until 2013 was AOL Dial up. Watching a RF Shoot with New Jack on Highspots. Decent shoot but every few minutes there is a bright white flash. I guess RF was taking pictures while talking to New Jack.
  8. I drink maybe 1 time a year. And then it is just one shot of vanilla Crown Royal. Drank heavy from 16 until I hit 22. Haven't drank much since then.
  9. I have had DIsh since 2000 and it is decent. Cheaper than Direct and it takes a major storm hitting for my signal to go out. I am about to drop Dish to save money. When I got it at first I was paying 80 a month. Now it is 120 a month. And there is only 3 shows that I can't get thru streaming that I watch.
  10. Just so happy that finally people know who Tim Storm is. Dude has been worth watching for at least 10 years now. First saw him in TCW. Then he worked a bunch for BIW. Back when Tim was NWA National Champion he had a brutal brawl with John Saxon that went all over the civic center.
  11. Now I want to see Tim and James Storm team up.
  12. Yea I had heard O'Shay moved. But it has been at least 16 months since he worked for EGO. Kept hearing O'Shay was in the ROH Dojo.
  13. Nice to see O'Shay got out of Pro Wrestling EGO. It's an ok fed but O"shay is too good to be stuck working in front of 70 people every month.
  14. I LOVE JGTH. Saw it opening night in a packed theater. Perfect way to see it. I would rather watch JGTH then the over-rated crap that is Friday part 7.
  15. Just for the line Curtis said at a Wrestle Birmingham show that got the promoter a huge fine means Curtis is way way above the line.
  16. They tried having a wrestling show,and brought in Ted Dibiase Sr,at the fair 5 years ago. But it cost extra to goto the show,I think they wanted 10 bucks a person. No one was placed at the entrance to make sure people had tickets. And the promoter got screwed by the church that was suppose to pay for Ted Sr.
  17. All I can say right now is two of the bigger camera guys in MS are working on a free ROKU channel which will have 10+ years worth of footage.
  18. At the 2012 Powerslam Productions Liberty Heritage Days outdoor free show ,which had Viscera in the main event,while brawling outside the ring hometown guy Krimsynn Matthews was handed a heavily sugared elephant ear and smacked The Prince of Pain Joe Kane in the face with it. WHen I got more time I will see if the match is online. EDIT Found it,was 2013 and the show's name was Slamfest.
  19. Funnel Cake is the name of them down here. And yea every fair has those,blooming onions,candied apples and some kind of meat on a stick.
  20. So far no. But Al Doink's son is Patriot,maybe have Brandi vs Hijo Del Doink vs Del Wilkes.
  21. Hearing rumors of a Memorial show for Alabama Doink.
  22. Yea I saw the news a bit ago. My monthly comic bill just went down a bit.
  23. What incident in New York. Lots of deep south indies will have students/guys not booked for the show sit in the back and heckle the crowd.
  24. Vordell keeps getting better each year. So happy my local indie,Bayou Independent Wrestling,has Vordell as their champ.
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