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Everything posted by TimLivingston

  1. I knew I'd run out of likes for the day in this thread. I'm not sure there's a wrestler I enjoy watching more than Arn. He was the prototype for so many different guys that you wonder while Flair was the king, if Anderson's legacy might be right there with him in the end.
  2. Now at #1 and #4 respectively as we hit midnight here on the West Coast. Four hours after the show. The morning will be interesting.
  3. Nah...you must have missed the time when Mark Henry got tossed around and had his arm broken.
  4. Not down anymore, but it was down for a good amount of time. It was funny to hear about people talking about how they were just bluffing, but this isn't just a bunch of hardcores leaving. My Twitter feed was full of casual fans shitting all over this thing. I'd love to hear how many they lost from this, but in reality, it's probably only about 10k, which is just above 1% of their subscription base. I have been entertained by the overreaction in this thread, though. Keep up the good work, you guys. And by keep up the good work, I mean you should probably step away from the keyboard before typing something when you're angry lest you get mocked for it.
  5. Ha! Well, good stuff, sir! Hope you enjoyed yourself. It was a blast for myself and I'm sure it was for Eric, too.
  6. Yes, this is totally a cheap plug, but considering there's a lot of people out here who like to scan various indies across the country, a new one started up a couple months back near where myself and EricR lived and we got a chance to do commentary on it. We actually had a three camera presentation and everything! The playlist shows the entire event. Standouts include the tag match featuring Jeff Cobb and JR Kratos along with the main featuring Marcus Lewis and Virgil Flynn, but the whole show is a lot of fun. Looking to do another show in the coming weeks. Check it out! (Playlist)
  7. I think Renegade turning on Joe Gomez tells you all you need to know about how good Joe Gomez was.
  8. Kiffin to the 49ers as an OC = Kiffin to the Raiders as a HC. I await Jed York's overhead presentation.
  9. McGregor being a southpaw could be weird for Jose. That plus McGregor seemed to slip out of takedowns pretty well, but obviously, that's not Jose taking him down. I'd say the spread would be at like...-300 for Jose? Maybe -400?
  10. Saw Maniac Cop 2 for the first time ever last night. Pretty awesome stuff. The stunts were absolutely nuts.
  11. Lemon and Donaghy were incredible. Knope and Swanson are good, but the way Lemon and Donaghy bounced off each other just blew me away at points.
  12. Lance in Brooklyn is awesome. I can't wait to see 40 iso plays in a row alternating between Lance and Joe.
  13. So go see Inherent Vice. And then go see it a second time because you're gonna be TOTALLY tripped out after seeing it the first time. Just an awesome, awesome film. Phoenix was downright fantastic in it.
  14. Broad City fucking killed it with the season opener. Awesome stuff. Parks and Rec was fun, and the whole Jam/Tammy stuff was incredible at times, but I have a feeling things will only pick up later on in the season, which is somewhat typical (yet not a bad thing).
  15. It's good insurance for the Nationals and lets the A's replace Gregerson while also being a candidate to close if Doolittle has any issues for some reason. Awesome trade.
  16. There's a lot to the finish thing, actually. Zayn's Helluva Kick works because it can be done on anyone. The Double Stomp is the same way, which is why a guy like Balor can do it and it would be great. The problem is that Itami was doing it too. Thankfully, he's got that whole GTS thing. But Owens needs a new finish. That vaulting powerbomb thing doesn't look that great. I'm guessing he's working on something, but that needs to change at some point.
  17. Don't want Tomsula. He's a rah-rah guy and would be overexposed. Fangio needs to be the #1 guy and then go get yourself an OC from there. Like, for example, not Gase and not Shurmur.
  18. Awesome premiere. Back to the Archer I know and love.
  19. God, the 49ers are looking at Adam Gase. That just has disaster written all over it.
  20. Maybe not a regular occurrence, but the first thing I thought of when I saw this title: I could watch that over and over again. For me: -The photographer in Earthbound -Hearing Aerith's theme -ANY comeback in Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo -Finding the warp flutes in Super Mario Bros. 3 -Playing as Michael Vick in Madden 2004, perhaps the most broken single part of any game I've ever played
  21. I'm blaming that scene from "Girls" last night.
  22. I always wanted Octagon to be The Great Sasuke. I couldn't have been the only one.
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