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Everything posted by Spontaneous

  1. BFG is going to be all sorts of weird. It basically has to be W-1 vs TNA for most of the night right?
  2. Brock vs Reigns at Mania guys. I hope I'm wrong though. No way Brock isn't keeping that belt until Wrestlemania. This is basically WWE's off season, they don't care right now.
  3. Really if you think about, Katie Vick doesn't happen were it not for Undertaker warping Kane all those years earlier...
  4. "I send them stupid worked shoots, the worst that I can write (bro bro bro)" It is just wrestling, we really should just relax
  5. He did ride Heath Herring like a rodeo horse though. That was funny
  6. He is what, 1-10 in them now? And when he loses, it always seems to involve fire and barbed wire
  7. He did burn down the funeral home with his family inside it, come on now. It's not like anything he did after that was going to do much in the karma department
  8. Well NJPW also probably pays AJ better than PWG can, so he should be more loyal to what they need of him
  9. I feel like TNA is more of a Ron Paul. Every year they are there, you know they have no chance and are probably crazy, but still there they are. GFW = Rand Paul.
  10. Fairly sure it was Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn. Ah yes, easy mistake to make. Shame Zayn and Generico cannot reform 2 Skinny Black Guys again I wonder if it is really worth it to bring Jericho and RVD back in six months or whenever. Seems like the Law of Diminishing Returns is really kicking in on them
  11. Lawler has always had issues with the Harts, the feud will never end
  12. Well he can't claim any relation to Hansen so the lariat is out. Time to bring back the Heart Punch
  13. Only 43? Remind me why I keep watching this stuff? That's terrible, I wonder what it was.
  14. I thought he said once that he thought he had killed Foley after he threw him off. Yeah, here it is
  15. Vince Russo, everything he touched, he destroyed. It's a shame TNA never had a place like the Impact Zone that they could actually charge money for tickets at. They never really had a home to work from.
  16. Is R-Ziggler = R-Truth? Because, that in theory could be funny
  17. We need Yngwie Malmsteen to do a metal version of the Chicken Dance for him to come to the ring to
  18. If Briscoe flapped his arms as the crowd chanted like a chicken for him, I'd totally be behind that
  19. I'd watch UFC more if they'd done a story where Shonne Carter had sent Matt Serra back in time
  20. Will Smith. Or Jaden. Aw hell, have Brock squash em both.
  21. Sheamus works better and is a fresh match up. Especially if they do it at Hell in a Cell, either Sheamus loses the US title and challenges for the World title or you get World Champion vs US Champion. Besides, the Bro Kick could conceivably be built up again as a threat to drop Brock. Sheamus hasn't had much to do all year.
  22. PAC and El Generico tagged on Raw. I'll forgive them for Reigns-Orton then. Guys, Orton is VICIOUS. He attacked Jericho. In the the trainer's room. Why do all the faces have Justice pain's gimmick? I'm a face but I act like a heel.
  23. I just meant among wrestling fans NJPW is no. 2. Most people still call it WWF so none of this really matters. NJPW is at least expanding, slowly. ROH is in neutral seemingly and TNA is TNA.
  24. Yeah but it's WWE. This past year has been brutal. Beyond the Shield split it has been Cesaro, Bo Dallas, the Wyatt's, Nation of Education, etc wasted. We all fear Rusev getting AA'd by the Royal Rumble. Without the fans revolting and CM Punk walking out we get Orton-Batista at Wrestlemania 30, a match up of guys who were up and comers at Wrestlemania XX and a planned match for Wrestlemania 22.
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