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Everything posted by Kuetsar

  1. Anyone farther back might tell her to fuck off. . .
  2. It was either last year, or the year before that they returned to sanity. It was the worst gimmick ever, tied only by that pizza bullshit by ellen.
  3. He was very carry able in that period, as Rude, Hogan and Savage would attest. Not sure Sting could have pulled three stars out of him at that point. Sting was always better when the weaker of a pair. Not saying he didn't have his moments, but warrior in 1990 would have been a hella job to pull off. . . .
  4. I"m not sure he could do much worse than Thomas really. . . .
  5. Talk about going from the frying pan into the fire. Someone tell him its okay not to hire former Pistons. . . .Goddamn. At least everyone else in the league with get some laughs when he trades Drummond for three second round picks five years from now. . .
  6. I guess the only way would be to forfeit the game that was just won. Its not a great idea, but it might work. . . Hell to the no. Fine the school if you have to, but under no circumstances do you forfeit a win. That way lies disaster. I didn't think it was good solution. Make the fine heavy enough and maybe throw in scholarships for multiple offenders. . .
  7. I guess the only way would be to forfeit the game that was just won. Its not a great idea, but it might work. . .
  8. After this and other incidents, a ban on fans storming the court has got to be coming soon right?
  9. Hopefully he's going to be in a shit TON of makeup, because is an ugly mofo. . .
  10. Dallas, at least in the expensive lower seats, is a ghost town tonight. . .
  11. I'm about as far from being correct in style matters, but these 70's throw back suits on NBA countdown are hideous. . . .
  12. Especially, even if signed, the Aclu would have it in front of a judge and have a preliminary junction filed to block it within, what 24 hours? Still good for the NFL. . .
  13. No matter how bad your teams season maybe, we can all laugh at the Green/white.
  14. And I'm wrong for calling them the "JEST" why? Just a reminder that they are the common enemy of all mankind.
  15. I see you left Major League Baseball out of that equation. The team owners there wrote the fucking book on being thieves. THEY have the antitrust exemption, so MLB owners don't need that bullshit, they stuff they have is much more potent and rare,
  16. My favorite is when he played the undercover cop in AirHeads: Chazz(brendan frasier): Whose side did you take in the big David Lee Roth/Van Halen split? Chris Moore(Ramis): What? Marcus: What kind of question is that? Chazz: Who's side did you take, Halen or Roth? Chris Moore: Van Halen. Ian(joe Mantenga): He's a cop. I want to post a clip but couldn't find one. . .
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTYmuHatJ14
  18. Come on, who puts Bacon on their hats? Besides being an awesome team that is. . .
  19. Anyone see that new little caesar's mambo commercial? Just awful. . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7glNA6Mu7c
  20. I agree, Injury being the only caveat. . .
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