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Bear Wyatt

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Everything posted by Bear Wyatt

  1. Dean Ambrose's face says it all.
  2. The Styles Clash doesn't even make sense for AJ's gimmick. He's the "Phenomenal One" and supposed to be this amazingly agile athlete but he beats people with a convoluted faceplant that he has trouble pulling off on bigger guys. The Springboard 450 or the Spiral Tap are more fitting finishes for a guy with that gimmick. I'd buy the Springboard forearm smash as a finish too.
  3. Which version of X-Force do they go with though? Rick Remender's run was fantastic but it's too dark to be sold as a kid-friendly, comic book movie. I wonder if they would dare introduce Cable into the movies. His origin is so convoluted that it might just be better to have him just show up as a bad-ass mutant from the future and leave out the Cyclops-Madelyne Pryor stuff.
  4. Did people on this board turn on Lesnar for leaving WWE the way he did back in 2004? I know the fans at Wrestlemania 20 shit on him and Goldberg in their match which I'm sure didn't go over very well on the DVDR.
  5. I feel like WWE wants this Bryan vs Triple H match to be a "Wrestlemania Momentâ„¢" for Bryan. They think beating Hunter is going to prove to everyone that Bryan is a top guy but I'd argue he's already the biggest babyface in the company. Let's say DB beats HHH clean in the middle of the ring. Where does the story go from there? Does that prove to Hunter that Bryan is an "A+" superstar? If Bryan moves on to go after the title why doesn't Triple H just keep screwing him like he has before? Does that make Bryan vs Triple H the new Austin vs McMahon? The joy of Austin vs McMahon was that Austin got over on McMahon more often than not. Sure, he'd drop the belt every so often but he was never booked to be so inept. Austin was a babyface who, more often than not, was smarter and tougher than the stooge heels that the evil boss sent after him. It was fun to see McMahon send waves of guys after him and watch how Austin would still find a way to come out on top. Nobody likes a loser and they're testing the patience of the audience. DB needs to become more of a proactive character or they risk the guy just coming across as an ineffectual loser.
  6. I don't know. Gregg seems pretty pleased lately.
  7. I'm now getting the "parental control" message when I try to watch the live stream despite Roku not having parental controls. Vince needs to crack the whip even harder on these computer jockeys.
  8. "First, he's gotta deal with the Wyatts and now he's got a knee injury! I don't know if John Cena can overcome the odds this time!"
  9. When I first opened it up on the Roku this morning I tried watching Souled Out 98. I got the first 30-40 seconds of the opening video with Bischoff but it crapped out after that and nothing else VOD has worked at all. Progress, I guess.
  10. They're showing the Billionaire Ted skits!!
  11. Vince has a history of thinking things are a lot funnier than they are.
  12. I was half-expecting him to be plastered on this pre-show and spoil Undertaker returning or something. "I saw 'Taker backstage brother and he's looking great. He's a hell of a guy." "Great looking kid!"
  13. I know of some guys in need of a job who would be perfect for this pre-show.
  14. I'm watching on my Roku and so far I've had no luck with the on demand function but the live stream has been perfect. However, on demand works fine on my laptop. I'm sure it'll be fixed soon.
  15. http://www.prowrestlingtees.com/harley-race-drawing-by-tony-atlas.html I legit thought it was going to be a drawing of women's feet.
  16. From fits of rage? Hahaha I was young. I'd take any kind of wrestling I could get back then. If you ignore the top of the card, it's a decent show. Eddy vs Dean was tremendous. Saturn vs Benoit was a fun brawl. Mongo and Goldberg was enjoyable in a bowling shoe-ugly way. Even as a kid I HATED Mongo. He just came off as a huge jock douche and Goldberg steamrolling him was great. It's no supercard but it has sentimental value.
  17. The first thing I'm going to watch will be Starrcade 97. My uncle used to work at Turnervision back in the day and he sent me tapes in the mail of WCW ppvs. I wore out my copies of Starrcade 97 and Souled Out 98.
  18. New Bucs logo announced tonight.
  19. The official in the booth who ruled it a no-goal ain't getting out of Sochi alive.
  20. I'm gonna look that up because it sounds wonderful.
  21. But if Shawn leaves and Bret stays we don't have the Montreal Screwjob, which means no Mr. McMahon character. I still think Austin gets over without that feud but I don't know if it's to the degree that he did. You probably get Austin-Hart at WM 14 for the title which would have been fantastic.
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