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Everything posted by Raziel

  1. Except CONCACAF being regarded in the world as shit. And we won the last Gold Cup, which is our Confederation tourny, and other teams in our fed are taking out the great and powerful Euro teams. Makes us look better, and their improvment helps our improvement.
  2. I haven't rolled the Mako yet. Yeah driving it was a bitch, but I think I managed not to crash it at all. Course, I had plenty of practice not realizing that you could save anywhere outside of combat and I kept dying on the stretch on Noveria between the base and the station, getting reset all the way back to the beginning... Damn modern games and their "checkpoints every 15 steps" thing. Then I get to like, Ferros and there's a checkpoint every 15 steps...
  3. CONCACAF REPRESENT!!!! England officially eliminated. BEST. WORLD. CUP. EVER!!!!
  4. So, Mario doesn't get to kiss the Queen? And fuck that, it should be 2-0 now.
  5. Ok, so, play through to get Shep to 60 in ME, then make sure I get to 30 in ME2.
  6. Is there a similar thing for carrying over from ME2 to ME3?
  7. So, I should play a second ME playthrough to get Shep up to 60 is what I'm hearing.
  8. I'm really kicking myself for not playing these games earlier. Because they're fucking awesome. Fuck the Matriarch, she was fucking hard. That fight took me 15 times before I got the pattern and proper kitout down (I was using damage vs. Synthetic upgrades instead of vs. organics). Course, could also be because I did Noveria first and it kinda seems that I should've saved that for last. I'm on Virmire now (did Feros and got Liara), but I'm wondering if I'm going too fast. I'm about 10 hours in with my crew around level 30. Course, I barely did any sidequests yet and will do them once I'm past Virmire, but since I'm already grabbing Level 8 gear, I'm thinking I'm close to the end storywise? If so, cool, I want to get through the story and move on to 2 if I'm near the end, and do a more methodical, take my time doing *everything* approach to my second playthrough with another class.
  9. Yes, PS+ carries across Systems. Right now, only PS4 Freebies are Pixlejunk Shooter and Trine 2. And a bit of a discount on Madden and FIFA. Use http://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com to "buy" the games as you can stick it there and it'll go to your Download List, which won't do anything until you put it in the Queue.
  10. No, so long as you "buy" it, its yours so long as you have PS+. The "For a month" thing was people misreading the press release.
  11. I know I was a "We're not gonna make it out of Groups" guy, but... THE US LASTED LONGER THAN SPAIN AND ENGLAND!! HA!!!!
  12. Good god that was some shit defending. Also damn lucky that wasn't Offside.
  13. PS+ man. You can go on the PSN and "buy" it if its a freebie then download it when you get the system.
  14. Fuck Sturrage is getting mugged out there.
  15. And Rooney finally scores in a World Cup.
  16. DIVE DIVE DIVE!!! Suarez is in form.
  17. Yeah. Perrera does not look like someone who's able to come back on, since he stumbled back to the sideline after taking a Boma Ye.
  18. Well Moyes did it for half a season, what could possibly go wrong? EDIT: Oh boy, this ref is pretty fucking horrible too.
  19. Well this game esclated quickly.
  20. And the defending World Champions are eliminated, in Groups. Someone just made a Brinks Trick full of money betting on that.
  21. Someone remembered to tell Spain that the tourny started, right?
  22. If any team ever deserved to score a goal in a game, it was South Korea there.
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