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Everything posted by tbarrie

  1. I don't know how old this is, but somebody did a wrestling territories map on Google Maps: https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zVPwR5corACM.kfFoEgDSaqVk
  2. Sure, but it's not like they didn't have long careers before that fact was revealed/retconned in. If Marvel ever gets the rights to the X-Men back, they can retcon it in in the movieverse too. If not, oh well.
  3. Are there really people who would vote if they were only familiar with one of the options in a poll?
  4. I'm going to pretend you said "Shango". Did he set Davey's boots on fire?
  5. Batman vs Spider-Man is always on-topic. And I don't just mean on the internet. Feel free to bring it up at symposia and funerals and whatnot.
  6. Counterpoint: Venom didn't even exist when I was a kid, and the people who like him need to remove themselves from my lawn forthwith.
  7. If it's an action movie, special effects certainly do make a movie good, or at least contribute towards it. And the black suit, with the implication that Spidey might be flirting with going evil, may have been a draw to mainstream fans, yeah. But no way does anybody give a rat's ass about Venom.
  8. But you're okay with the radioactive spider thing?
  9. Spider-Man 3 had the Goddamn Sandman looking awesome in a live-action film, something all right-thinking people had wanted to see since childhood. Other than that, the actors did a good job of getting Peter and MJ's relationship problems across, the confident, womanizing Peter scenes were hilarious, and the action scenes generally delivered. Venom was unnecessary (they could have done the alien suit plot and left Venom as a sequel hook), but it didn't kill the film.
  10. Yeah, but Spider-man 3 wasn't actually bad. It only gets shit on because the first two set the bar so high.
  11. True, the Spider-Man vs Batman talk is off-topic, especially as Spidey's never really had a bad movie.
  12. First might actually be the Fantastic Four, because Doctor Doom is worth any five other villains, and Galactus is in there too. Their depth sucks though. Second is Spidey. Third is Batman.
  13. Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Kraven, Electro, Lizard, Kingpin, Vulture, Mysterio, Morbius, Sandman and that is off the top of my head. Outside of the top 2, none of these make Bats top 10. And Kingpin is more of a general villian, not Spidey based. I'm curious what makes Killer Croc a better villain than the Lizard. Kingpin is totally a Spider-Man villain. Sure Daredevil fights him too, but that's because Spidey's rogues' gallery is so awesome other heroes need to borrow from him.
  14. Spider-Man. Oh come on, not even close! See? FSW disagrees.
  15. Surely he's done tombstones in non-televised matches?
  16. On the plus side, Earth is eight light minutes from the sun, so that gives us a full eight minutes and change to get some reading in.
  17. He was out there to break Cody's arm, but the presence of the rest of the face locker room made that awkward, so he just went along with the celebration.
  18. I love how relaxed Brodus looks in this picture.
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