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Everything posted by Zakk_Sabbath

  1. Noooo it can't be. IIRC, NAO didn't even start teaming until a couple months after this, and wouldn't win their first tag title until late 97 if not early 98. If NAO were even together at this point, I'm almost certain they were relegated to Shotgun Saturday Night/New York
  2. I think it would be badass if they brought Saraya in (not that I've seen much of her work, but I know she's highly respected). I just fear it would be a "Grandmaster Sexay comes out to dead silence, awkwardness ensues" situation
  3. Sir you got me all wrong. All I'm saying is that Witten looks much better than he has any right to at 32 after numerous injuries
  4. Really Romo and Jay feel pretty interchangeable to me. It's either going to be amazing or it's going to be fucking ridiculous. There's not a lot of games in between. If they switched I'd probably be indifferent about it. Cutler at least gave rise to that Smokin' Jay Cutler meme. Romo pretty much just has games every once in a while where hicks remind each other his name rhymes with Homo, and front-runners from the '90s lament the fact that Jerry Jones didn't make the call on Manziel. I have to imagine that without Demarco Murray being unfuckwithable this year, the Cowboys would look a whole lot different out there. Romo can be intelligent and make the right choices-- he's made Jason Witten look like a bona fide superstar on many occassions, for cryin' out loud. He just panics, man. And it's a shame because their defense isn't anything to sneeze at either. Other than the run game (apologies to Forte) I think Cutler has better weapons. I'd take Brandon Marshall over Dez any day of the week. Bennett, though he falls off this time of year every year anyway, is at least more consistent than Witten. Alshon Jeffery is way better than Williams or that other dude. What's the meaning of this? Unless you just mean Witten's older than dirt. Because he's produced at an elite level since his sophomore year in the league and that was with a fossilized Vinny Testaverde throwing to him. And also that season where Kitna was the QB for 11 games. As a matter of fact, he was far more productive in both those seasons than whatever Tardmellus's best year has been so far. The notion that Romo has made Witten all these years is bunk. Yeah, just speaking to the fact that he's on the wrong side of 30 and missed a lot of time with that spleen issue a few years back. What I should have said was "made Witten look like a bona fide superstar at this point in his career." My bad.
  5. Really Romo and Jay feel pretty interchangeable to me. It's either going to be amazing or it's going to be fucking ridiculous. There's not a lot of games in between. If they switched I'd probably be indifferent about it. Cutler at least gave rise to that Smokin' Jay Cutler meme. Romo pretty much just has games every once in a while where hicks remind each other his name rhymes with Homo, and front-runners from the '90s lament the fact that Jerry Jones didn't make the call on Manziel. I have to imagine that without Demarco Murray being unfuckwithable this year, the Cowboys would look a whole lot different out there. Romo can be intelligent and make the right choices-- he's made Jason Witten look like a bona fide superstar on many occassions, for cryin' out loud. He just panics, man. And it's a shame because their defense isn't anything to sneeze at either. Other than the run game (apologies to Forte) I think Cutler has better weapons. I'd take Brandon Marshall over Dez any day of the week. Bennett, though he falls off this time of year every year anyway, is at least more consistent than Witten. Alshon Jeffery is way better than Williams or that other dude.
  6. Sadly, I've watched every Kevin Nash shoot there is. I believe him when he says that he was never a coke/uppers guy. His dad died of a heart attack when he was 8. He would do every other thing ever, though, from what I understand.
  7. Ok, dudes. I have a pretty happenin' squad (3-3, but I've made some big ol' trades since Sunday), but I have two big questions for this week: 1) Matthew Stafford or Russell Wilson? Wilson is up against St. Louis on a short week, but they're pretty adept at stopping the pass. This is gonna be the Beast Mode show for sure, with MAYBE 15-20 yards rushing, I'm guessing. At the same time, dude is gonna be fired up coming off that shit show last week. Stafford is up against New Orleans, who are fresh as hell coming off the bye. He's also got no Calvin Johnson. How much faith can I really put in Golden Tate in a match like this? 2) WHO IS MY RB2?!?!?!?! Picked up Ronnie Hillman last week, and it paid off hard. That being said, the 49ers, whether they're down or up, will now and forever stop that run. That's the culture of that team. Demarco Murray is my #1, so I have a little wiggle room, but my RB bench is motherfucking ATROCIOUS. Pierre Thomas: Huge week before the bye, but Ingram is coming in hot, and Khiry is nothing to sneeze at either. But, the Saints are Jimmy Graham-less, and they might be looking to ease Ingram in before throwing him to the wolves. That being said, they are playing Detroit. This kills the run. Chris Ivory: Not only do they seem to be rolling the dice on a decrepit Chris Johnson for some reason, but everything about this team is shit. Sorry. They just are. Plus they're a) AT New England B) the weather is gonna be absolute garbage and C) it's a Thursday, and we all know how these games work. Honest to God, I'm probably gonna catch up on Nitro. Zac Stacy AND Benny Cunningham: Not sure what the fuck I was thinking here. Picked up Cunningham when I thought Stacy might be out with an ankle issue last week-- this was not the case. St. Louis has given up the most points to defenses all year, and they're playing Seattle. I HAVE Seattle's defense, so I don't wanna cannibalize my own points. Neither of these guys can feasibly get the start, at all, ever. We are in a .5 PPR. Our lineups, as it stands now, are as so: Thanks guys
  8. Oh my gosh I'm so embarrassed, no idea how I missed that. Thanks bud
  9. I'm shockingly ok with a Ki-Joe 2 hour match, even in 2014. Honestly, WWE should just bring Ki into NXT, and start him from scratch as New Hakushi. That may or may not have been a Nyquil-and-Yuengling dream I had last night.
  10. This might be a dumbass question, so I apologize in advance, but I don't usually check anything but wrestling here: do we have a fantasy football thread of any sort?
  11. What was Nitro's +7 DVR viewership again?
  12. Hear me out: What if they went taped Raw, live Tuesday SmackDown on the Network (with the re-air on SyFy) during football season? They could just tape Raw on Saturday or Sunday, and either run the weekend house show on Monday instead, or give the crew an extra day of travel for Smackdown. Now you have another live, "exclusive" event on the Network, which is obviously an incentive, and it makes that show somewhat more important. Heck, run a title change or something on the first Network edition just to hammer that point home. I'm sure there's language in the TV contract that would prohibit something as cool as that from happening, but it would certainly be a way to combat the post Summerslam/Pre-Rumble doldrums every year. (Sadly, even I can't pretend Survivor Series matters anymore. It's a different time, I guess.)
  13. Man, it is a real shame James Vandenberg never got a run in the WWF/WWE. I mean, sure, he was always fun at ringside during Wrath/Mortis TV matches, but his stuff with Tajiri/Mikey was a real highlight of ECW toward the end.
  14. I'm having trouble finding anything on Hogan/Adonis at Richmond Coliseum. It would have to have taken place in 86-87 because of the world title design, but this list of Hogan/Adonis matches shows nothing about Richmond: http://wrestlingdata.com/index.php?befehl=konst&letter1=H&wrestler1=184&letter2=A&wrestler2=1785&letter3=&wrestler3=0&letter4=&wrestler4=0&matchtyp=0&anzeige=matches&seite=2
  15. If only TNA had listened to literally ANY of the suggestions on your company's image
  16. Agreed. As "edgy" as the NWO was for WCW in 1996, even if Hall and Nash never jump, the big two would have no choice but to make their product a little more adult oriented. Or maybe they don't, and ECW's popularity surpasses them both. On another note, has this been posted yet? www.youtube.com/watch?v=knXJV9H0huo
  17. Found it. In THE GARDEN no less!!!! I honestly forgot how over Goldberg actually was in WWE!!
  18. Maybe if it's the right guy. Goldberg in 2002 might have worked. Much like Scraylo said where Brock is the SUPER FINAL BOSS. Imagine some cocky heel mouthing off and issuing an open challenge. Out comes Goldberg who we haven't seen in 2 months and destroys him totally. It's like Honkey and Warrior times 10. I might be misremembering™, but I feel like Goldberg once answered Rodney Mack and Teddy Long's White Boy Challenge?
  19. Which is why the IC and US titles should be re-established as important! If the World and (US or Tag) Champs are on the A-loop, the IC and (US or Tag) Champs should be built up as strong enough to be the title matches on the B-loop. Sheamus as the US champ is a decent enough idea if he actually defends it, but honestly, this idea just hit me: John Cena - Intercontinental Champion. If he can't be bothered to put *guys* over anymore, at least let him put a fucking strap over. XIX was your first, and you think "getting old blows?" Damn, man..
  20. That's a pretty sweet article. I got a little sad when I saw where she said he'd be out of the business in five years, knowing how the business is-- but I did a quick Google and it turns out he had a real estate business after retiring (no word on whether it was five years after this article or not). It was also nice to finally confirm that both Matt and his daddy weren't fake.
  21. Bray has decent offense but the key to getting him to being a true, bona fide megastar would never be able to fly in today's environment: lots of furniture and blood.
  22. Let me float this idea-- we're six months out of it now, so we have pretty good benefit of hindsight What if Brock murdered Cena at WM instead of Summerslam, and Bray ended the streak?
  23. Fuck. I spend more time goofing on TNA than I do watching it but if there's even a spark of anything good-to-great in their company, it's that guy. I hear his deal's up soon. Even if he's a bit old to pop up on NXT, maybe they can find him a spot training dudes. If not, I hope he finds something, man. NJPW, ROH, GFW, whatever. Just bums me out to see my guy wasted like this
  24. That's a pretty cool idea your friend had. I had a similar idea but it was BNB, Sheamus, and Cesaro: The European Union. Maybe they could try retconning Show as still being Andre's kid and have him represent France
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