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The Comedian

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Everything posted by The Comedian

  1. I don't think early 80's hardcore is sleazy enough for Dean Ambrose. He should be listening 70's NY heroin punk like Johnny Thunders and Richard Hell. Really he should pull a CM Punk and get Vince to pay for "Sonic Reducer" for his theme music...
  2. Avengers because seriously people GOTG shouldn't have beaten Spider-Man 2 now let's not take this "vote for the latest thing" crap any farther... Dark Knight because despite years of hype backlash and plot incoherence whining I saw it twice in theatres and about 20 times during the brief shining period when I had free HBO and it was awesome every time and frankly I never gave a crap about the Reeve Superman films... The Crow because I almost went Rocketeer but I can't vote against that Brandon Lee giving his memories back to Wincott scene A History Of Violence because of degree of difficulty, in that Road To Perdition made a great movie out of a good graphic novel, while A History Of Violence made a great movie out of one of the worst graphic novels I've ever read
  3. Yeah I was gonna say, if ScarJo can't sell that shit to DVDVR, Corporate Kane ain't got a chance...
  4. Bojack Horseman just absolutely blew me the fuck away. It's getting mixed reviews apparently, with the negative stuff apparently from people who expected it to be a comedy because its a cartoon. It's really more like Rescue Me or Orange Is The New Black; the jokes are there to buffer the dark dark shit underneath. Personally, I'm a poignancy junkie; heroic sacrifice, unrequited love, shit like that is what I'm into. It's why I love Replacements songs, old John Woo flicks, and slice-of-life anime. So I'm into shit like this. Actually the Rescue Me comparison is pretty apt, since Bojack is kind of like a more droll, less histrionic version of Tommy Gavin. There's good inside him, but it's buried by years of self-loathing, self-destructive assholery that's it's trying to crawl out from under. Anyway fantastic show if you like that sort of thing...
  5. All I can tell you is, if you're already annoyed by the "Ray Rice has got a right to defend himself" crowd, you might wanna turn and look the other way when the "AP has a right to discipline his child/I was hit with a switch or belt as a child and I turned out alright" crowd comes out for that one...
  6. I think that's really the only time period thusfar that Taker has ever done any behind-the-scenes stuff...
  7. But everybody's got their pitchforks and torches out... Seriously though, all this "Ooh man Goodell is gonna get fired for sure" shit reminds me of all the people who thought the NCAA was gonna death penalty Penn State...look how that turned out...
  8. Cena taking a shot at Taker in his promo makes me wonder if they've figured out a way out of Cena-Brock 3 by having Taker show up and attack Cena. Of course that's heavily predicated on the notion that Taker isn't satisfied going out in a match he was half-conscious for and is willing to come back and work Cena at Mania next year, which is a somewhat iffy prospect...
  9. Have some sympathy for Goodell man. Tags rode the glory wave, then handed off to him like, "Here ya go Rog, oh btw, it seems people have suddenly realized that 'professional football player' is a dangerous profession, and would like us to wave some sort of magic wand that makes the game less so while somehow not watering it down into a game of two-hand touch. You're gonna have to suspend defensive players for the kind of hits that were afterthoughts to Butkus or Lambert or Concrete Charlie. Oh, and apparently someone finally figured out that one of our teams has a racial slur for a nickname. Well, good luck with that..."
  10. Half the damn league, including non-players, would have their heads on Silver's wall. Totally worth it. So, those people who said wait and see when the first video came out are eating some serious shit now, and they should. Don't think so. Different animal. If Silver tried to exercise NBA Commish-level power in the NFL the owners would have Silver's head on their collective walls pretty quickly. That's not necessarily a bad thing either. Silver's been good so far in a limited sample, but the way Stern handled that power was often unpleasant, to say the least.
  11. They suck at creating new stars, they cut guys legs out from under them if they get over on their own, they bring in old guys every chance they get...seriously, I hope the next time someone gets enough juice to cut a worked shoot promo on Vince, they have the balls to congratulate him for becoming WCW...
  12. What I love is when you read something like this, then you read that Vince wants to bring The Rock back to face Brock at WrestleMania instead of putting a younger guy like Reigns over him.
  13. He also said that if the Ravens don't waive Rice they are cowards. If I was the Ravens I would waive him because of what he did and because it looks like he hit the running back wall. meanwhile Greg hardy of the Panthers is biting his nails to the core with all of this guns because as far as I know they still haven't made a decision on that one. Not that i disagree with him, but you know Simmons would be saying something else if it was a Patriot. . . Nah, Simmons has an anti-NFL agenda now since he got it into his head that the NBA has a shot at supplanting them as the number one pro sports league in the US.
  14. So...Eagles with the classic Philadelphia sports move of "get everyone's hopes up, then suck shit"...
  15. Man if only Wiseguy or Tour Of Duty got half the props Twin Peaks gets, maybe Netflix would get their rights so I could watch them again...
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pd675xMUhmQ
  17. I love that Dean and Psicosis each get a kick in...
  18. I don't know what's worse, the clips or the fact that some chick gave Haddaway the Gary Jules "Mad World" treatment...
  19. I remember GH & Joe making a meme out of Rhino's "Violence, fucking violence" promo...
  20. The funny thing about Liam Neeson is that Schindler's List got him so much dramatic cred that people forget that he first made a name for himself in cheesy action flicks like Darkman and Next Of Kin, he still does plenty of cheesy stuff like A-Team or that recent Seth McFarlane abortion, and for the bulk of his career as a name guy he's been a big-budget franchise guy (Star Wars trilogies, Nolan Batman, Chronicles Of Narnia, Clash/Wrath Of The Titans, etc.). For all intents and purposes he's an action star who does the occasional Michael Collins or Kinsey to remind people he can act.
  21. The promo New Jack cut on the Eliminators before the Gangstaz beat them for the tag titles and the promo he cut on the Dudleys after they hurt Mustafa are two of the best "deathly serious" promos I've ever seen...
  22. Shit man, every time we discuss promos here I'm all in on the notion that New Jack is one of the greatest ever on the mic...
  23. Damn did Dredd get a horrible first round draw...I still had to go for it cause Sin City was kitschy fun but Dredd is one of the best action movies I've seen in the past decade or so...
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