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The Comedian

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Everything posted by The Comedian

  1. All divas are John Cena's girlfriend's bitch, and even she is Stephanie McMahon's bitch...
  2. He has the tools but he'd need a repackage. His look may have fit into the Wyatt Family gimmick but for solo career purposes it sucks...
  3. Their track record with Bray-like characters ain't so good. Papa Shango bombed, Waylon Mercy bombed, Ministry Taker was a career lowlight...heel Jake was awesome, but it was Jake f'n Roberts so of course it was, but his personal demons cut that run sadly short...
  4. Yeah, I'd agree with that too. OITNB is not Breaking Bad or The Wire or The Shield or anything of that stature, even though it sometimes gets hyped to that level. I think large part of the appeal is that, in an ensemble as broad as theirs, there's something for everyone. I mean, as a I mentioned before, Crazy Eyes gets a lot of hype. I can't stand her. She's not so much a character as she is an acting resume for Uzo Aduba. "Look, I can play crazy and do Shakespeare!" A lot of people hate Piper, one TV critic I read suggested the show should just have her character get released and continue without her. But there's enough characters getting enough time there that you're gonna like a few of them and latch on.
  5. Dramedy is tough to pull off. Rescue Me had similar problems with shifting from "idiot plot" comedy to horrible tragedy on a dime...
  6. Might as well bring this thread back to life since the show is back...three episodes in and I'm already liking this season a lot more than season 2...thankfully Crazy Eyes has yet to Fonzie everything up despite TV critics tendency to fawn over her like she's the best character on the show...
  7. It's amazing how the perception of Rollins has gone from "WWE MVP" to "get him off my TV" in half a year...and between moveset restriction, scripted promos, and generally being booked to look like a pansy, I don't know how much of it is his fault...like maybe he'd be a terrible promo anyway, but who knows?
  8. RIP Dusty. May all the ladies be perfect tens where you're at now...
  9. I thought he was going more for May Day...
  10. Brock Lesnar: "I. hurt. people. So?" "Paul, say something stupid."
  11. Man I watched Raw at the bar and I'm drunk but I did realize something watching the Owens-Cena showdown...besides that my worries over Owens' initial promo was unfounded and he is indeed completely ready for the big show...I see where legitimate Cena hate comes from...it certainly isnt people trying to Hogan him with that "he only does 6 moves" bullshit cause we all know he's a great worker...and obviously he's a great humanitarian...and he's very giving in the ring, I mean yeah people groused about Rusev but the all-American ace of your promotion isnt losing the blow-off to the foreign heel menace, sorry guys...no, the legit Cena hate was right there in the response to Owens...NO ONE BURIES THEIR OPPONENT IN PROMOS LIKE CENA...I mean, The Rock was famous for burying his opponents but at least his gimmick heel or face was being an arrogant prick...Cena loses clean as a sheet to Owens and comes out the next night and says Owens's not a real man...Show some goddamn respect for the guy who whupped your ass man...a throwaway line about Owens being a good wrestler doesnt make up for Cena emasculating the guy verbally...
  12. I was saddened by the lack of "Mr. Bullet" Ledell Eackles in those videos...
  13. Awesome dude...lemme know if you need anyone to do NBA Forgotten Players...I'm sure I could pound out a page or so on "Fat Lever: Unheralded King Of The Triple Double" or "Mike Mitchell; Or, How The 80's Was So Full Of Star Small Forwards That You Could be a 20+ PPG Game Guy For A Decade And No One Knows Who You Are" or "Joe Barry Carroll: The Derrick Coleman Before Derrick Coleman"...
  14. Eh, you're better off that you missed the pogroms...heads on pikes, small members, it was a bad time...
  15. I'll agree with that. Unfortunately contrived spots get worked into a guy's moveset sometimes, and then we end up with people who don't use powerbombs trying to powerbomb Kidman, people selling ranas by awkwardly draping themselves over the second rope for Rey, and people patiently waiting to get clotheslined while Dean Ambrose does that "I'm gonna fall through the ropNO I'M NOT" thing...
  16. Well at least Garrett Hedlund as pre-heel-turn Captain Hook looks good...
  17. I'm just surprised they didn't pull Noel off the stage half-way through to tell him he'd been traded...
  18. I find Dolph Ziggler to be an innately likeable fellow and great plucky babyface...I also completely agree with BP that they should have let him use the superkick as his finish by now cause the Zig Zag doesn't really cut it, and it seemed silly for Rusev to sell it as a KO move...
  19. I'm getting more of an "if it's not flawless it's garbage and holy shit he's doomed forever" vibe from this thread. It's more of the typical absolutist "OMG THERE'S NO MIDDLE GROUND YOU CRITICIZED OWENS THAT MEANS YOU MUST THINK HE SUCKS AND IS HORRIBLE" crap that the internet thrives on actually...relax I said he fumbled a promo, not that he's gonna bomb in WWE... Shit, I also missed out on the memo that we all hate Ziggler now and still find him entertaining, so sue me...
  20. Yeah, Owens was going for the whole "unimpressed and emotionally detached" thing, but even with that you need a certain level of delivery, charisma, and timing, and Owens was 0-3 in that regard. I mean Cena was basically right; Owens came off like an amateur who had no business being in the ring with him. Fortunately Cena redeemed him a bit by selling his powerbomb like death.
  21. Yeah it's cool Cena showed some ass for Owens there, but I was...much less enthused about Owens' mic work than everyone else so far... And I'm glad Dean gets a one-on-one with Seth, but did we really need the obligatory Wyatt job first? Has anyone ever been fed so many wins to so little effect before? I mean Wyatt loses to John Cena, Taker at Mania, and no one else ever. Has anyone ever been so protected just so they can wander aimlessly through the midcard?
  22. Forget Glover as Techrat...I want Eric Bischoff as Eric Raymond... I mean, the first time I saw heel Bischoff in WCW I was like, "shit, he's the bad guy from Jem come to life!"
  23. Would that count as show #729 Belz played Munch on?
  24. Hey homie you like what you like...plus you make me feel just a little less weird about being a near-fortysomething Degrassi fan...
  25. They were tryna get him for Bond going way back to '68 when Connery first quit and Dalton had just made his film debut in The Lion In Winter...
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