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Everything posted by RandomAct

  1. Sounds like someone forgot to pay his air bill... That's what he does.
  2. Does that consider the fact that Love grabs like a billion rebounds, though? It seems like half of their offense is Love grabbing the rebound and outletting to a fastbreak.
  3. More specific to my point, the company does an awful job of presenting these guys as someone that could kick your ass, and the guys working don't project that. Guys take too much shit now, and tell too many jokes.
  4. I hope not, because that's not what I was aiming at. To be fair, I think Bryan is well trained enough to kick someone's ass. I was thinking more along the lines of the guys that are presented as badasses or someone we're supposed to find believable, but obviously aren't.
  5. I posted this on Facebook and thought it might be a good topic starter. Something I just thought about. A huge thing missing from today's wrestling climate is the believability of the characters. For as long as I've been a fan, up until about 12-13 years ago, you always got the feeling that all of those dudes could kick your ass in a real fight. They didn't take any crap. Even lower card heels were presented as dudes that might get their tail kicked by the babyface, but they'd still kick yours. Thats why it was so important to have managers, they could show that weakness for the guys so everyone looked strong. I'm not just talking about the monster guys like Barbarian, Andre, etc either. Dudes like Bret Hart, Tully, Arn, Haku were all seen as legit tough guys. Right now, there are too many guys that the average fan would look at and think "I could take him", and there is a good chance that they could. Before, if there was a guy that didn't come off like such a tough guy, like Honky Tonk Man or even early HBK, they made sure to go all the way with it, and use that to make you hate him even more. I guess what I'm saying is that there are too many guys pretending to be bad dudes, instead of actually being one. That is why someone like Brock, Mark Henry, Langston, Reigns, Bully Ray or even James Storm are taken seriously. You know those guys would hand you your ass in a fight.
  6. I ask because I have an 8gb, so that sounds like it should be fine.
  7. I agree that the Pitbull joke is better, mostly because it branched out to include other inside jokes.
  8. I have no problem with part-timers putting over the current roster; in fact that's best for... well, you know. I fully agree. As far as I'm concerned, that should be the primary use of part timers.
  9. I'm glad that someone has noticed that as my favorite adjective these days. Not sure this warrants a "buttcheeks" use though lol
  10. Fuck if I thought any of the HHH/Lesnar matches were any good at all. All of them just made Brock look like shit. Punk and Cena were the only two good matches he's had since the comeback.
  11. I could see Charlotte taking Miami or Indiana to 5 games in the second round. As for Kevin Love, his statline is always great, but it obviously doesn't lead to wins.
  12. I'll try the hairdryer trick. How big of a flash drive should I use for backing up? My PS+ account expired(no job, obvi), and I don't think I took advantage of the cloud saving feature as it was.
  13. Shatner was pretty good in The Twilight Zone too.
  14. Nope, they are still awesome. Some references never get old. Now saying "best for business" is tiresome.
  15. McGregor was really fucking great in Episode III, now that I think about it.
  16. It's not gonna matter if he didn't keep that fucking air bill paid while he was gone.
  17. I don't know if that's fair, because Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson rose above the shitty directing, and turned in great performances. Of course, Hayden isn't in their league, but still. In his defense though, he was given horrible material compared to the rest.
  18. I've always thought Eric Roberts was pretty terrible, but he was great in The Dark Knight.
  19. I agree that Alba was mostly really good in Dark Angel. I've come to really appreciate what Dolph Lundgren did in Rocky IV. Not nearly as one dimensional as one might think.
  20. Yeah, I've heard that you'd have to reformat in that case. My hope is that I can maybe pop the HD into an enclosure, and pull the files off that way.
  21. So my PS3 just up and died on Tuesday. It's got the blinking red light gimmick, which I have been told is not worth fixing. Seems that nothing you do to that will be a long term fix. Has anyone else had experience with this? Will there be a way for me to retrieve my saves, given that the unit is dead? Are my NBA 2k14 saves stored online? Does anyone have a PS3 they don't want? Sadly, I've been unemployed for over 2 months, so buying a new one right now is out of the question.
  22. Yeah, I always figured Bobby Walker was a much younger guy.
  23. We didn't talk about Almost Human this week and how good it was. There has to be more then 3 people here that love that show.
  24. All this talk about bowling, and no one mentions this?!
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