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Everything posted by tigertooth

  1. Agreed. I've never been wild about the Penguin, but I guess this might already be the most striking live action depiction of the character. (granted, not a ton of competition) I was a bit down on the fact that (I think) they changed his origin plus the actor is awfully skinny. But the actor did a really good job. I loved the alley beatdown where his reaction to each of his strikes was a creepy combination of sadism and "hey, now I'm part of the guys, right?". One thing they'll have to be careful about: given that Oswald apparently isn't rich and isn't fat and he's gleefully sadistic, they'll need to be sure to differentiate his character from the Joker. So far Oswald is more sane and has a nice 'weak, insecure guy lashing out' vibe that you wouldn't see in a Joker. And of course we'll see his character fleshed out more as the series goes.
  2. Agreed that the things that seemed ahead of time like they'd suck -- young Bruce and "Hey look! It's a guy telling riddles! GET IT?~?~?" -- did indeed suck. But the latter will almost certainly fade away. I mean how much can they do that shit? Young Bruce might be an ongoing problem, but we'll see. One reason I'm fairly positive about the show is that both Arrow and SHIELD took a half-season or so to get on their feet. Gotham definitely needs work, but I think it might be closer to the mark than the others were from the get-go.
  3. Gotham was better than I expected (I had low expectations). There were plenty of cheese moments, but the dynamic they set up between Gordon, Bullock, Fish, Falcone, Montoya, Cobblepot, etc. has some real possibilities. Lots of competing agendas. Unsurprisingly the worst parts involved kid Bruce and Catwomangirl. I can only hope they play that down as the season moves on, but we'll see. I'd be interested to see young(er) Alfred but I'd rather pass on that if it means Brucito comes with the package. Hopefully the too-clever-by-half allusions and foreshadowing of the rogues gallery will go by the wayside quickly. I was kind of hoping that we'd get to see Thomas and Martha Wayne for a while before the murder. I'd be interested to see them in this world for 50-80% of the season to get a better picture of what is missed once they're gone. Sort of a Ned Stark deal. Oh well.
  4. Of course, the flip side of that is the possibility of Supergirl and Flash -- whose showrunners didn't coordinate -- each using Captain Boomerang in very different ways in the same week, totally confusing viewers.
  5. The Raid 2 is great, but I found it kind of silly that in nearly every fight scene either everybody had guns or nobody had guns.
  6. GotG question: So Gamora goes off to shut down the tractor beam open the doors to Ronan's safe room. The other guys go in and start attacking. Then Gamora shoots a big gun through the ceiling and joins the fight. Which one of these is correct? 1) She blasted a hole just outside the safe room, then came in through the doors like the others. 2) She blasted a hole in the floor of the safe room, which was now possible because the magnotronic omegawave shield around the entire safe room was taken offline when she opened the doors for the others. 3) Her attack plan could have been a whole lot simpler by having everybody go to the room below, then blast up into the safe room like she did. (though if #2 is correct, then #3 might be as well) 4) None of the above (please elaborate) (I honestly don't know the answer here. It's easily possible this was explained and I missed it.)
  7. This is like a week old, but I don't recall seeing it mentioned here. Michael Egan is the guy who accused Bryan Singer of sex abuse. Egan's attorneys dumped him because "their relationship with him deteriorated". That makes it sound personal, but I wonder if that's lawyer-speak for "it would be inappropriate for us to come out and say that we decided he's full of shit, but he's full of shit." Egan hasn't been able to find anybody else to represent him. I haven't really been following this case, so I was unaware of this: "Egan previously dropped three similar Hawaii lawsuits against other entertainment figures." Also, he previously tried to settle with Singer for a "low amount". Ah -- just checked to see if there was anything new in the past few days, and it seems that the suit has now been dropped, but Egan could refile in the future. At least for now, Singer is off the hook. Anyway, it really seems like it was a fraudulent case at this point.
  8. It was written some years after. The A for France thing was written for the first volume of Ultimates by Mark Millar. The above speech was written by J. Michael Stracynski during The Civil War storyline. Honestly, I was not a big fan of the Civil War storyline. I posted the image more because it felt more relevant after the move of Batman/Superman. People here are very sensitive about it. I find it more amusing than anything. Oh, I agree it was amusing in the context which you posted it. He said, "This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences." I just don't see how that is so. I don't see that requirement mentioned in the Declaration or the Constitution. Big Fresh says that Cap is saying that we are a nation of individuals, not a collective. Yet the first thing the Constitution says it's doing is 'forming a more perfect Union.' It goes on to say it will "provide for the common defence [and] promote the general Welfare". Those sound like collective goals to me. If he was saying you have to stand up for what is right no matter what, that's great. But I don't see why you'd drag America into it. I'm not aware that Americans are uniquely able to determine what is right and what isn't. Plenty of Americans do things that I think are wrong. If he'd said "We're heroes, bound to one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up and fight for what is right, no matter the odds or the consequences." I doubt I'd have a problem with it. I guess to me it just sounds like something that could just as easily come out of the mouth of Weaver, Koresh, Bundy, or any of their ilk. I don't associate Captain America with those guys.
  9. tigertooth


    Speaking of the Brodie family... I wasn't totally engaged by season 2 of The Americans, but so far they've used the kids on that show much better than Homeland did. (I kinda fear that may change in season 3, but we'll see.)
  10. Was this written around the same time as the "Does this A stand for France?" garbage? Because Cap (as depicted above) seems to have no understanding of the fact that America is a democracy (or democratic republic or whatever). I mean, "It doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right"? Uh, yeah it does. It doesn't make it right (e.g. slavery) but it makes it the law of the land, which kinda matters. In short, that speech sounds really dumb. (though it's amusing in the context which TheVileOne posted it) Back to GotG: Just want to point out that "[she] existed just to show that grabbing the Infinity Gem fucks you up." does not refute the criticism that she's "really more of a plot functionary than a character". It's pretty much saying the same thing, just from a different perspective. Honestly I think a good bit could have been done in just five seconds. After the shot with the slave girl in chains, Collector walks away. You just add a bit where slave girl looks at chained girl. Chained girl gives her a pleading look. Slave girl looks a bit worried, but then gives her a little nod. A teeny little thing like that would accomplish a good bit: She's not resigned to her fate; she's going to try to break out at some point. Still wouldn't make them fully fleshed out, but it would add something.
  11. I politely dissent from an earlier poster. I think it's a great time to watch World's Greatest Dad. Excellent, funny movie, and I think it could be cathartic. But of course, to each his/her own. Has his mental state been reported as pure depression rather than bipolar? I would think he would be a classic case for bipolar, but then I'm no professional.
  12. So this just premiered in June, but they already have the first four seasons shot? (I didn't catch anything from season 5 in that clip, but I might have missed it) Or are they condensing the story into fewer seasons? Hmm, according to the wiki, they're doing 62 hour-long episodes, just like the original. The clip was good for people who have already seen the English version, but gave away a bit much for new viewers. You can't just give away the Gustavo Fring kill shot with no buildup.
  13. I'm not getting how "Batman is a grizzled 40-50ish vet who has been fighting crime for years" leads one to believe that this will be another Batman origin movie. To me, it leads to the opposite conclusion.
  14. Never mind. (Tried to post a table. Looked great in Post Preview, but jacked when I hit post. Off to the drawing board...)
  15. Re: Joyless MoS -- I agree it was kind of a drag, and I think the blue-grey 'cloudy day' color palette didn't help. It was just so ugly to look at. Re: Joyful Avengers -- Was everybody joking around or was it just Tony? Because 'continual joking to keep from having to really face serious stuff' is kind of Tony's deal in the movies, yeah? And the big climax was Tony risking his life to redirect the nuke so that millions of civilians weren't killed, so it's not like he didn't care. Plus they weren't joking around while eating shawarma.
  16. I don't have any actual legal knowledge, but I still feel quite certain the answer is no. I'm still curious if Sony can create new characters and add them to their Spideyverse. I imagine they probably can. They created Max Shreck for Batman Returns, so I guess it's fair game. And yes, a dude actually used the word "harlot".
  17. Just curious, why did you choose the top 19? What's #20?
  18. For whatever it's worth, there was also a huge change in tone between B&R and Begins. There was very little change in tone from SM3 to ASM. (then again, who knows what tone ASM2 was going for, mashing up the campy nerd caricature of pre-Electro Jamie Foxx with the death of Gwen Stacey, one of the most serious events in Spidey's hitory) Goofy question: if Sony wanted, could they just invent some new superheroes and add them into their Spidey universe?
  19. Completely agree that Laurel seemed shoehorned in season 2 and that pretty much any plot point around Moira (trial, mayoral race, and I want to say her relationship with Walter) makes no sense.
  20. I've only ever seen the 1968 original, though I plan to check out the two new ones. They look pretty good, and I'm glad to see EVA's review in the OP since I liked the first trailers for DAWN, but more recent ones made it look like a lame shoot-em-up film. I guess they felt like they had to dumb down the advertising. Deep thought: Shouldn't something DAWN before it RISEs? Weird choice for titles. Here's a fun read: the Development section in the wiki for the 2001 remake. At one point the human protagonist was to have the same name as a pretty well-known character from a different sci-fi franchise, and one writer got fired for refusing to include an exec's completely stupid idea into his script.
  21. Interesting. To me, the most significant moments of violence (off the top of my head) were not what I'd call ridiculously violent (Tywin's death, Ygritte's death, the dude Arya stabbed after asking his name, the Hound committing the mercy killing) or didn't involve a sharp object (deaths of Joffrey, Shae, Oberyn, and Lyssa plus dragon mayhem). I guess there was some stuff at Craster's Keep and Reek's spy mission ending in a gnarly axe to the head. Oh, and the dude who got launched into orbit by the giant's crossbow. What am I forgetting?
  22. The Constantine pilot looks pretty good. Didn't blow me away, but I'm pretty sure I'm in for the first season at least.
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