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Everything posted by Shartnado

  1. Eventually, it was just easier to add Matt Striker to the list as well!
  2. I love this, because it was like I was Bate and WALTER was life. Life was also that clothesline that followed, however.
  3. I wonder what brought that one on? Reigns had started to get "interesting" crowd reactions at the time (if this is early in the year), but otherwise, WTF? Did someone call Vince's views on whatever "interesting" and someone else pointed out to him that it wasn't ment as a compliment?
  4. Yeah, absolutely. ..let's say I was talking about exactly the same thing , obviously! Thanks!
  5. That's probably the exact reason I couldn't put my finger on, but it reminds me of one of World titles that I find especially visually pleasing!
  6. For whatever reason, I'm really drawn to that unused version of the IC-title over there! Couldn't tell you exactly why, but I like it a lot!
  7. Ok, not much to report, as I have really enjoyed some serious resting and relaxation. A few 60-90 minute slowish walks with my wife , some sessions with the massage hammer and just a couple of minutes ago a short but intense workout with the resistance band as well as 5 sets of push-ups with 190 reps in total. I have been getting plenty of sleep and did take the opportunity to get some much needed drinks in me as well. Eating has been on the agenda quite frequently, also. Still have a good few days, before returning to work, but fortunately for now, while the weight has hiked up to 190+ lbs, the results have been somewhat encouraging. As of now, not everything has just gone straight to my midsection, so it seems like my muscles we able to reefeed on some of the extra calories. So far so good! Enjoying the time off! ...Weighed myself this evening, I was at 196 lbs, so 200 should be reached before I go back to work.
  8. Thou speaketh thee truth! What the last ever WCW PPV? Is it Sin or Greed? Either way, it's really good or decent stuff!
  9. Is this a thing? Holy shit, dude! Brilliant!
  10. Hey, it's not Cage's fault he's into horse steroids and front squats. It happens. I'm fairly sure it happens. And I will never fault you for being body mark. I have no room to talk.
  11. Arms and chest are pound for pound similar, abs go to Rude, but by surprisingly little. Legs go to Cage, but that's like the most duuh, no shit , Sherlock comment ever. But as we know, it's an upperbody business, dammit! ...And I'm way late on this one, as I see it's been commented on. The Rock could probably match thighs with Cage (or could have 5-7 years ago, at least) but not many other wrestlers could.
  12. Yeah, nothing better than "You are a great athlete, and by all accounts a decent human being, but if you test me, you best believe your relatives will be really sad for a long damned time!" And all those hundreds of variations of that particular promo.
  13. Somebody needs to start GMO the hell out of it so that it will leave one's system within, I dunno, 48 hours, because that will end up getting people in trouble for something that shouldn't be illegal anymore.
  14. Ok, which one of you would step into the ring with Lorcan? I'm not going there!
  15. Ok, Bronson Reed is the man, but L.A. Knight looks like a wrestling champion!
  16. Well, that is really fucked up! Now, Finland is very, very far from legalizing anything, but it goes without saying, if something would be legal, it wouldn't be tested. I mean you have to be 100% ready to work any day you show up, even if it is legal, but a residue of anything from a two or more days ago shouldn't make a difference. Personally, I have never tried anything besides alcohol, which is my favorite drink besides water and coffee.
  17. When you know who won, please tell us! Once we establish which one is stronger, no one will try and combat it with the weaker offensive manuever!
  18. Shit, that's so much better than what I had in mind! If J-Pop wasn't already a thing, this could be huge! What I had in mind was "Whoosh!" ...I've been mulling over if I should even continue and explain the joke, but yeah, even I am aware that K-Pop is pretty much the most popular music genre going, with most devoted fans from around the globe, including John Cena, apparently. I was just messing around, while listening to Grimes. Actually, I'm not positive if I have ever heard a legit K-Pop song, although I'm aware of Psy as far as Korean artists go.
  19. Who on the roster, or with otherwise access to the scene of "the crime" would have most to gain by this heinous act?
  20. Very cool to see Killer Kelly appreciated this high. It was heartbreaking to see her not get a single win on NXT UK, despite abilty, cool look and pardon the pun, killer entrance theme! Any success she gets elsewhere is very much welcomed!
  21. Way to go Supremebve! I co-sign the problem with a very clean diet and the sheer amounts of food you have to shove down your throat to reach your target calories. Oatmeal, cottage-cheese and 100% unsweetened peanut butter may help (unless you are allergic to peanuts). For several years now, I have mixed instant oatmeal flakes, fat free milk, water, crushed fennelseed, soy lechitine and rapeseed oil (olive oil works too) for a super fast breakfast drink before leaving for work. At times I add some chocolate flavored whey protein and that gives me a good amount of energy from some pretty solid sources. Drinking your calories is always easier way to get them down. Also, you may have noticed that there are bottled egg-whites in stores these days. I haven't tried them yet, but I'm sure that's a super fast way to make an egg-white omelet and that way you don't have to throw away the yolks. Personally, I've eaten the whole eggs this time around, as I don't like to waste food, but I did separate them when I was training in my twenties. And I can identify with the notion of completing a set, moving on to another one and another, glancing at your watch and going "Are you kidding me? Another 30 seconds to go? Dammit!" Keep up the intensity and report back to us on your progress. I'll be reading it, at least.
  22. Is this "Ratings in Name Only" situation? As in: "Well, they don't actually garners what people would call "ratings" per se, but we don't know what else to call it at this point".
  23. I did hear before that the move had a more "scandalous" meaning and from the name I figured it must have been referencing an orgasm. But now I'm more educated about the ways of the world. Thank you for that.
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