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Everything posted by Cristobal

  1. At least he didn't get run over by a car like Darsow.
  2. To be fair, there's a giant body of water between 'em, so it's 42 miles to get from one park to the other. The Dodgers and Angels are closer than that. There's rather less when the Bay Bridge is open...
  3. He just needs to make sure that CM "the Televangelist" Punk and Daniel "Vegan Chef" Bryan end up in opposite brackets.
  4. ^That post would be 10 times funnier if it was unintended.
  5. Can you? The article linked in the OP recounted that Chappelle said "Security feel free to step in anytime." So Chappelle asked for the loudmouths to be tossed and nothing happened. But according to you he should still "suck it up" because he's rich and famous, (or, let's be honest: because you're not.) The idiocy of the notion that venues should nix their single biggest profit center has already been suitably trashed. I find it amusing that you and elasticwasteband fancy yourselves smart. That's the professional's* touch. Even the dumbest guy in the audience leaves amused, even if he's not entirely sure why. Oh, so when you said "Nothing wrong with striving for more, but don't be pissy that you are remember for one thing you created" you were talking about the venue. And when you said "To me its like hearing a rich man complain about taxes. Cry me a river, moneybags" you meant the venue. And when you said "And to go a little further. If he were in tiny dive bars/clubs, struggling to make money and this was happening, I would feel bad." you meant you would feel bad for tiny venues, but had no sympathy for big ones. Indeed, your entire appearance in this thread hasn't been a massive hate-wank over someone being rich and famous, it's been you complaining about big rich venues this whole time! I get it now. Guess you just need a bit of work on those pronouns. *not really
  6. Can you? The article linked in the OP recounted that Chappelle said "Security feel free to step in anytime." So Chappelle asked for the loudmouths to be tossed and nothing happened. But according to you he should still "suck it up" because he's rich and famous, (or, let's be honest: because you're not.) The idiocy of the notion that venues should nix their single biggest profit center has already been suitably trashed.
  7. So your argument is basically that buying a ticket entitles you to be a d-bag that ruins the show for hundreds (in this case, thousands) of people because the guy on stage is rich and famous.
  8. Why? Is he not supposed to try to move forward and do new things? I don't get this line of thinking at all. Not one person wants to remembered for just one thing, unless they discover to cure for AIDS or something meaningful like that. No actor wants to be known for just one role, no musician wants to be remembered for just one song, no DVDVR poster wants to be known for just one quip. It may happen, but no one wants it to go down like that and we'll work to keep it from happening. Come on now. That is one more than most people get. Nothing wrong with striving for more, but don't be pissy that you are remember for one thing you created. I'm not intending to compare myself to Chappelle in any way, shape or form, but I found it strangely off-putting when I heard people telling my jokes back to me, (like, "erm...should I laugh at my own punchline?") and that was in the context of people praising the show. Hearing old jokes yelled at me for what has to be the millionth time when I'm trying to do entirely different material would be pretty fucking annoying. I'm not really very sympathetic to the "he's rich and famous so he should shut up and be grateful that he's rich and famous" argument in response to that.
  9. So, here's a question. 12-team Keeper league. Starts 1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 WR/RB flex, 1 D, 1 K. Scoring is basically Yahoo standard with some minor modifications. My keepers are Calvin Johnson, Jones-Drew, Ridley and Nicks. I've been offered Marshawn Lynch and the 3rd pick in the 2nd round for Calvin Johnson and the 11th pick in that round. It clears up a bye week issue with Johnson/Nicks, and does leave me set at RB, but obviously weakens me at WR. I have the 2nd pick in the first round, and will likely spend it on one of these four who have all been dropped: Frank Gore Tom Brady Randall Cobb DeMarco Murray Does the deal seem like a good one?
  10. My thought process on seeing this: "Who's that guy with Nash and Waltman? The poster? Someone with the Falcons? .....oh."
  11. Real may not be going bankrupt, but I don't think any level of government in Spain is going to be doing another deal like that for one of the richest football clubs in the world in today's economy, so it makes sense that when they've got an offer of €50M on the table for a player whose replacement they've already brought into the fold they're going to take it.
  12. I think you were pretty much the only person on that list.
  13. Yeah but Kaka won't be bringing back any cash, just taking a big salary off of payroll, and Di Maria and/or Modric won't bring back enough. Even Real can't afford 9-figure outlays without bringing some money back. In any case, I think they see Benzema/Ronaldo/Bale/Isco as their front four for the forseeable future.
  14. They're about to sell Ozil and Kaka, possibly Di Maria as well.
  15. Would you people stop interrupting his Bears-fan-trolling with actual facts?
  16. Because comedy's one of those things that every smart-ass living thinks he or she can do, so when they find themselves with a venue even and an audience, (the fact that that audience is there to see the COMIC and not them is not relevant in their minds,) they've got to take their shot. The problem is that because of the interactive nature of stand-up, this sort of thing gets tolerated (to a point) where it doesn't in any other medium, (other than wrestling, ironically enough.) If you were at a play and someone in the third row started reading the lines of one of the parts, they'd get tossed out pretty quickly. In comedy, the comic is expected to defend themselves from it. I don't blame Chappelle for being completely uninterested in some comedic battle with random ticket-buyers to prove he's funnier.
  17. Near as I can tell, the whole "dying" thing is unavoidable in the end. And in any case, it's not about being in the history book. It's about doing the thing that gets you there.
  18. If someone came up to me and said "We want you to be on this show", it would take a good long think for me to decide, and that's including the likelihood that Earth would be forever closed off to me even if I did survive to live out something like a full lifespan. Possibly related: If someone came up to me and offered me a ride into space, then, (after confirming they are not crazy, scammers, or hitting on me,) I'd take it in a heartbeat. That's just fucking cool. The Mars thing? How often do most of us get the chance to be on the absolute forefront of human endeavor? And the cost is what, inability to lead a normal life? Hardly seems a thing to aspire to, by comparison. If that makes me stupid, so be it.
  19. Uh...I think you might not have thought this part through...
  20. If Jim Cornette were here, he'd slap you in the mouth.
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