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Everything posted by NoFistsJustFlips

  1. Respectfully I gotta disagree on that one. Sid main evented two Wrestlemainias. One with Hogan & one with Undertaker. Two runs as WWE Champion. Two runs as WCW Champion. Was always a major deal in WWE. Survivor Series 96 is a good example. And that run started with him being a replacement when Ultimate Warrior flaked. So they basically promoted him as a guy equal to Warrior. He had that hot but short ECW run. Every run he had in WCW he was tippy top of the card. He did way better than you're giving him credit for. His push and accomplishments are probably up in the top 20% of all time. I get that he was never a mega star during a boom period, but not many were. If you compare him to similarly pushed guys like Nash (0 WM main events) or Kane (0 WM main events), you start to see that he did more than people remember.
  2. Well should have seen the bait and switch coming. The execution was a little muddy. Like why did Flair have to be involved? But I do like the path the psycho Orton character is on. He's done psycho before, but it feels fresh with him showing remorse and stuff. I also love that Christian technically got to have a final match, and that it was with his biggest singles rival. It was an angle more than a match, but this narrative provides much better closure for a very under rated performer. This was the first full Raw I've watched in real time during the lock down era. It dragged real real bad and I don't quite understand why some people are used for two or three segments when you got dudes like Ricochet and Cedric not even making TV at all. But hey, cheesy out dated ninja stuff makes up for that right?
  3. To post something positive today to balance out my earlier doo-doo posts lol, I'm actually going to tune into Raw tonight. A vague spoiler making the rounds has me pumped.
  4. Remix draws 800-1000 to every show they run. AAW draws around 500 every show, Revenge close to that too. I'm just straight up done responding to you. The goal posts move every time you post. It went from he only works two places to you wouldn't drive 3 hours to see him. You have no credibility. Your creepy hatred of Britt Baker is off-putting, and name dropping that you work for tax time wrestling (sorry 5 Star Wrestling) doesn't impress anyone. Have a great day totally rational man.
  5. False. As posted here 4 Retweets, 1 Comment, 30 Likes. Also false. Just because you can't keep up with his schedule doesn't mean he isn't busy as fuck. Just off the top of my head I've seen him promoting GCW, Remix Pro, RSW, Bizarro Lucha, Revenge, Beyond, Limitless, OWA, AAW, MEGA, ESW, Freelance, Conquest, and the aforementioned PCW & IWC that you spoke of on Twitter.... just in the last 6 months alone... during a pandemic. **Paging some credibility, has anyone seen any credibility?**
  6. I know Justin Plummer just fine. He's a good dude. And IWC is a great place to work. But if he decides to let Cogar go, it's not going to be that big of a hurdle for Cogar's career. He'll just have more free dates to take GCW shots, and other further away bookings that will help him grow as a performer. Again WWE, Impact, New Japan, ROH, AEW, MLW, NWA... all of them employ people on the reg that have done much worse than what Cogar's done. It's irrelevant. It's a sticker. The owner of WWE allegedly helped cover up a murder for one of his performers for christ's sake lol. You think a mean sticker is gonna make anyone there blink?
  7. Dude, no. Just no. For one, Cogar's gimmick is straight up anti authority cult murderer that wears people's faces. Secondly, his finger is on the pulse. That's how an entire generation feels right now. Guess you haven't seen any twitter trends, news articles, or protesting in the past two weeks? Weird. If anything more people are going to be searching out his stuff now. And lastly, Cogar is really fucking good. And quality is more important than anything in the wrestling business. For fuck's sake man there's people that have done real life criminal and immoral things that national wrestling companies have no issues looking past. A "fuck pigs" sticker is legit like the least offensive thing I've ever seen anyone clutch their pearls over on this board lol.
  8. Chris Hamrick wore the baggy pleather pants with a sleeveless pleather shirt in his ECW run. First I remember seeing it. 98ish. Maybe 99. But it's pleather, not trash bags lol. I feel like so many indy guys went that way because of Tajiri getting that sick sound off his kicks, slapping the pleather. Annnddddd one of the most influential wrestlers of all time... Rey Mysterio started wearing them in his WWE run. And most everyone on the indys wanted to be Rey when they started.
  9. RIP cinematic matches 2020 - 2020 It looks like I'm in the minority but I thought the MITB was no bueno. Brother Love taking a shit? An indy quality Doink? A food fight for no reason? I did not like much of that at all. I loved both the boneyard match & the fun house match. But both of those had a story to them. This was just throwing a ton of shit at the wall with no purpose. With a 480p cameo from Stephanie that was clearly filmed on a zoom call and edited in. No sir I didn't like it. Maybe I need to take a break during the empty arena era. I'm just not connecting with anything they're doing. Yes I realize that's most likely a me problem and not a them problem. Sounds like most people here enjoyed it, so I don't wanna poo poo on your parade. It was some of the most cringey stuff I've seen in awhile. The Undertaker doc after it was amazing. Will definitely keep up with the rest of the series.
  10. This is a bad hot take. Especially since it centers around Miz, who almost certainly is in the seven figures for total earnings in WWE. Even his downside is upper six figures. So even if they got pissed at him and sat him down at home, dude's gonna clear like $600K a year at least. You're telling me him doing onlyfans and cameo and a PWT store is going to replace a million dollars a year? Or even $600K? No. Not even close. Not even adding that to indy bookings. Would Miz even work indy's? He's a strictly WWE guy. He's a full on lifer that loves that place. Doing the media, doing the cheesy commercials. I would think he doesn't have much of a shot at an AEW because of the WWE lifer stink. Impact would take him, but the pay there is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than AEW. Plus he doesn't own "The Miz". It's far more believable that if he got let go he goes back to MTV and just hosts Challenge shows. And that isn't paying $600K. And how does a promo create instant $$$? I need you to show your work on that. Because in generalities it sounds good. But if you examine it with any kind of specifics it falls apart immediately.
  11. I'm not trying to talk you out of your opinion. It's a valid opinion. That's the way your brain works. It made that connection. My only point in posting that explanation was to say that not everyone's brain works like yours or @LoneWolf&Subs or Meltzer's. You are allowed to be offended by it. I'm just pointing out that my brain didn't make that connection. I'm sure a lot of other people's brains didn't make that connection. I fully believe no one involved made the connection. I attribute that to the equipment and scene not looking anything like a dude hanging himself from a lat pull down machine. (Keep in mind Edge wasn't being hung at all, because choking & hanging are banned actions in the Mattel action figure agreement. See Bryan, Daniel and his firing for more on that one). Edge was dangling by the armpit on elbow straps. It's not at all the same scenario. It seems like you guys are trying to attribute it to malice. Like they did this horrible shout out on purpose with nefarious intentions. All I'm saying is I don't feel that way. I can see why people are turned off by it if their brain made that connection. But it was not done intentionally.
  12. Dawg let it go. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and if that's your opinion that's perfectly okay, but you can't force your opinion on everyone else. You must not be a gym guy. Benoit made a make-shift noose out of the steel cable on his lat pull down machine. A machine that the steel cord automatically pulls up once you let go. The thing Edge was dangling on were fabric sleeves you put your elbows in so you can do crunches while hanging in the air. It's not even close to the realm of the machine Benoit used. My point with that is, while you see it as a Benoit homage or easter egg... people that work out frequently (like Edge, Orton, and probably everyone else producing that match) would never make that connection. Because a lat pull down machine and elbow straps for crunches could not be more different. That's why it didn't get edited out. Because people who are familiar with the equipment didn't make a connection. And I can say with absolute certainty those involved didn't do it as a shout out. They did it by accident.
  13. ...Controversial post alert... In the Saudi thread there was a lot of grief for Goldberg's Jackhammer to Bray. Also the bad one Undertaker took last year. Both were not Goldberg's fault. Taker & Bray both didn't post AT ALL. When you go up for a vertical suplex you're supposed to post on your opponent's hip and make your arm stiff as a board to support some of your own weight. Watch both of those Jackhammers. Both guys go to post low down on Goldberg's leg, near his knee, and keep their arms bent. Thus not supporting any of their own weight. Almost like they were taking a normal suplex instead of a vertical suplex. Every one Dolph took at Summerslam looked fine. Because he posted. And 53 year old Goldberg just isn't strong enough to muscle 300 pound dudes who don't help him. In Taker's case Goldberg wasn't expecting that to happen and made a poor decision to spike him straight down. With Bray it's almost like he expected it, because he was already twisting into the slam right away. There's a lot of stuff you can dog on Goldberg for but those two bad Jackhammers specifically, he's getting a lot of shit for when it wasn't his fault. ...Controversial post concluded...
  14. I thought the finish to the women's cage match was great. Creative, and a great visual being trapped between the mesh. I hope they get out of Full Sail soon. Something is just not connecting with me for their TV even though I really enjoy all the Takeovers.
  15. Man what a turn around for Hangman. We were all complaining he wasn't ready to main event a PPV back in August. Now we're all pretty much in agreement that he's the most over thing on the whole show. Putting the beer on the post and not spilling a drop was god level. As was him flipping off Matt. I hope he's the final entrant in Wargames and just goes off. Imagine that building with 10k+ in the building coming unglued. Can't fucking wait. Give me that superman highspot where he kicks all 5 heel's asses, then beats the shit out of Matt too lol. I had a real uneasy feeling when Jake first got out there. God damn was that a home run promo tho. That final line was fucking aces. I think Brodie fits with Jake a little better than Archer. Broodie can be that silent monster badass who just stares at the camera with his crazy eyes while Jake paints the picture for him. Archer is too chaotic and intense for Jake to be really effective. Cody's tattoo looks even dumber with a suit covering half of it. Ugh. lol Darby with the hot tag to himself, fucking money.
  16. Ding ding ding. The beer one I would bet money on. I mean christ Cody's dive spot on Wardlow was preceded by Brandi getting Wardlow back with beer. That type of cooperation and continuity is just not possible for an unscripted thing when you got what 4 or 5 performers. All on the same page without missing a beat or any hesitation? And it tied back to a previous story beat? Even the for the most experience of the experienced, you aren't gonna have 4 or 5 people all come to that same improvisation idea at the same time like that. Doesn't take away from how cool it playing into the match was tho. But hey having people questioning if it was off the cuff or planned means lots of people are buying in and suspending disbelief. Can't get mad at that.
  17. I got my money's worth, happy with the decision to buy. Over all the show was closer to a thumbs in the middle for me tho. Not because anything was overtly bad, but just some pacing issues because of the order they chose to go with. Buy In tag was good pre show stuff. Timing was rushed on the end segment. And it was weird Cabana had to wait for his full into on his theme before hit hit the ring lol, but well done segment that got a big response in Chicago. Not 100% sure who the higher power ends up being, and that's a good thing. 2020 wrestling is lacking in real surprises. Hager & Dustin was a slower big man brawl. Solid work. Just not an ideal opener. Heel over in the opener was another factor to a weird crowd for the whole night. Idk if sexual assault is a good babyface highspot in 2020 anymore tho. Yikes, lol. Darby & Sammy was right up my alley. The 630 through a table was fucking crazy. Dope from start to finish. Tag titles was killer shit. Page is over brother. Great storytelling. And even better post match foreshadowing. The Buckshot Lariat being lined up and teased, but not being hammered by the announcers was so refreshing. WWE style commentary would have all three dudes in the booth screaming over each other about it and showing replays 100 times. The women's match was rough. Statlander was sick, so giving her some slack. But man, Nyla is going to hurt someone. The superplex you could hear Statlander telling her to wait til she had both feet on top before they go, but Nyla jumped the gun anyways with only one foot on the top and they are lucky no one got hurt. Scary. Even worse was the second rope powerbomb where Nyla was trying to switch her feet inside after already having her up. She ended up doing a one foot in one foot out jump and they are so damn lucky Stantlander lander okay. I think they may have aimed too high for what they can pull off cleanly, factoring in the flu. Cody. Brother. You're the guy I enjoy watching most right now. I dig everything since you left WWE. But that neck tattoo is... bad. I'm not against neck tattoos in general. But that one is so big and so colorful and placed so prominently when he has hardly no other ink. It's just one of the worst tattoos I've ever seen. Damn dude. Maybe in time it just becomes normal. But def very jarring on first sight. Liked the finish, and most of the story elements they threw in. Bad live music performance aside, another thumbs up from me here. Pac vs OC was perfect. The right guy won. And won convincingly. But OC got to show he's legit. 3000% perfect from everyone involved. I'm sure the Cornette hate will still flow, but even JR seemed genuinely impressed by the dude. Main was hampered by that post malfunction. Jesus christ. Mox couldn't judge the post with that stupid eye patch and legit split his head deep AF. 99% sure he had a concussion. Shit was gnarly. They get a pass from me for the clunky match. It's hard to do much else but brawling when you're that loopy. Mostly okay with very little crowd heat. Right guy got the win, but a better match would have made the moment seem like a bigger deal. Wargames will be interesting. Do we do Team Cody vs Team MJF? The Inner Circle vs The Elite? Dark Order vs The Elite? Surprised they went all in with two rings and a top on the cage. The first REAL Wargames in a long time. LOVE naming the episode Blood & Guts too.
  18. Maybe you missed this post : They are struggling to gain viewers. No one is gaining viewers. So when someone's appearance hits 19% growth, they pay attention. It's a big deal.
  19. I haven't posted much in the weekly threads but I'm still watching and loving what AEW is doing. The ironman match this week was killer. The cage match last week was great. And I'm definitely buying Revolution. Really well built card. Most looking forward to MJF vs Cody and The Elite Explode tag match. One thing that's very refreshing to me is the patience they have debuting some of their wrestler. Hager showed up in October and is just now having his first match. Wardlow showed up in November and didn't wrestle until February. Orange Cassidy's been there since May and this is his first singles match. It feels organic that they're debuting people and not forcing them into matches until they have an issue.
  20. To people that haven't watched wrestling in a decade? A bigger deal than any two current guys would be. I'm trying to put myself in their shoes to understand. The Fiend is pretty cool. Most everyone watching today at least enjoys the firefly funhouse segments. But the cap of people watching these days is 3 million. The cap of people watching when Goldberg was hot shit was 10 million. It's not crazy to think putting a big name from a previous era vs a big name from this era could conceivably pull in some of the viewers that don't watch anymore. Wrestlemania 32 tickets were selling poorly until Shane McMahon vs The Undertaker was booked. THAT moved tickets. That's the type of thought process they're using. It's irrelevant who would have a better match quality wise. (Which I truly believe actually *is* Goldberg vs Reigns, if Wyatt is in boring no sell mode). It's also irrelevant if his jackhammer is impressive to you, you're already watching.
  21. All the outrage in here is crazy. First, I do think Bray is a solid worker. The Fiend character is cool as hell and I was all in when he debuted at Summer Slam (back when he was just a scary dude that squashed a guy). But then they went way overboard on his presentation. The red light. Him working like a supernatural being instead of a scary badass. It got over worked and lost it's cool factor. All his promos are fun, but his matches are a chore. It's not because of work rate or him not working 5 star matches, it's because the story they tell with him is so one note. But man The Fiend vs Reigns is just ice cold as a draw. Wrestlemania hasnt even sold out yet. The card needed changes. There's legitimately no draw this year. And when Goldberg's Smackdown interview episode did the best rating in a while, I knew then they were gonna go all in with him again. Reigns vs Goldberg is a much bigger draw. The old dominant badass vs the new dominant badass. They aren't trying to draw us. We're already gonna be watching. They're trying to draw the people not watching. And that match is definitely going to draw more eyeballs. Full disclosure, if I were booking I'd be going with Goldberg defending again Cena. That's a match that would get some attention. Put Cena over. Let him break the title record and you probably pop a huge post Wrestlemania rating for people checking in to see who he loses the title to, figuring he isnt sticking around. We're deep into the part timer era. This is just what WWE is now. They lost the ability to create new stars. So the only people that move the numbers are the people that were stars in a previous era. Complaining that part timers are taking spots away from full timers is just a moot point. The full timers aren't drawing (and it's not their fault in my opinion, it's the heavily over scripted sanitized promos & production style since the shift to PG). But I digress. Long story short, this was the better business move. No one in power cares about the nuts and bolts of the matches at Wrestlemania. They just care about the business Wrestlemania does.
  22. I must have missed that. Awkward on me, lol.
  23. Awkward. I think you're mistaking Sonny Kiss for Big Swole. I know I saw Big Swole out there. I don't remember seeing Sonny Kiss involved.
  24. This is the correct answer. And if he's nameless and faceless, why would we need him in that spot? Keep that spot for extras trying to get noticed instead of paying whatever expense a 60 year old dude who had his run 30+ years ago would cost vs a local indy worker. Or when you merge the two groups, run an angle where Luther tries to take Uno's spot as the mouthpiece over time. Eventually he gets caught and someone rips his throat out. Bonus points if they bring Meng in for that lol.
  25. 1000% agree. I'm very pro AEW... but this gimmick is getting worse as time passes, not better. It ruined a perfectly good match with two legitimately over wrestlers. And it made both of them less over as the segment played out. Statlander having to dive half speed and walk into clotheslines for Kong was rough. Hey I'm not shit talking Kong. She was great when she was great. But everyone's body ages and breaks down at a different rate of speed. Unfortunately her body gave up on her. She still has a ton of knowledge and can contribute. But her days of being an on air character should be over. Riho got booed out of the building when it looked like she was going to go for the double stomp after the interference. Luckily she got the dive in and got them back. But man, could you have imagined a scenario where Riho was booed like that? Merging them with the Dark Order is a great idea. Merge them. Keep Melanie Cruz in the gimmick. Keep Kong as her heater. Get Brandy away from this stuff. And send Dr Luther back to wherever the fuck he came from lol. Straight up the Nightmare Collective is the Female Dungeon of Doom. Irredeemable campy horse shit. At least The Dungeon had Meng ripping out dudes' throats.
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