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Everything posted by nofuture

  1. Gotta jump in on the Sasha Banks lovefest cause I think she might be the most complete Divas WWE's had right in terms or wrestling and character. Even when you can see her break character while holding the title, she snapped back in after Charlotte tried and awkwardly hugged her. My favorite Grave Lynch line was him saying you can't buy a NXT Title at Hot Topic.
  2. Bully Ray and Abyss seem to turn every few months or so in TNA.
  3. I'm surprised it hasn't happened already for Ric nowadays.
  4. I'm sure Zayn's motivated enough not to just settle for NXT. There's always the challenge to see if you can succeed in the WWE. And getting the NXT title is pretty much like graduating WWE developmental. You've gotta make room for some new blood.
  5. So are we going to start to see the backlash to Bryan backlash, especially if Reigns turns heel? Bryan was getting some boos out there.
  6. Season one they try to make Leslie out to be too much like the Office's Michael Scott. Once they gave Leslie her own personality, turned Andy face and got rid of Mark, the show hit it's stride.
  7. I can see the Dudleys get in too, especially if Philly gets a Wrestlemania.
  8. Or just make it a #1 Contendership match.
  9. They just started doing the Crowe "hacking into the video feed" vingette during this week's show so I imagine he's debuting soon.
  10. Was Hayabusa the first person to do a Phoenix Splash?
  11. So it looks like are going for the hacker gimmick with Solomon Crowe when he finally debuts.
  12. They already were Bull....they just added a little bit more to it.
  13. Didn't know about Vince favoring Big E while HHH favored Reigns last year. Wonder what Big E did to lose favor with Vince.
  14. I think it really depends on if Wrestlemania is Brock Lesnar's last match. If Brock is staying and Reigns doesn't show any improvement, I can see them pull a Yoko/Luger deal. And Rollins is always looming with the MITB.
  15. Not really. The sitdown with him was mostly okay, except for the "channel Cena's love me or hate me schtick" part, but nothing you'd go out of your way to see. But the Heyman/Brock/Reigns interview was fucking great from all three guys. I think what they're going for is acknowledging that people are doubting he's "ready" to be in the main event in both in real-life and storyline wise and that Reigns has to prove that he is. Pretty much chapter one in the book of John Cena "overcoming the odds".
  16. How bout an impromptu 3 hour NXT special?
  17. http://pitchfork.com/news/58158-mountain-goats-announce-pro-wrestling-themed-lp-beat-the-champ-share-the-legend-of-chavo-guerrero/ By the way, I'd just like to share the way pro wrestling has also ruined one of my favourite Mountain Goats songs. The song 'You or Your Memory' features the lyrics "st. joseph's baby aspirin/bartles and jaymes/and you or your memory." and I was trying to recall the lyrics one day and came up with "St. Joseph's baby ass cream" thinking of that stupid skit on Raw and now I can't think of the song without hearing the words "ass cream" and thinking of Christian and the big stupid bottle of ass cream and it totally takes me out of what is a very sweet, sad little song because I start laughing in the middle of it. I love that the WWE prop people actually made a tub with the words "Ass Cream" on it. Vince probably gives these out to Stamford WWE employees as Christmas presents.
  18. Sting's vigilante pointing powers renders HHH's booking powers null.
  19. Or just hide in Eric Rowan's beard.
  20. It's up on Hulu Plus as Season 5 of NXT.
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