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Everything posted by MORELOCK

  1. I liked X-Factor. Coming out to Uncle Kracker is quality heeling.
  2. Every week I hear Mauro recite cringey bullshit like "JOHNNY WRESTLING IS JOHNNY PISSED OFF!!!!!" and I understand his fans less and less.
  3. I always liked the skullet, too - the "every balding man MUST shave his head" deal doesn't necessarily work when you're trying to give wrestlers a unique look. Corbin had one. Now he doesn't.
  4. This is a little petty. Charlotte would have been five years old when Ric jumped with the Big Gold Belt, and he was there until 93. Some of her earliest memories of being at wrestling shows are likely WWF events.
  5. Orton never going for revenge against Brock after the elbows was always weird. I'd take that over Rollins or Reigns just to switch it up.
  6. The early brand split SmackDown segments overall (and Talking Smack) always seemed like they were relatively free of Vince interference, too. You can tell because it became an enjoyable wrestling show. How much of the reaction to the women's match is disappointment that it isn't Sasha-Becky at SummerSlam?
  7. Bringing Sasha back would send the message that anyone can sit at home refusing to work and be rewarded with a title shot/high profile match for it. The women that have endured the shitty booking and still made all their dates might either take issue with that, or decide that's what they need to do to get Vince's attention. Wouldn't be the best thing for morale - we saw how the rest of the locker room felt when Shawn Michaels was permitted to call his own shots.
  8. I feel like most people in their 70's would go down if you kicked them in the knee.
  9. I don't think anyone's neglecting or downplaying Shayna's ability. She was ready to be called up a year ago. The reason people are taking issue with the title reign is because the longer she tolds the title, the weaker it makes the rest of the women in NXT look. No one is being presented as being on her level. It's similar to the Gargano Problem in the sense that *of course* Shayna is the best NXT woman of her era in the ring, on the mic, and in overall presentation. No one else has been given a chance to do anything for a very long time. Now, I don't think Mia Yim or Candice LeRae have a snowball's chance in hell of being anywhere near as good as Shayna - but someone does, and someone isn't getting a chance to show it.
  10. Cena is essentially just doing a fireman's carry. Move downgrading isn't permanent. Any move can become a death move, it's just that no one bothers to protect moves anymore.
  11. If I seem a little saltier than usual lately when someone tosses an "@MORELOCK" into their post just to personally attack me, it's because that's an extremely shitty thing to do. But I also have a lot going on: One of my closest friends appears to be developing schizophrenia. He's 29 and I've always known him to be an easy-going, friendly guy. He sent threatening texts out to several people I know the other night in reference to a conspiracy against him. His roommate told me he hung nooses in the basement in order to "catch Satan," who is "after him." He left a note at his former workplace (the restaurant I work at) stuck to the bar with a knife with a threat to my boss. He threatened to kill another close friend in front of his children. Useless police went to talk to him and determined he either isn't a danger or that they don't have any power to do anything until/unless he actually hurts somebody or goes back on the restaurant's property. A long phone conversation I had with his mother, who lives outside of Chicago, was unproductive. She seemed to be annoyed that I called expecting help, and is apparently throwing her hands up at the entire situation. I keep being told the only option is convincing a man who believes the world is out to get him and that his friends are impostors that he should check himself into a mental hospital and submit to being drugged. Only myself and the other close friend he threatened are in a position to do this. I've been told that this isn't really "on me" or my responsibility, but it's going to be really hard to convince me of that if/when my friend hurts someone or himself. I'm literally feeling guilt right now spending time typing this out instead of devoting that time to figuring out what I can do.
  12. There have been reports of him either working as an agent or in creative. It would appear he will not be wrestling again, at least not for WWE.
  13. Be glad you didn't stick around for the Konnan segment.
  14. Having to redirect people from talking about me to talking about wrestling is getting tiresome. It is an enormous bummer to me that you don't appreciate my posts - I encourage you to exercise your ignore function rather than openly troll.
  15. Yeah, I don't really recognize the argument that I can't suspend my disbelief for a show that is constantly pointing to itself and saying "look how fake and stupid this is." The issue isn't on my end.
  16. Obviously Heyman's genius with relationship angles is lost on a philistine like you.
  17. It did not "have to" be his finish just because it got over. Why does every over move have to be a finisher? Even if it was mandated that he finish with that, he easily could have done the Rock Bottom as the death move every time to set up the cocky People's Elbow to finish and get a pin. It absolutely did not have to become everyone selling a weak elbow drop as if they'd been powerbombed. Especially when the setup was so often just a simple scoop slam or even less - usually not the kind of move that would make people lay in the ring for 45 seconds waiting around to be elbow dropped. It sucked and it inspired the Worm, which sucked even more and is somehow still a thing in WWE.
  18. Sold you my therapy You can suss it out Bought a new enemy She can smoke this doubt Every disgrace already made Every word tasting bitter and betrayed Looking for lies, sympathy fuck Useless heart didn't want to change my luck What about today? Sold you an alibi Place me at the scene I live a sorry lie It burns like gasoline What about today?
  19. What a cool road that we all definitely need to go down.
  20. Ship has sailed - there are fans trying to get themselves over in most wrestling crowds now, the worst of which being basically any crowd in the UK.
  21. Bet you'll live a much more fulfilling and happy life if you swear off of reading Pitchfork or Consequence of Sound. I know I have. They're as out of touch as Rolling Stone, and much more obnoxious.
  22. He was always going to, though. Dusty had plans for him within a couple of months of his debut. I don't think anyone was looking at 16-year-old Jeff Hardy in 1994 and thinking "Future WWE Champion."
  23. Seeing Conrad Thompson involved enough in the business that he has to correct one of Meltzer's bogus half-truth reports just fills me to the brim with glee.
  24. Transitioned from sumo to All Japan in 87, did some NWA Vancouver tours, signed to WWF.
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