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Everything posted by Ramo2653

  1. That's it! I couldn't quite figure out what was off about her but you articulated it well here. I know running the ropes is weird in the first place so I'm sure she'll figure it out eventually, she's too athletic to not figure it out.
  2. I love FFXV. My only gripe about the game is the combat in areas with a lot of trees/shrubs since the camera can get in the way and that based on certain weapons it's too tempting to use spam the warp feature. But for me it's a great balance of combat and story and gives you enough leeway to explore and progress the story. Maybe the room got a little dusty during the final campfire scene. I want FFXVI but based on the history of FFXV, they're going to tweak and make changes to the game so it'll probably be better to hold off. What's the consensus on 13? I wasn't a fan so I dropped off until a friend told me to check out 15 since it was part of the PS5 collection.
  3. These shirts only work if there are Uso shirts that have gotten shipped to Guatemala.
  4. I should have mentioned that I don't watch Level Up since I'm at 7-11 hours of wrestling a week not counting if I rewatch old stuff on YT or the Network. Only so much time I can devote to it plus other stuff. I didn't think Legend was going to get called up anytime soon, I just meant getting back on the main NXT show. I'd assume Zoey is due to get called up and maybe Katana and Kayden? Turning Kianna/Fallon into transitional champs seems odd in retrospect when I don't think losing to Alba/Isla is a bad thing.
  5. I didn't catch the opener so I'll watch that later but I dug the ladder match with Indi's win catching me off guard. 5 man NA title match was bonkers as expected. That kick that Axiom hit on Wes as he was going for his finish was nasty and you could see the lump on Wes' head after the match. The women's tag match was always going to be more about the angle than the match which is why it went on before the main. I'd love for the conclusion to be Jenson saying something like "of course I know she's talking to another guy, I watch the show on TV, I'm still fighting for her" or something like that. Main was pretty good and didn't go into the overblown "black and gold" NXT style which I appreciated. Kind of wished Trick didn't do the belt shot but it wasn't the finish so it's ok. Excited to see who gets called up and who gets featured on TV, Lash Legend has been MIA, Oro Mensah had a big intro thing and then disappeared (but that could have been visa related) and Gallus is back at full strength and back to actually being heels.
  6. I would assume they wouldn't run that as the main and would go to BCC vs Elite in either a cage or a falls count anywhere match.
  7. Every time I see Keith Lee trend on Twitter, I have to search before I figure out if it's the wrestler or the former MMA fighter turned food vlogger.
  8. Meh. They're what, 50/50 on their Joshi pick ups and hell that's being kind to Iyo's run at this point since they had to kind of start over with her. Unless you have exceptional physical charisma or learn really good English, there is a ceiling on you in WWE if you're a foreign worker. I can't see that changing a lot under HHH, with Sarray's run being a prime example of it.
  9. Sheesh! That's almost Orange Crush like.
  10. Jade is at 56 as of Wednesday, but we can see that she's in the process of learning. It's something new and unknown that we get to witness her training on TV every time she wrestles. The fact that she hasn't done anything as awful as a Tom Magee or Parker Boudreaux is a credit to her and the agents in AEW. I didn't check to see if she's on the house show circuit or not this weekend, but it's not like everything from those shows won't be put out there. Omos is an odd case, he had a few NXT matches in late 2019 and early 2020 but then the pandemic hit and that stopped. There's a gap of February 2020 to April of 2021 when he and AJ won the tag titles. I know guys did basically empty arena matches in NXT to train (not the TV shows but in the PC where coaches and refs watched) but that's not very close to the reps you would need since there's no crowd to work with. So he had this year plus gap in not wrestling and is thrown on TV. He's probably someone trying his best, but he's just not that great and I'm not even sure what would make him better. Everything outside of the shows indicates he's a funny personable person that could probably try to get that across on TV, but they don't go that route. After this Brock match, if he doesn't show something, he might be on the soon to be future endeavored list and there aren't too many people in the world I wish to be out of a job.
  11. I think WWE has had a comically talented roster for like the last 10 years. The 50/50 booking sort of made sense when you considered that not too many people on the roster were actually bad. Same goes for wrestling in general, you don't see too many bad folks on TV these days, but you know they're out there. It's what makes the last few Parker matches stand out because he's so green and his timing is so off.
  12. Gotta have the hair to go with it. Bald with that mustache ain't gonna cut it.
  13. One of the people involved with the original Fight Forever show mentioned on Twitter that both sides were already talking but the suit was just a natural progression. GCW just wants to be able to use the name for another show in the future. It's just negations at this point apparently.
  14. They're usually just prop bets (how many time will the Usos use a super kick, will this match end with a spear etc) no just finishes. Also, you don't have to put money down. I can't see gambling being on finishes because stuff can change, imagine they have the main event for Summerslam locked in by April, but one of the wrestlers gets injured a week before the show so now everything is off. I can only see prop bets happening long term.
  15. I think the only decent one was the Sega Master System game which was just a top down shooter so it wasn't too hard to mess that up.
  16. Just committing to the spiritual ancestor to WCW bit. Now we just need someone to grow a super thick mustache like Rude. So it took me a second to notice Cena even though he's right in the middle, but QT really looks like Ryback and that's who I thought I should be looking for.
  17. I just finished off NXT and from ya'lls comments I thought the closing angle was going to be way more extreme or something. That was nothing IMO. Oh well, guess you'll get some sharks seeing blood in the next few weeks from challengers for a multi woman match at S&D. I know Chase is there for comedic relief (and he does a great job of it) but I'd like to see him win a few matches here and there. Do I have to watch Level Up for that? They got 21-ish days for us to care about Bron standing a chance against Melo, good luck. Thought we'd get Waller vs. Dragon Lee but guess not. I don't really need to see more Gargano in NXT but maybe I can use that time for a snack run. I'll need to figure out a menu for that weekend. I'm always here for Big Meaty Men Bumping Meat so I dug the 6 man match. Jailhouse match was fine, I thought Tony really cracked Dijak on that last crowbar shot until I saw the replay so nice work by those guys.
  18. Sony hasn't had a good media controller since the PS3. It's a darn shame.
  19. You can use that shout and the Bosmer power to kill salmon and then pick up the roe (super handy at the spots where they jump upstream) so I wasn't sure if it would effect Dartwings too.
  20. Does Animal Allegiance do the same thing with the dartwings or no?
  21. This was a good episode of NXT and all of the wrestling was top notch for the group. I liked that Stark/Satomoura was a struggle which is a nice contrast to some of the modern stuff. Of course the opener and the main event were bangers. I still think Waller ends up fighting Dragon Lee at the PLE next month.
  22. God Hand is one of those games I didn't notice when it came out and whenever I see a stream of it, I think "that looks cool, I'd like to play that" but it's either find a used copy and fire up the PS2 or I think it's available on the PS3 store or it was at one point. It could probably use a remaster but I don't know what the market is for that. Count me in for thinking the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube through PS3/Xbox360/Wii era being the best between variety and quality, that was also when the used market was great so you could spend a Saturday at a Gamestop or local version and grab 3-4 games for not a lot of money and just try some stuff. That's' how I found Demon's Souls, a used copy was sitting there for $15.
  23. Finished off TMNT: Shredders Revenge tonight. If I had to rank the most recent beat em up released I'd go: Streets of Rage 4 Midnight Fight Express TMNT: Shredders Revenge (bonus points for the Raekwon and Ghostface Shredder song during the first fight tho) The mechanics of Shredders Revenge were too sluggish for me compared to the much tighter controls of the other 2 games. I haven't touched Sifu yet since that seems like it might be a longer game with the aging mechanic. Anyone else played these or any other recent beat em ups? I'm a console guy for the most part although my laptop can run some stuff on Steam. It's probably my all time favorite genre along with fighting games since I have so many memories wrapped up of playing with my cousins when we would visit each other on the weekends growing up.
  24. To piggy back off of your last point, so many AAA games seem like a better wait and see option all the time now. Would I have enjoyed FF15 as much had I got it when it first released and before all of the updates and expansions? I only played the Royal Edition so my view is way different than someone who played it in 2016.
  25. What's the cutoff on Wardlow not popping off being the fault of Wardlow/booking and not the MJF stuff? After his win, he had the silly thing with Sterling, and then Sky/Lambert and won the TNT title, at that point, he should be past anything MJF related and needed to sink or swim on his own.
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