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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. Has anyone seen The Lazarus Effect yet? It just became available but I don;t want to waste my time if it's shit.
  2. I tried to watch Aquarius but holy shit is it bad. It's so fucking boring and the Charles Manson character is so stereotypically Charlies Manson it's like a parody. Every word out of his mouth was like a Bray Wyatt promo. It reminded me of Ask Manson from the Ben Stiller Show. The dude can't even tell his lawyer's secretary, on the phone, that he's not leaving a message. Instead, he goes into some diatribe about ....oh fuck, man, I don't even know. It was so ponderous and lame. I pretty much found myself hate-watching the second half of Under the Dome. I guess I'll pick it up again but I seriously assumed it would be cancelled. Did you know that Dome and Extant (also pretty bad) were only renewed because Amazon paid so much for the exclusive rebroadcast rights? So to reiterate, a show can be the drizzling shits and not do great numbers but if a fledgling content provider is willing to pony up cash for the right to show reruns, they'll keep pumping them out. It's a new world, man.
  3. I said that in the NXT thread...he's got this sense of unpredictability and danger about him that nobody else has. It definitely reminds me of Austin, as well, when he had just become "Stone Cold" and was still a heel. If they let Owens just do his thing, he will be a HUGE face. It's a big "if," I know.
  4. I miss the old ROH UWF-style belt. I forgot about the one you see Steen & Black holding, which looks like shit, and I'm glad they went with a new, more symmetrical design when they changed the logo.
  5. What else killed cartoons was the law that was passed (too lazy to look it up) that mandated that cartoons couldn't just be thinly-disguised half hour toy commercials. I mourn for my youth of G.I. Joe, Transformers, He-man, etc.
  6. This is absolutely crushing news. Not the injury, finding out she has a boyfriend. Not just a boyfriend, they are engaged. And it's this guy: bobo benecio del toro
  7. I'm sure they just say "thug" when in the company of anyone outside their circle.
  8. Maybe The Demon injured Itami and Finn Balor didn't know it.
  9. That's really awesome. I figured something may be in the works when he showed up on Raw in new gear (better shirt and branded shorts)..
  10. The NJPW locker room had a scale AND one of these:
  11. The NFLPA believes there's a conspiracy to blackball Ray Rice as a favor to Goodell. So to recap: Running backs are a dime a dozen Rice's last season was his worst ever Any team that hires him would face a public backlash This all adds up pretty obviously to no individual team wanted to give him a shot. But, sure, let's go with a conspiracy theory.
  12. The problem with Dana Brooke is that she goes against what NXT is about, in the fans' eyes, and is more of a throwback to how WWE and Vince did things. She was hired and rushed to TV, most likely ahead of more talented people, specifically because she was muscular and the guy in charge liked her look. That isn't supposed to happen in NXT. Yes, it's developmental and she's there to learn. But she needs many many more months in the Performance Center before she's ready for the show.
  13. Yay another promotion where he can refuse to do jobs. No thanks.
  14. I never read it, so this must be an oft-repeated tale. I don't suppose they did any ribbing to Vader. "Why not?"
  15. I'd like to know what he has tattoo'd on his knuckles. I just noticed that last week.
  16. Oh fuck that fucking Alice woman is still on the show. God dammit why do I put myself through this?
  17. Good point about her only speaking in soundbites. I think she's taking a point from Ramsay.. Dude has been doing TV so long he speaks in such a way that perfectly lends itself to editing. He...SPEAKS...with all these....weird....PAUSES....and....ODD WORD STRESS...that's so unnatural it's almost Shatneresque. But an editor could take his sentences apart, put them back together, put in looped dialog from a later session, etc and it would just sound normal. Speaking of, every single time the camera is not in the person who is currently talking, or it's a wide shot, it's so obvious the dialog is being ADR'd in. I'm not sure if Joe is gone for good but I kind of hope so.
  18. lol god damn It's still pretty mind blowing that there were advertisers who watched low budget ghost hunts, bigfoot shows and rednecks doing various redneck things who still saw TNA as a bridge too far.
  19. (Reads description) "Oh man i hate Cornette shows but this should be a good one so I guess I'll check it out." (After 10 - 15 minutes of typical Cornette bullshit) "God damn it."
  20. Holy shit Ramsay's hair! I couldn't get over that last night. He looked like Egon from the Ghostbusters cartoon. I can't stand the chubby girl from Minnesota or wherever who has no confidence. There's always one sad sack like this every season. They're never booked to win but they do make it long enough so that when they are eliminated, they can record an exit interview where they tell us how the show helped them build their confidence to follow their dreams. It's ridiculous. Unlike previous seasons, there's nobody I outright hate yet, just mild dislike here and there. You're exactly right about the Latino woman who acted like getting the apple was the best thing that ever happened to her. I like Stephen a lot, as well, but no way he'll win it. I have no opinion on the new host, what about you? She's pretty bland so far and maybe it'll take a few episodes for her to find some sort of character. I did find it a bit douchy how she made sure she mentioned how "difficult" her deserts were. I'm really glad Joe is gone, though. Ramsay and Elliott are actual chefs who built their careers. Joe was a restaurant owner, not a cook, who got where he is because his mother was famous. He was such an ass to everyone on the show (except pretty girls) and his assholishness was absolutely unearned. He also did that thing that drives me up the wall, where Italian guys born in the US overpronounce every Italian word they come across. Holy shit it's annoying. "Manna-gots," "moot-sa-lell." Horrible.
  21. Wikipedia's Lucha Underground page sucks. It's a dumb mix of shoot and kayfabe. They list Killshot's identity as "unknown" out of respect for "lucha traditions," but it links right to Shane Strickland's page. Nice one. Also, they have rules for photos where, I guess, the uploader has to have the rights to the photo and has to have taken it himself. Since nobody on Wikipedia took a pic of Mil Muertes, they use a pic of Mesias instead. Then Mr. Cisco is listed as "unknown" despite Lil Cholo being a wrestler forever and the other two member of the crew having their names listed. smh
  22. All the ROH fans with no Sinclair affiliate are celebrating, until they notice they also don't get Destination America.
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