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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. Word. Trying to binge older TV series really exposes the weakness of long seasons, where some episodes are so glaringly skippable examples of "well, we had a 24-episode order to fill. Sorry."
  2. I read something about WWE using him as a counselor of sorts to talk to guys about not getting all fucked up on pills and shit. "I watched Elizabeth die right in front of me!" is some scared straight shit, no joke
  3. Humbug was the first episode I ever saw. I had seen the Jim Rose Circus in concert at a Manson/NIN concert (I am OLD) and seeing Rose on the show piqued my interest. I was hooked after that. My wife and I, both huge fans of the show back in the day, tried to rewatch it sometime last year and tapped out a few episodes into season 5. After 4 seasons, the mythology was collapsing on itself, the monster of the week episodes had nothing new to say, and the comedy episodes had gone from cute to entirely too self-aware. It's pretty obvious Chris Carter had a few good ideas but no clue about what to do, long-term.
  4. How is there going to be another boom period, though? Vince poached Hogan from Verne after Hogan got over on his own. Austin had an awful start in WWE and got over on his own. Same for Rock. So now we have the following problems: There's nobody getting over huge in a rival national promotion for Vince to scoop up Nobody is given free reign anymore to get over organically and, if they do, they get cut off at the knees Vince thinks he can create a boom period star while history shows us he can't We're not going to get another boom period as long as Vince is in charge. The last two booms were roughly 10 years apart. We're about 8 years past due with no prospects in sight. This company is doomed to mediocrity and Roman Reigns, despite his pouty lips and gorgeous hair, isn't the solution.
  5. Reigns should fight his ass off and then get eliminated at the very end by an undeserving heel. It's the simplest booking imaginable and WWE probably won't do it because this is a company that would fuck up a wet dream. Re: Reigns' push vs Austin's. Wrestling has changed. It has become a geek culture niche product. Nobody thinks it's real and the number of smart fans is way higher than it was 20 years ago. Fans today are going to sniff out something phony and inorganic like Reigns' push and shit on it. Vince is locked in his 70s/80s mindset where he thinks he can lead the marks by their noses and they'll cheer who he says to cheer. He's out of touch and the company is not going to change until he drops dead/retires/sells the company to Disney.
  6. Holy shit Dalton Castle.
  7. Threemendous 3 had an insane main event 3 way ladder match (SSB vs Future Shock vs Bucks), Drake Younger's PWG debut where he committed himself to dying for our amusement vs B-Boy, Steen vs Willie Mack, Elgin vs Calliahn and the rest was kind of there. But the main event is worth it alone. ASW X night 1 is good, with a six man featuring Steen & Bucks vs Fox, Swann & Ricochet where they try to murder Fox with a shit ton of finishers in a row, plus a good main of Cole vs Hero. Black Cole Sun was really good, almost top to bottom, including the culmination of Strong's title chase. That's just three that jump out at me. You could also dig through show results and see what sounds good to you.
  8. That only works if the winner gets a big gold cowboy boot
  9. LOL @ Jada "boycotting." Yes, the academy is a bunch of old white guys but she is just transparent as fuck. What she means to say is "Will turned down Independence Day 2, did a serious movie and used an accent! Come on!"
  10. I didn't mind that. A lot of shows start in the middle of things and hint at exposition and, done well, you don't feel completely lost. Put me down for, "it was above average and I'm curious to see where it goes."
  11. Fuck all yall. Konnan was more over than the Easter Bunny on his own day.
  12. I just realized the Rumble is this Sunday. That threw me because it's usually held in the bye week between the NFL conference championship games and the Super Bowl. Any idea why they changed it this year?
  13. HURRRR YEAH FUCK THOSE GUYS THEIR SHIT SHUOLD BE NO SOLD :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  14. Watt and RG3, two platitude-spewing attention whores in one place, would be amazing. They'll either be best friends or mortal enemies. Maybe they can get matching letterman jackets.
  15. Shit yeah man, go for it. Managing IT can be cool or a nightmare, depending on if you have a good team and whether your higher-ups give two shits about technology vs "let's just keep running Server 2003 and Vista." You can probably get a feeling for both of those in the interview.
  16. Exactly. I'd argue against DDP and Sting both, but not here.
  17. Gotta admit NXT knows its target audience
  18. Cancer. Just kidding. Probably Truvia. Or cancer.
  19. Yes, but the man literally said that diet soda actually contains calories. Not the whole "trick your brain" thing. Calories. And that it contains many times more calories than non-diet soda. And that that the government and soda manufacturers are conspiring in some insidious plot to keep this fact away from you. This is like finding out your new girlfriend is a 9/11 truther. Yes, there are still positives, but you just can't look at her the same after that.
  20. Just not best actress. Well I wouldn't necessarily say anybody did much heavy lifting, acting-wise, in Mad Max. I loved the film, don't get me wrong, but it's more the amazing look of it, the action and the spectacle, than any acting work. It should win every award that related to how a film looks (cinematography, visual effects) because it's just a beautiful film. Acting? Not so much.
  21. I don't watch Law & Order SVU but has the plot of every episode devolved into "let's just make Mariska Hargitay a woman in peril?" I seem to remember seeing commercials for a seemingly endless episode arc where she was raped and tortured by Pablo Schreiber and now I keep seeing a commercial where she's kidnapped or held hostage or something. Big 4 network TV: always 30 years behind the times.
  22. LOL yeah god forbid a wrestler be asked to stop using a dangerous move that could cripple a dude wtf is Holly's problem man. Fuckin pussy he aint no Misawa I'll tell you that
  23. Considering DDP claims diet soda contains multiple-times more calories than regular soda but a conspiracy between the U.S. government and BIG SODA is keeping that fact from you...yeah, I wouldn't necessarily trust his diet advice.
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