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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. Yes Meltzer would make up something so inconsequential as an argument between Vince and a bottom-carder. Holy fuck.
  2. I get my sleeze/mean old dude stories mixed up...was Johnny the one who put lighter fluid in a guy's inhaler?
  3. How to tell you've gone to a shit tattoo artist: he puts Saran Wrap over a fresh tattoo. Sure, it can't breathe, but at least you don't need to wait a few hours before showing it off. After all, selfies are more important than proper healing.
  4. They need to alter Azteca's mask a bit. He looks like Kick-Ass.
  5. I watched the whole first season. It's okay enough, I guess. It's maddening how they don't get into much backstory, like how the takeover happened. The final episode of the season was shitty and didn't wrap much up, either. You know, on second though, go ahead and avoid the rest unless you're REALLY into it.
  6. Alex Wright's dick showed up in NXT Alex Wright showed up a minute later
  7. Wow, seriously? Sentence 2 (they ran Punk & Bryan ragged) directly contradicts sentence 1 (they don't push non-bodybuilders). I legitimately can't understand how the second sentence ties to any of the rest of Bret's "points." Triple H, by all accounts, is a huge wrestling fan from childhood. If Wikipedia is to be believed, he started watching when he was 5 and only started working out because he wanted to look like a wrestler. There's no way a guy who was pushing WWE to obtain the "Wrestling at the Chase" footage thought Hogan and Warrior were the best ever. Shit, he couldn't stand Warrior. Yeah, HHH only likes muscle guys. Fuuuuuck. Owens and Joe were already mentioned here. Look at the rest of NXT. Look at the Cruiserweight Tournament, whose crown jewel is an tiny tiny English kid. HHH is nowhere near the size queen that Vince and Dunn are. I can't even. Guys, remember when we thought of Bret as "the normal one" in that crazyass family?
  8. This is so true. If a female talent, any time in the history of WWE, acted like Michaels did in his prime, she'd be buried in a desert somewhere. It's still happening -- the latest example is the stories of Lana being "difficult" and getting punished. They had a skit where Rock, one of the biggest stars in history, was scripted to essentially call her a whore on national TV, likely as payback for some bullshit. This company's treatment of women is ridiculous.
  9. Flair's issues started long before his 11th failed marriage or Reid's death. His issue is he stopped being himself a long time ago and completely became the character "Ric Flair." I'd say that's the root of every other problem he has ever had in his life since then, as hard or cruel as that sounds.
  10. It was. HHH is just "Son In Law of The King of Liars" or maybe "Prince of Liars."
  11. I'm positive he did it in Lucha Underground but I can't remember his opponent. I specifically remember it because Striker called it as soon as he got the guy up into vertical suplex position, before there was any indication he was going for the SSD, which was goofy as fuck. EDIT: Joey Ryan!
  12. Is "King of Liars" on of the many names for Satan? I feel like it should be.
  13. Add "broke a Japanese table" to Big Mike's legend
  14. I was listening to the MSL and Sullivan podcast when someone wrote in asking about that issue. MSL cluelessly asked if Sullivan had any first-hand experience of a worked relationship turning into a real one. Facepalm so hard.
  15. That and think of it the other way around. Teams who don't like how negotiations are going could just run to the player, lay on some line of BS about how the agent isn't doing what's best for them, and con the player into signing a bad deal. No agent in the world would be okay with it if that sort of thing was allowed.
  16. Exactly. So either: Stephanie was an evil predator pursuing a guy who couldn't say no for fear of his job or HHH was a schemer going after a vulnerable girl as the ultimate career move or Something else entirely that none of us will ever be privy to so why assume the worst about people we don't know? Let's reserve that for Bill Belichik and Tom Brady.
  17. Uh....wow. I'm no fan of Stephanie at all but this is just...come on. Is there some definitive source that states Stephanie pursued HHH like you say here? Why does it even matter? Both are adults who can make their own decisions. Saying something like that puts a lot of assumptions on two people you don't even know. I mean, I guess you can talk about workplace propriety and how a higher-up really shouldn't pursue a relationship with a subordinate (yeah, I took that seminar at my job), but this is pro wrestling and the rules of this business have never mirrored those of the real world.
  18. "Please turn heel" would be the smarkiest of smarky chants and grade A number 1 the worst. I remember watching TNA a loooong time ago; Jarrett and his crew were in the ring and the smark fans were chanting "drop the belt." So Jarret smirks and literally drops the belt on the mat, then picks it up and laughs. Jarrett gets a pass forever in my book for clowning those goofs.
  19. Nobody in that match seems too sharp so they'll be okay
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